Saturday, December 4, 2010

Parking Fight Breaks Out On Altgeld

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:24pm. Today's been a good day, but it's been really snowy. I think we got at least two inches, which is good because it's not that bad out there. Anyway, I rode the CTA's Holiday Train this evening, and it was just magical. You could really feel the Christmas spirit. It was so much fun to see the kids being so happy with their parents. But enough of the mushy stuff. I'm monitoring tomorrow until my dinner. Speaking of monitoring, there will be limited blogging on Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, I've got the CAPS Beat meeting for 2523 over at Copernicus on Milwaukee to go to (it's at 7pm), then I've got a block club meeting Thursday to attend. After that, on Friday, I have to stay after school for a Student Government meeting. Here's crime for this evening.

7:31pm - Battery in progress. 4442 W Altgeld. People fighting over parking.

7:59pm - Beat 5568 needs a Polish translator at 3116 N Milwaukee Ave.

8:32pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.

10:33pm - Explosion. 5806 W Fullerton. Two calls on it. Details to follow...

10:34pm - The explosion was a transformer, nothing too major.

10:47pm - Narcotics. 3919 W Fullerton. There's drug transactions going on at this moment in Rm 305 of the Fullerton Hotel.

11:15pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2422 N Kildare. People having a party in a vacant apartment.

11:47pm - 1) Landlord/tenant dispute. 4156 W Oakdale. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2433 N Kildare. Party.

11:48pm - Theft. 3800 W North. Male with a black jacket and blue pants stole liquor from the liquor store.

11:52pm - Battery in progress. 2914 N Ridgeway. There's about 8 men involved in a fight. Heading towards George.


  1. Perking fight? That's a laugh, since most folks don't know how to park a car anyway. They don'r even have parallel parking on the state driving test anymore since most fail it.
