Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year: 2011!

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:00am. Happy New Year to all!!! It's 2011! I'm excited and hopeful for this new year. I'm hoping it brings a lot of good things. But I'm sure it will, namely because I turn 18 this year, which means I'll finally be an adult, and it's a year closer that I finally graduate from school. Well, anyway, I will be making a second post tomorrow morning regarding crime highlights of 2010 for this neighborhood. Here is crime for this first day in 2011.

12:04am - 1) Shots Fired. Fullerton and Pulaski. 2) Shots Fired. Belmont and Milwaukee.

12:06am - Shots Fired. 3053 N Davlin.

12:08am - 1) Shots Fired. 1953 N Monticello. 2) Shots Fired. Wolfram and Lawndale.

12:22am - Shots Fired. 2027 N Keeler.

12:39am - Loud music disturbance. 1818 N Harding. Party.

12:41am - Shots Fired. Dickens and Lawndale. 6 heard.

1:00am - The 12:41am call was coded at 12:49 as 19Boy. Also, just so everyone knows, the RD numbers this year are HenryTom (HT).

1:02am - Here is a report of a shooting from Chicago News Report that occurred in our community last night (New Year's Eve).

1:05am - Person w/ a gun. Armitage and Central Park. 12 males on the corner, flashing guns at passing drivers.

1:24am - Speed pursuit. Speed pursuit. East on Chicago from Central. Black Grand Am that's stolen is speeding east. A few units are chasing this car.

1:25am - The person bailed from the vehicle. Augusta and Cicero. He jumped out in an alley.

1:26am - The offender is in custody. Great job, 15th District officers!

1:42am - Vice complaint. 3905 W Belmont.

1:58am - Battery in progress. Wrightwood and Ridgeway. Male beating a female on the street.

1:59am - Reckless driver. Central Park and Fullerton. Car speeding west.

2:00am - I'm heading to bed. Good night, everyone, and Happy New Year again!

9:00am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone :).

10:00am - Parker. 28X8 N Ridgeway. Car parked by the fire hydrant.

11:05am - Battery in progress. 2604 N Hamlin.

11:30am - Just so everyone's on notice, if your comments don't make it through, that's because it's either non-sense, shit stirring or racist. And I'm not putting up with it this year. Enough posts were destroyed in 2010 with that B.S.

12:00pm - Loud music disturbance. 2329 N Kedvale.

1:07pm to 1:20pm - Went to the store.

3:00pm - 1) Traffic accident. Ridgeway and Milwaukee. 2) Parker. 3986 W Barry.

3:03pm - Fire. 2538 N Avers.

3:04pm - FYI, folks, but I'm monitoring 14 tomorrow from 6:42-8am.

3:22pm - The 3:03pm job is bona fide, involves ComEd wires. Beat car 2525, the unit assigned, will remain on scene for a while.

4:30pm - Vice complaint. On 2523's Beat.

5:18pm - Disturbance. 3600 W Diversey. Three teens in the store, refusing to buy anything and refusing to leave.

6:28pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:42pm - I'm back.

9:07pm - Battery. 2336 N Springfield. Caller was beaten up yesterday.

9:58pm - Just putting this out there, but Zone 12 will be getting a new dispatcher on Afternoons (Third Watch, 2-10pm) starting tomorrow. Lisa, one of the regulars that was on the Zone since January of 2010, is being switched to another shift and another Zone. And, Wednesday, we'll be losing the other regular, as he's being also switched. She, Lisa, could dispatch good, so she'll be missed. I'll be bittersweet about the other one, as he's got a know-it-all attitude, but he's been on the Zone since I first started listening in 2007.

11:00pm - I'm heading to bed. I'll be back at 6:42am tomorrow morning with 14. Good night, everyone.


  1. Nice way to start the year huh lol, Im guessing theres way more that go uncall cause its the new years tradition sadly Happy New Years.

  2. Anonymous, yeah, there is. I'm hearing gunshots in my area (mixed in with fireworks) but I'm not calling them in unless I either see someone doing it, or someone gets shot.

    j, most of these are.

  3. Happy New Year. Shots fired. Happy New Year. Shots fired. Happy New Year. Shots Fired.

    Slow down. It's only fireworks. How many times have we heard that before?

    Happy New Year, Timmy.

  4. I've been hearing that a lot tonight so far, Craig. And it's not even the first hour of what will be all night celebrations. Happy New Year to you also.

  5. Who started the shooting guns in the air nonsense? It seems to be something thru out history. Does everyone think they're in an old western movie, acting like cowboys drunk in town? Perhaps we could bring in the military. Have them shoot down all these gunslingers on sight?

  6. Happy New Year Timmy and Mom !!

  7. Hi. Lisa here. Dispatcher for zone 12. Just so your information is correct, I've dispatched on the zone since January of 2010, not April.

  8. Hi there, Lisa. I'll update that info. Sorry about that. Good luck on your new Zone, by the way.
