Monday, November 15, 2010

Male Beats Female @ Pulaski and Nelson

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:59pm. School was ok but tiring. Just glad to be at home now. Anyway, I have my first of four meetings tonight for this week. Tonight is the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting at St. Hyacinth's at 7pm, which I'm going to. Then, tomorrow, I've got a block club meeting to attend. On Wednesday, I have to stay after school for a Student Government meeting, then finally, on Thursday, I've got my block club meeting to go to, in addition of going to my school to pick up my report card. It's going to be a really busy week for me, and blogging will be very limited. Just thought I'd let you all know that. Here's crime for this late afternoon and early evening.

4:19pm - Battery in progress. Pulaski and Nelson. Male beating on a female.

4:29pm - EMS run. 1625 N Harding.

5:31pm - 1) Barking dog. 2747 N Ridgeway. 2) Landlord/tenant dispute. 2921 N Ridgeway.

6:13pm - I'm getting ready to go the meeting. If I don't return by 8:30, I'll probably see you all tomorrow.


  1. Why doesn't the Catholic church care for the homeless? Afterall most of the polish and mexican bums are catholic. The Red Apple resturant feeds numerous homeless every night in the back after closing. Lots of perogis to give out or throw out.

  2. If you're talking about St. Hyacinth's, they do care for the homeless. They feed them like once a week, I think, and they provide shelter. They used to do it nightly, but have cut back a bit because of numerous community complaints (I didn't complain about it, though. I think it's a good thing they do that).

  3. I really dont mind them feeding the homeless, what i find kind of weird is that on Humboldt Park they hand out neddles and clean water ect for clean heroin use. That is kind of out there you know giving away all this stuff for heroin use i heard there doing it in Logan Square to but idk but i know for sure they do it in Humboldt.

  4. The priest at St. Hyacinths was charging the homeless money to stay in rectory. That ended after one was found dead in there last year. Supposely taking a cut of their Polish army pension checks.
