Friday, March 4, 2011

Help Needed On Fullerton

Good evening, everyone, it's 5:36pm. First, sorry for no blog post yesterday. My mom didn't really let me come on my computer yesterday. She wanted me to study for Driver's Ed class. Anyway, TGIF. This week's been not the best (being sick and dealing with drama at school), so I'm glad the weekend is here. Speaking of the weekend, I'll be monitoring 14 tomorrow, then the East Garfield Park community on Sunday. I'll monitor 25 on my day off on Monday. So, with that, here's crime for tonight.

5:43pm - Check the well being. 4242 W Fullerton. Female needs help in the basement.

6:38pm - Assault in progress. 4036 W Armitage. Two guys getting in each other's faces.
6:39pm - The 6:38pm guys are at Keystone and Armitage now, fighting.

6:40pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Keystone. 30 people fighting.

6:43pm - A slow down is being given on the 6:38pm job. No one's fighting.

6:46pm - Beat 2554 needs some assistance immediately. His partner was nearly ran over by a gray car from a gun call in an alley near Nelson and Melvina. Going east.

6:47pm - Speed chase. Speed chase. East on Nelson from Melvina. The car has fire temp plates on it. The plate is 61144F.

6:48pm - They lost the vehicle at Barry and Meade.

6:57pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:11pm - I'm back.

12:00am - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow with 14. Goodnight, everyone.


  1. Yay, Mom. Way to go!!! You're doing the right thing. Education before all else, Timmy

  2. Guys making noise on Armitage? Nonsense! Most of the calls for police service are just nonsense. Actually they need less police instead of more. Look at the calls. Have these nitwits go to the station to make their reports.

  3. You taking drivers ed? You gonna get a lowrider car?

  4. bobbo's twin, that wasn't a "guys making noise" call. It was two guys (probably gangbangers) about to fight, then they started fighting. Then allegedly, 30 people got involved. So read before you begin to call something nonsense. And less police? Do you really want our city to go to hell faster than it's going?

    Chico, no. I'm not one of these thug or "cool" kids. If I pass the class and somehow find the money to buy a car, I'm getting a normal one like a normal, mature person does.

    No offense, dad, but I don't need a lecture. Seriously. I'm so sick of everyone throwing up in my face how education is so important. If I was 12, 13 years old again, say it all you want. But I'm nearly 18 and almost out of high school (next year), so education isn't at the top of my worries anymore. As I get into my last year of high school in September, it's going to start going to the back burner. Now I have to worry about college, learning life skills, getting a job, living on my own and continuing to do all of the community work I do.

  5. Seriously. I'm so sick of everyone throwing up in my face how education is so important. If I was 12, 13 years old again, say it all you want. But I'm nearly 18 and almost out of high school (next year), so education isn't at the top of my worries anymore. As I get into my last year of high school in September, it's going to start going to the back burner. Now I have to worry about college, learning life skills, getting a job, living on my own and continuing to do all of the community work I do.

    Sunday, March 6, 2011 9:39:00 AM CST

    what the fuck do you think 'education' is, timmy?

  6. First off, do you really have to use the word "fuck"? Seriously? How about approaching me with a more educated response? Anyway, when I think of "education", I think of it being a kid or teenager sitting in a classroom, learning math, history, science, etc. I think of it as a kid being in school so they can get smarter and smarter each and everyday. That includes kids at my age. But you know what? I'm starting to little sick of sitting in a classroom, learning what I already know. I've been going to school for nearly 16 years now (I started at age 2 because of my disability) and maybe I would just like to move on with my life now. That includes being involved with the community. I think I have learned a lot from all of the years of being in school, and don't need to really learn more from books and what not. I need to learn real things now, and I need to stay involved with the community. If I don't care about the community, who will? I have to live here, after all, so why shouldn't I care? I feel that everyone who lives in a neighborhood should care about it and be involved.
