Friday, October 22, 2010

Slashed Tires On Barry

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:05am. I'm off from school today, as the teachers have a "Staff Day" only thing going on. Which is cool with me. However, I'm going to my school this evening. But to have fun :). I'm going to my school's Homecoming Dance. Anyway, it's cold outside. It's only like 36 degrees right now. But it's supposed to be near 70 degrees, so that's cool. Anyway, tomorrow, I'm monitoring 17 for those of you north of Belmont. Here's crime for today.

8:39am - Criminal damage. 4183 W Barry. Someone slashed the caller's tires on their car.

9:21am - Theft. 3909 W Belmont.

9:27am - I need to run a couple of errands. I'll be back.

10:04am - I'm back for now. I'll be here until 11:30, then I'm going to take a nap until about 12:30, then at 1, I need to run one more errand.

10:30am - Parker. 2559 N Pulaski.

10:49am - Beat 2506Charlie is on a burglary mission on Beat 2523.

11:32am - Ok, I'm off for a nap. See you all a little later.

3:53pm - I'm finally back. Had other things to do.

4:19pm - Traffic accident. Ridgeway and Altgeld.

4:50pm - Burglar alarm. 3055 N Pulaski.

4:58pm - The 4:19pm job is now coming in as 3746 on Altgeld.

5:07pm - Disturbance. 3106 N Haussen. Problem with the neighbor.

5:24pm - I'm off to the dance. I'll be back either later or tomorrow.

11:03pm - I'm finally back :). The dance was great.

11:18pm - Burglar alarm. 4301 W Diversey.

11:52pm - Narcotics. Schubert and Kilbourn. Eight teens getting high in Kelvyn Park.

11:57pm - I need some ZZZZs, so at this point, I leave you all. Good night, everyone. Be back in the morning.


  1. What happened at Belmont Blue line station last night at 6pm ?

  2. Last night shortly after dark, I had the unfortunate experience of waiting for an eastbound 77 bus on the corner of Belmont and Pulaski. That corner is creepy enough at night, but I couldn't believe the number of rats prancing around the garbage next to the fence in the old Jewel parking lot, too numerous to count. Someone needs to light a fire under whoever is managing that property to get the garbage cleaned out of there before someone gets a rat bite while waiting for the bus. Anyone know where in the city one would direct an inquiry to about this? Its a public nuisance and a health hazard.

  3. The vacant Jewel is now owned Tony's Finer Foods, Inc., and Tony's is keeping it vacant on purpose to discourage grocery competition in the area. They have it for lease at obscenely high rates. Complain to the alderman and to Tony's about the state of this property!

  4. Sorry to hear Tony's is playing hardball in terms of real estate.

    Or am I ?

    As a customer, whatever preserves Tony's share of the market and saves him money also saves ME money.

    But I wish he would maintain his properties better. So does everyone. Except the alley cats.

  5. Why did the polish grocery store on Milwaukee and Haussen close?

  6. Anonymous 12:17, I don't know, but can ask around.

    Pro, sorry to hear that happened. If you'd like, I can bring this up at 2523's CAPS meeting on Wednesday. I have actually heard stories about this from other CAPS members in the community.

    I agree that there needs to be a complaint filed with the alderman regarding the state of the vacant Jewels.

    Anonymous 4:38, Mulica's is closed because the owner decided to shut it down after us CAPS members on Beat 2523 confronted him about selling liquor to the drunks. He admitted that he's done it, and closing down his store because he didn't want legal trouble if it kept up.

  7. But all these liquor stores sell to the homeless. The Bristol does, as does the store at Ridgeway and Milwaukee. There's always a seller for the bums drinking needs.
