Saturday, March 5, 2011

Disturbance At Hotel On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. Today, I'm monitoring 14 for those of you who live there. Today may be quiet, as it's cold for this time of year, with temps being in the low 30s. Hopefully, it is, as I have to go out and do some community work. I also have to run to Target to pick up something. Anyway, I have an average week coming. On Tuesday, I have a block club meeting to attend for the 2700 block of Ridgeway, then I'll be visiting 1421's CAPS meeting on Wednesday. So, with that, here's crime for today.

8:05am - Disturbance. 2525 N Milwaukee. At the hotel. Problem with a man refusing to leave.

8:40am - Beat 1486 is doing foot patrol on Damen from North to Webster. Event number is 04103.

10:06 to 11:55am - I was out, doing some community work. I'll monitor this time period Monday.

12:00pm - Burglar alarm. 2855 W Belden.

12:07pm - Beat car 1413 has a handwaver at Fullerton and Artesian.

12:42pm - Beat 1402 needs an RD number for a missing 16 yr old from 1734 N Kedzie. It's HT189648 with the event number of 07305.

12:49pm - Disturbance. 2725 N Milwaukee. Male is being disruptive.

12:50pm - Holding the offender. 2656 N Elston. Male offender being held for shoplifting at Target. Funny, I literally just left Target at the time of this call, and didn't see anything like that.

12:51pm - Traffic accident. 2358 W Fullerton.

1:22pm - Disturbance. 3065 N Rockwell. There's a company dumping garbage into the Chicago River.

2:13pm - Suspicious person. Armitage and California. Green van with gangbangers in it who keep riding around the area.

2:42pm - Assault. 2500 N Elston. Manager of the store is drunk and wants to fight.

3:13pm - I have some things I need to take care of. I'll be back a little later. I'll get this time period on Monday.

5:12pm - I'm back.

6:39pm - Beat 1495 has a bad accident at Albany and Fullerton. Traffic control needed, injures, etc.

6:51pm - Sex offense. 1738 N St. Louis. Two people having sex in a pick-up truck.

8:14pm - Traffic accident. Maplewood and Diversey. Couple of calls on it.

8:24pm - Suspicious vehicle. Shakespeare and Damen.

8:35pm - Check the well being. 3406 W Dickens. Neighbor is intoxicated and is kicking in his own back door. He's very violent and the caller fear this guy's family's safety.

8:51pm - Check the well being? 2222 W Diversey. Caller hears banging.

8:59pm - Open door. 2446 N Fransisco. Neighbor's basement door is wide open.

9:06pm - Assault in progress. 2700 W North. Male, 33 yrs old, with a black jacket and black pants, is threatening the caller in front of the liquor store.

9:29pm - EMS run. 3402 W Cortland. Female down by the stop sign.

9:32pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Milwaukee. Caller's car hit a pothole just south of Fullerton on Milwaukee, and now it won't drive.

9:37pm - Alarm. 1807 N Sawyer.

9:38pm - Check the well being. 2078 N Milwaukee. Male with a pink top on and no socks or shoes appears to be high.

9:55 to 12:00am - I fell asleep. I'm so sorry. I'll have to get this time period tomorrow. That means East Garfield Park won't ever be monitored at this time period. Oh well.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning with East Garfield Park. See you all then.


  1. Perhaps if they'd end public aid all this nonsense would end? Make folks actually have to work for a living instead of getting handouts. This country can't afford it anymore.

  2. But what about families who actually need it (law-abiding families)? Some people have tried to get a job but haven't been successful in this economy, and there's others who were layed off. People who have worked before and can't because of the economy definitely need public aid. But I agree, people that have never worked a day in their life need to get off their behind and start working.

  3. But what about families who actually need it (law-abiding families)? Some people have tried to get a job but haven't been successful in this economy, and there's others who were layed off. People who have worked before and can't because of the economy definitely need public aid. But I agree, people that have never worked a day in their life need to get off their behind and start working.

    Sunday, March 6, 2011 9:28:00 AM CST

    then put them to work as a condition for receiving 'public aid'.

    doing what, you may ask?

    well, to start with:

    1. day care centers, for those recipients who have kids under school age, whose primary claim to not being able to work is that they have to care for their multiple broods of toddlers.

    2. food and housewares distribution centers, where basic staples would be distributed, instead of being bought at retail with the link card cash handout.

    3. cafeteria style feeding centers, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, as is common on military bases, instead of being bought at retail restaurants with the link card cash handouts.

    4. clothing distribution centers, with limited types of apparel, also like on military bases, instead of being bought at retail with the link card cash handouts.

    5. managing and administrating the above food, housewares, cafeteria and clothing distribution centers.

    6. eventually, manufacturing centers, making the clothing, housewares and food products distributed by the above distribution centers.

    7. training centers, for those who'll be receiving 'public aid', who will be building the above distribution centers, or remodeling existing structures for the same end purposes.

    8. training centers for all the various duties needed to operate the above manufacturing and distribution centers.

    9. seasonal gardening centers, to provide fresh produce for the cafeteria style feeding centers.

    10. in the event that some currently receiving 'public aid' choose to not participate in working, and thus earning, their monthly 'public aid' stipend, said individuals would no longer receive said 'public aid'.

    11. school aged children receiving 'public aid' will be required, as a condition of continuing to receive said 'aid', to maintain a 'B' average and a 95% attendance record. also, a '3 strikes' rule would apply concerning a student's possible contact with law enforcement, ie., you get arrested 3 times and no more 'public aid' for you.

    12. a set maximum limit on earned income from private sector employment to continue to receive the maximum amount of 'public aid', while still fulfilling all weekly hours of 'public aid' required work, with a sliding scale after exceeding that limit reducing 'public aid', and a cut off amount eliminating said 'public aid' benefits.

    no honest citizen seeking 'aid' from the working 'public' would object to joining the ranks of citizens who work, and thus earn, their daily bread, shelter, clothing, etc.

  4. How can you "put them to work"? Isn't them not being in work the first place the reason they're getting 'public aid'? First, your first reason has nothing to do with what I'm speaking of. I'm talking about families who have an adult (or adults) who has (have) been layed off from working in this economy. I'm not talking about some middle-class chick with a toddler or two. I'm talking about the lower income people.

    As for your other reasons, bringing them into work like that wouldn't work unless you give them good pay and let them have public aid for a certain amount of time. You can't just take people's public aid away from them as soon as they start working. Don't you realize what that can do to some families? That will have someone on the street in days, and then they will die from being out in the weather (hot, cold, stormy, etc.) for days with nothing to eat or drink. Also, why should people who don't have any money have to work for public aid? Like I said, that's the reason why they're getting it.

    As for #11, what does getting good grades have to do with anything? Maybe some kids don't get good grades because they don't understand the work they are getting in school. How can you not give them public aid if they have a learning disability or some other disability? But I do agree that they should maintain a 95% attendance record (unless they have to take care of younger siblings if there's no parent/guardian, or if they have to take care of an older person) and should not be arrested more than 3 times.

    But other than that, I think your logic is a bit on the fucked up side, yes?

  5. Go to the store at North and Cicero on the first of the month when those "Link" cards get loaded. You'll see the various types of freeloaders buying their chips and sh*t instead of proper staples of food. Most of them also seem to have fancy cars, gold jewelry, and numerous credit cards in their possession. And you say they need public aid?

  6. "But other than that, I think your logic is a bit on the fucked up side, yes?

    Monday, March 7, 2011 9:14:00 AM CST"

    sorry, timmy, but it's the presumptions you use to reach your logical conclusions that are fucked up.

    to wit:

    1. "Isn't them not being in work the first place the reason they're getting 'public aid'?"

    No, it's not.

    Per law, 'public aid' is supposed to be available only for those citizens who meet certain criteria proving that they both are currently unemployed and have custodial responsibility for one or more minor aged children. 'public aid' exists for the sole benefit of said children/dependents, not to support able bodied adults upon which no child depends.

    A person who, having been employed for a certain period of time, and who subsequently loses his/her job, is eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits for a finite period of time. Said person is also obligated, as a condition of receiving said benefits, to actively seek employment.

    Social Security Disability benefits are granted to those individuals whose specific mental/physical conditions make it impossible for said individuals to find employment.

    2. "As for your other reasons, bringing them into work like that wouldn't work unless you give them good pay and let them have public aid for a certain amount of time. You can't just take people's public aid away from them as soon as they start working. Don't you realize what that can do to some families? That will have someone on the street in days, and then they will die from being out in the weather (hot, cold, stormy, etc.) for days with nothing to eat or drink."

    Try reading my post again, this time with your brain turned on. Here are a few clues to help you understand what you're reading:







    3. "Also, why should people who don't have any money have to work for public aid? Like I said, that's the reason why they're getting it."




    4. "As for #11, what does getting good grades have to do with anything? Maybe some kids don't get good grades because they don't understand the work they are getting in school. How can you not give them public aid if they have a learning disability or some other disability?"

    If your getting to eat every day depends upon you attending school, paying attention in class, studying after school, taking the initiative to go to the local library to read more about the subjects you're being taught in class, seeking out assistance, from your parents, siblings, relatives, friends, classmates, etc., doing whatever it takes to keep your grades up, which means actually learning the subjects you are being taught, I suspect you will make all needed efforts to 'understand the work'.

    It's called 'motivation'.

    Also, the truly disabled are already covered by benefits from Social Security Disability, and, the primary reason for #11 is to eliminate those 'children', who commit criminal acts, from the welfare system. The suggested requirement for attendance and grade average is designed to discourage public aid recipient children from cutting school and goofing off in class.

    Ask your mother about the motivational value of using both 'the carrot AND the stick', each when appropriate.

  7. Well, Mr. Hu, people like that don't need it. Not at all. If they can do that B.S., then they can work. I'm talking about families who had someone working but got layed off because of the economy and have no money to pay for things like food, drinks, etc. I'm talking about people who are honest, are law-abiding people, etc. I feel if you're a criminal, drug dealer or gang member, there is no way in hell you should have the Link.

  8. Ok, here's my response to you:

    1) You just proved my point. It is. If they're not in work (for reasons like lay offs because of the economy), then how are they supposed to support their children, much less theirself? I understand public aid is mainly for children, but it is for adults also, or should be, for the law-abiding ones, who have been layed off. If not, then how the hell are they are supposed to support theirselves? Where will they get the money? There's no way to do it unless you get public aid. I see that you mentioned unemployment. What if they don't get it?

    2) I understand those are jobs, but how are you just going to cut people's benefits off right when they get the job? You talk about taking people off of 'public aid' right when they get hired. Do you not understand you CAN'T DO THAT? And for this reason: PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN LAYED OFF NEED 'public aid' OR unemployment. You CANNOT take someone's benefits away from them like that. You need to let the person have a certain amount of time at the job and make sure they get good enough pay to just cut stuff. And, better what, what if they DON'T get the job?? Then what? Will you still cut their benefits???

    3) It's ALL about YOU, isn't it? Then what's the point of even sitting here arguing with you when you're being a selfish bastard in the first place. Like I said to you before, start thinking of others and stop being so hateful. That will get you nowhere. Also, you don't make any sense here. "I CAN EAT ONLY WHAT I HAVE THE MONEY..." Sorry, but I don't understand foreign language like that. Finally, for this point of this pointless argument, I'm not saying people shouldn't work to earn money to pay for their needs, but I am saying that people should be able to receive benefits if they have been LAYED OFF and CANNOT find employment.

    4) Again, what does a kid attending school have to do with EATING??? School AND eating are important, but you know what, I would rather eat any day than attend school. Eatting is a key to survival, so even if you don't attend school, you need to eat, and it is your right as a human being. Also, I know a few kids who do do the things you mentioned to get help, but they still don't understand the work. And these kids pay attention in class, go to the library, etc. Some people just don't know some subjects. You can't make everyone know everything. And you want to talk about motivation for the youth? Really? How can the youth be motivated if adults are constantly bringing them down? Adults pressure the youth to do lots of things, but when the youth tries and doesn't succeed, that same adult is there to downgrade them. You want to talk about motivation? Where's these teachers for these after school programs? Oh, they went home. You want to talk about motivation? Why is there a clear lacking of after school activities then? Why is it that I see the youth on the streets with nothing to do after school? And don't give me the bullshit they're all gangbangers or criminals. There are youth who would like to do something after school, but once again, adults don't provide the youth with anything to do. They just want us to go to school, get the best grades, stay off the streets. They fail to realize we the youth are PEOPLE too.

    I feel like I just preached a sermon there. But I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I'll preach some more.

  9. Sorry Timmy but Anonymous has a point. You are looking at it from your point of view. Going to school and getting good grades should be an incentive if someone is on public aid. You are looking at it from a teenagers point of view. Maybe not a B average but a C average will suffice. If you look at the corralation of dropouts and those receiving public aid I am sure that most drop outs do get it. And Me ME ME , hell yeah Timmy , it is all about me if my hard work and money goes to support public aid then I should be able to regulate it. We are not saying get rid of it, just lets control it. Getting laid off and get unemployment is NOT the same as public aid. You have to WORK to be able to qualify for unemployment. Take a look at MOST of the people that are on public aid. Are they motivated to get off their ass and look for work?? Do you now how much it costs to feed a family of 4? Let alone a family of 8? Losing that link card is what makes most people think twice about finding a job

  10. Anonymous 8:24, it is my point of view, but it's not "teenager's view" of things. I would hold the same opinion if I were 30 and saying something like that. I agree that teens should be required to be good grades, BUT, I strongly think it should be looked at by a case-to-case basis. For teens that have a learning disability and have been trying hard to understand the work and still can't really get a good grade, then they should definitely get public aid if they are eligible for it. But teens that don't try or can understand the work shouldn't get public aid if they don't maintain a 'C' average. Believe me, I believe in regulating the system, too. Kids who are in gangs, are criminals, etc., should definitely never get public aid. They chose to live that life system, let them suffer.

    I am aware unemployment isn't the same as getting public aid. You just get paid some cash for a certain time on unemployment.

  11. Oh, and anonymous 8:24, I wouldn't have had problems with anonymous' comments, provided s/he didn't disrespect me like they did. What pisses me off is this person's lack of respect in their comments. You don't go around talking to people like they are dogs, calling them every name in the book. I treat people the way I wanted to be treated, which is with respect, so why shouldn't I get some respect in return?

  12. "Anonymous 8:24, it is my point of view, but it's not "teenager's view" of things. I would hold the same opinion if I were 30 and saying something like that."

    if this turns out to be true, then you'll be still thinking like a teenager when you're 30 years old.

    "For teens that have a learning disability and have been trying hard to understand the work and still can't really get a good grade, then they should definitely get public aid if they are eligible for it."

    that's what Social Security Disability benefits are for.

    also, remember, 'public aid' is granted to adult citizens with dependent aged children, thus, a teen with a verified learning disability would be covered up until reaching the age of adulthood.

    "Oh, and anonymous 8:24, I wouldn't have had problems with anonymous' comments, provided s/he didn't disrespect me like they did. What pisses me off is this person's lack of respect in their comments. You don't go around talking to people like they are dogs, calling them every name in the book."

    a humble man cannot feel disrespected.

    only the arrogant ever feel disrespected.

    "I treat people the way I wanted to be treated, which is with respect, so why shouldn't I get some respect in return?"

    to expect to be respected is to depend upon the actions of another conforming to your desires, which, by definition, is selfish and, thus, not at all humble.

    selfish people are often humiliated.

    humble people are never humiliated.

    which are you?

  13. I'm sorry but where did he talk to you like a dog? Timmy I think you atacked him first saying that his logic is fucked up. He was just stating his opinions on how to make it work. And you belioeve in free speech so I am having a hard time seeing why you are upset. Because he has a different opinion then you? I just read his first post again and once again I don't see him attacking you at all.
    As far as kids having learning disabilities , yes some do. But there should be a law showing that this child is at least trying .Something. Some of these kids go to school , sit there, do nothing but disrupt the class and show no effort.
    If a child is trying to learn and putting effort into it , he/she will be rewarded. Look at the dropouts why should they be on public aid if they spend their day doing nothing but gang banging and drug dealing.- Natalia

  14. I'm not arrogant, that's one thing. Let me tell you and everybody else something here. I do nothing but bend all ways for all of you people in this so-called community, I go to all of YOUR damn meetings (which YOU should be attending!), and everything else around here. I am fucking TIRED of it. You want a safe community, YOU do YOUR share of being involved and holding the CPD and elected officials accountable! It CANNOT AND WILL NOT JUST BE ME! Seriously. I'm the ONLY person in this damn neighborhood who gives a shit about anything, and it's SICKENING. You people pay taxes, GET INVOLVED and STOP pinning all of the work on people like me! Or otherwise I will stop everything I do and I will get the fuck out of this neighborhood. I don't need this shit. I'm stressed out as it is, you people do nothing but make it more stressing for me.

    Natalia, no disrespect meant, but seriously? Do you see the comments this person leaves me on a daily basis? There's not many that even make it over because I try to ignore it, but this person sends me A LOT of degrading comments that do nothing but call me all type of names and say nasty things. Is that how you disagree with someone? Tell me that. I'm so sick of everyone around me they can just talk to me anyway they want to. Dammit, I'm an adult in three months. People need to start treating me like one. Yes, I did say his logic is fucked up, because 1) it is and 2) all the times he's said something stupid to me on MY blog ... and I can't say anything back?? Really? Am I supposed to just
    "ignore it"??

    I'm done with this topic. I apologize for any comments I made. I'm sorry I even said anything on my own blog. But mark my words, all of you (readers) will pay for this. I may sound crazy or whatever, but I could care less. You can say I've snapped. I've had it.

  15. No I haven't seen all of his posts , I just responded to this one. As for people stating their opinions and comments don't let it bug you. Its a price people pay for standing out in the world. You are a public figure of sorts , so don't worry about it too much. Natalia
