Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gangbangers Fighting On Belmont

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:44pm. I've had a pretty bad day, and just glad to be home. I've got another meeting this evening. It's a block club meeting. After tonight, I've got a Student Government meeting after school tomorrow, then on Thursday, I have to go to school with mom to pick up my report card, then I've got a block club meeting. My busy week is halfway through already, which is good :). So, here's crime for this afternoon and early evening.

4:08pm - Battery in progress. Belmont and Ridgeway. Gangbangers fighting in the west alley of Ridgeway, south of Belmont.

4:14pm - The gangbangers are now fighting at Lawndale and Belmont.

4:26pm - 1) Parker. 2530 N Hamlin. 2) Check the well being. 2600 block of N Springfield. Male and female arguing.

5:17pm - Burglar alarm. 2131 N Avers.

5:53pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back tomorrow, so good night, everyone.

8:41pm - I'm baaaaack, for a few m0ments. The block club meeting I went to was great. They've got so much going for them, I think.

9:00pm - And now I'm going to bed. Good night.


  1. Why do folks keep caling in such nonsense about gangbangers fighting all the time? The cops know you are calling just because most of you hate kids having a good time. What a bunch of cranky old ladies most folks are.

  2. Because most of us don't want their kind anywhere near our homes or property. Most of these gangbangers should stay home at their parents house and get a job. Call 911 everytime these swine step out of line. Let them know that they should have stayed in school past the 6th grade, learned how to read and write and gotten a real job.

  3. Uh, most of you in the area are mere renters. Thus, you don't own any property.

  4. Anonymous 7:47, want to know why? Because we're absolutely sick and tired of them fighting. Don't you understand that some of their stupid fights leads up to shootings, stabbings, or etc.? And these aren't kids either. That area has a real gang problem. I dare you to go up on Belmont at Lawndale or Ridgeway, especially when the weather gets warm again, for a few hours and report back to me on what you see. And, it's not nonsense. These are really fights. These aren't kids having a "good time". And, how would YOU describe kids having a "good time"? Is having a "good time" being disrespectful to everyone passing you by, hanging out in large groups, being rowdy, smoking dope or drinking? I don't think so.

    Roadwolf, I absolutely agree. Instead of acting all ghetto and tough, these punks need to get a real job, and read and write.

    Anonymous 6:57, doesn't matter. They're still near our homes. We pay our taxes to live in the area, too, don't we? So yeah, we've got a right to say something when there's gang fights in front of our homes if we want.

  5. I see they've cleaned out the house on Belmont near Monticello where the guy killed a woman and raped her corpse. It had homeless living in it for a while, but now its cleaned up and rented out again. Wonder if those who live there now know of its history?

  6. @ Anonymous 6.57am - I own a house. I pay property taxes. I expect people to try and better themselves through education and work. I have absolutely no tolerance for the lazy swine that hang out on corners acting like jackasses and those who make excuses for them. Clean it up and graduate high school and/or college and get to work. And if you have a kid, be a man and raise them to be responsible and educated in life. This street thug crap must be incredibly cool when you are flat broke at 33 years old and can hardly read or write.

  7. I'll bet roadwolf overpaid on his tar paper sided shack. Most buildings in the area have serious building code violations.

  8. @ Anonymous 11:50pm - Where are you assuming I live? Avondale/Logan Square is a large area. There are no "Tar Paper Sided Shacks" anywhere near my property.

  9. Shitcago's becoming the next Detroit. An old scrap heap of what was once a great city. In the 50's of course..

  10. Uh Roadwolf, they don't have to work. They all get goverment handouts. (your tax dollars) Why work if you don't have to? Did you know they've added drug and alcohol addiction to the disabilities act. Therefore they get public aid.
