Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve 2010

Good morning, everyone, it's 10:30am. Happy New Year's Eve to all! Just one more day until 2011 (and I'm thanking goodness for that)! I'm happy that we're going into a new year. I hope that we have a lot less crime in Avondale and Logan Square. It's been crazy in '10. Well, anyway, we'll just be here for New Years. It'll be quiet. Also, as you may imagine, this is the last day until December 1, 2011 that I'm doing Christmas colors. So, here's crime on this last day of 2010.

10:37am - Suspicious person. 3714 W McLean. Two male Blacks standing in front.

10:46am - More suspicious characters. This one's at Dickens and Lawndale. Two male Blacks, one in a blue hoodie, were loitering on the corner and attempted to gain entry into a house.

10:57am - Burglary in progress. 3712 W McLean.

11:22am - New Year's Eve backlog in 25 at 11:22 hours. Yep, already. I've got a feeling we'll be in a backlog all day.

12:24pm - Gang disturbance. 40X0 W Armitage. They're out, flashing signs and loitering.

12:25pm - DUI driver. Springfield and North. A black Jeep Cherokee with a plate of H294616 has a guy in it who's got a beer can open while driving. He's heading west on North, towards Harding.

12:41pm - 1) Disturbance. 2550 N Pulaski. 8 guys loitering at the gas station. 2) Landlord/tenant dispute. 2524 N Central Park.

1:09pm - Disturbance. Belmont and Pulaski. Drunk guy on CTA bus #6535, refusing to get off. The bus is standing northbound on Pulaski.

1:13pm - The 1:09pm job is on 17's side, at 3213 on Pulaski. The guy also needs an ambulance.

1:21pm - Burglar alarm. 1937 N Monticello.

1:30pm - Renewed backlog in 25 at 13:30 hours. I guess it was taken out sometime ago.

1:47pm - I'm going to lay down for a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night, and I was awoken at 6:15 by those storms this morning. I should be back by 3. See you all then.

3:00pm - I'm back. Good afternoon, folks :).

3:30pm - Information for the police. 17X1 N Harding. Shell casings were found from last night's shooting.

3:43pm - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Belmont.

3:56pm - The rain is clearing up, and it's in the low 50s right now. Nice weather out. I'm still keeping an eye on things as I always do, and speaking of that, I ask if all you can help me by sending in reports of anything that happens in your corner of the community, especially those of you who live in 14 and 17. If there's anything crazy, I'll have it in a post tomorrow morning. Thanks, everyone!

4:04pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2966 N Lawndale. The brother is acting violent and is a known mental.

4:08pm - Beat car 2523 is on scene at 2966 Lawndale and is requesting back-up. The guy went into the alley and she's by herself. A couple of units are going to go assist her.

4:13pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:04pm job. She's got some help on scene.

4:16pm - A disregard is being given now. Plenty of help on the scene.

5:00pm - Theft. Pulaski and Cortland. Caller had their phone stolen aboard CTA bus #1467, which is standing northbound.

5:19pm - Battery in progress. 2939 N Springfield. 20 to 30 people fighting in the street.

5:35pm - A slow down has been given on the 5:19pm job.

6:27pm - Disturbance. 2516 N Central Park.

6:31pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:43pm - I'm back.

7:20pm - The third backlog of New Year's Eve, at 19:20 hours. The backlog before was taken out, too. But I'm pretty sure this is the backlog that'll remain with us all night.

7:49pm - Parker. 3113 N Springfield. This call's been pending since about the time I left for dinner.

7:50pm - Burglar report. 3655 W Shakespeare.

7:56pm - Battery in progress. 3700 W Diversey. Two intoxicated people fighting in front.

8:08pm - A premise check is being done at 1747 N Springfield.

8:11pm - Just received this report from a reader listening to their scanner in 17: "
person with gun Belmont and Kimball at the dunkin donuts heading north on Kimball now. just came out. nothing concrete yet. 10 mins old. male white and black guys younger,".

8:15pm - The 8:11pm job is coded 19Boy by 17th District officers.

9:34pm - Information for the police. 3820 W Diversey. White Honda with a plate of K770575 is wanted for a shooting. It's in the alley.

9:47pm - Traffic accident. 1855 N Pulaski. Hit and run.

11:00pm - Just one more hour until the New Year! And, it's already 2011 in some parts of the country, so Happy New Year to those reading from those parts!

11:11pm - Parker. 3002 N Davlin.

11:14pm - Loud music disturbance. 2431 N Monticello. 20 people partying in an apartment, and are also partying in the street.

11:42pm - Person w/ a knife. Central Park and Wabansia. Male Hispanic, white t-shirt, black pants has a knife. There's a group fighting on the street.

11:43pm - 1) Battery in progress. 2102 N Pulaski. Fight on the street. 2) Battery in progress. 2827 N Harding. 3) Beat car 2522Robert has a traffic stop at Wolfram and Lawndale.

11:46pm - 1) Burglary in progress. 3712 W McLean. Someone's breaking into the basement. 2) The 11:42pm job is at 1637 N Central Park. The offenders are gone but the victim(s) want a report. It's on 14's side.

11:57pm - Assault in progress. Wellington and Springfield. 7 males chasing one south towards George on Springfield.

11:59pm - Battery in progress/Person with a gun. George and Springfield. Three males in black clothing are running north towards Wellington with guns.


  1. I heard that they will let you shoot your guns, or even rent guns to shoot at the 14th District station parking lot for the midnite gunfest tonight.

  2. No surprise with the 14th District. I just hope no one gets shot.

  3. LOL I seen these bangers shooting In the streets like nothing Is going to happen, there probably shooting for ten minutes, and the cops never show up from 14. The bangers are even shooting a block away from their headquarters and they still dont do nothing. They should shut down 14 there filled with croocked cops and they have been investigated tons of times by the FBI, I guess being friends with all the drug dealers In the area they get a big profit. 25 Is better but there still Is a couple nuckleheads In there district, but there way better than 14.

  4. You're right, the 'bangers could shoot in 14 for 10 or more minutes and the cops in that District still wouldn't do anything about it. And, yeah, they can shoot a block away from the station and still ... those cops in 14 sure are crocked. As far as them shutting down 14, I think they should just replace all of the cops currently working out of there. You're also right that they've been investigated a lot by the FBI. And, finally, I agree that while 25 does have a couple of knuckleheads (I've dealt with these idiots before, too), the cops there are way better.

  5. Some kids teens were firing shots into the air around 7pm by Armitage and Keystone, they fired 3 times each time ringing out seven shots each. They were smart because after they fired the shots they threw in some fireworks so the neighbors wont call the cops and they didn't only I did because I say them shooting. I call but the operator said It's probably fireworks I'm like no there shooting guns and then diverting by throwing fireworks she said she was going to send cops but I'm pretty sure she didn't no one came and as Im writing this theres 5 to 7 goons out on Armitage Avenue and 8 on Dickens I dont even fell like calling because If the cops show up there not going to do anything, just drive by. There selling but still there wont come maybe 10min later after my call made, and to me It's a waste of time because they dont carry the drugs they hide them whereever.

  6. I just heard a naked man at Cicero and Van Buren. I believe thats the Austin District. Are people this crazy tonight?

  7. Americanlt, I didn't hear that call, and the Zone I'm listening to also covers that intersection. Must've been on the east side of Cicero, which starts the 11th District.

    Anonymous 10:41, I didn't hear that call, and I've been listening in non-stop since 6:43, so the operator you got never forwarded your call to the dispatcher. Sorry to hear about this. But I still think you should've called in those teens doing what they were doing. The police may have came and not do anything, but at least your call would be documented with 911. And, I would be happy if they showed up in 10 minutes. That's really fast for a call like that. Most times, they don't respond for 20-35 minutes. Oh well. Happy New Year.

  8. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
