Sunday, December 5, 2010

Violence In The Community Overnight Saturday

There is some violence I have to report to all of you that occurred in the wee hours of the morning yesterday (Saturday). These are two different incidents, but still, it's violence. Fortunately, no violence to report on my block :). So, here's what I got...

  • "Around 2:30 to 3:00am early on Saturday (today, I guess) there were four shots fired in an alley way near the intersection of Wellington and Sawyer. Not sure if anyone was hurt or who did it...Does anyone know anything more about this?"
  • "I heard six shots being fired on central park ave by shakespeare. Around four in the morning..."
Then, if that wasn't enough, there was an incident near Lawndale and Fullerton...
  • "I heard some shots ring out by in front of my apartment. I was playing some video games and got up to see if it was still snowing, I see nothing I walk back to my coach which is no less than two feet away from the window. I start hearing three people arguing they sounded black i heard one guy say "you wanna get buck huh jo run up then" thats when three shots ring out I got down because they were right infront of me then I hear a female say something but cant make what she said i hear two more shots by the alley. A good minute passes and I open my window and see nothing no blood no body no casings, I didnt call the police yet I go knock on my neighbors door to tell him If he heard anything he says he heard two shots I ask another guy and he says he didnt. I go outside to see If anything actually happen. Theres three guys in the corner of the block and I go ask them If they heard anything they say they have been there for more than three hours and they havent heard any gunshots. I walk to the alley and see nothing no blood nothing I walk up and down the block and nothing Im thinking should I find the cops because there seems to be nothing but I heard a argument and then gunshots and people running. Well I go back inside I decided not to call the cops because I found no evidence of a crime, Im wondering If It was the person that lives on top of me maybe he had his tv to high I go up and check but hes sound asleep I could hear him snoring. Well idk If It was a shooting or not but I clearly hear shots fired this happen around two in the morning by fullerton and lawndale right by the alley."

Anyone have insight on these incidents?


  1. You guys have got to stop watching those violent movies like "Scarface" or "The Matrix" Seems most folks like to act out these movies. Remember, they're just movies, not to be played for real....

  2. These guys really need shooting lessons. Then at least we'd be rid of some of them.

  3. Anonymous 3:42, I think what we need is for these idiots to be locked up (but then again, jail is fun these days), or for them to be educated, or something. I don't know. But I think them shooting each other doesn't help.

  4. I was coming home getting out my vehicle when i heard shoots fire, i live by fullerton n lawndale so im pretty sure its the same inccident the guy posted i seen a black guy and girl teens eigthteen yrs of age or so walking towards central park. I was really knocked out so i didnt bother calling the cpd

  5. Probably ghosts of the Lawndale/Altgeld Gaylords....
