Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taser Deployment @ Hamlin and Wabansia

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:39pm. School was crazy today. There was a big fight which resulted in a staff member getting hurt. The way the cops came, it was an action movie. But enough of that. I've changed my mind again about tomorrow. I'll be going to the football game, but will leave there a bit early to get back home by 6pm, so I can have a quick dinner, then go to a block club meeting for about an hour. Then I'll be home for the night. But there will be no blog post tomorrow, as I'm going to be really busy tomorrow. So, here's crime for this afternoon.

4:05pm - Beat car 2535 has a taser deployment at Hamlin and Wabansia. A Sergeant and the wagon are going.

4:07pm - It's probably going to be a 10-1. An officer is requesting the wagon to speed up, because the female who's involved in the incident is REALLY going off. She almost bit one of the officers. You can hear her in the background, hysterically screaming.

4:46 to 5:29pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.

5:31pm - Burglar report. 1918 N Harding.

6:44pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:58pm - I'm back.

8:02pm - Narcotics. Monticello and Fullerton.

8:11pm - 1) Parker. 4140 W Wellington. 2) Burglar report. 1649 N Springfield.

9:09pm - I have to go. I'll be back on Friday. Good night, everyone, and please be safe.


  1. A woman was whipping the police on Wabansia?

  2. Guess she was hungry and had the taste for cop meat. Poor Officers! I hope they ended up safe!

  3. All she got was traffic tickets, nothing more.

  4. Anonymous 4:39, are you serious? This woman was on the verge of fighting the police, and she wasn't locked up? And, anonymous 1:23, they thankfully were safe :).
