Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Male and Female Fighting On Fullerton

Good morning, everyone, it's 5:01am. It's going to be another windy day, with winds getting as high as yesterday, or worse. Hopefully, it's not too bad. Anyway, I'm heading to my Beat meeting tonight. Once again, I ask those of you who live on the Beat and are not working or anything tonight to show up. This is our very last monthly meeting tonight. Our next meetings will be in December and February, then quarterly, permanently. This change will most likely remain like this for years to come, but you never know. Also, I'm going to make a quick post later about more gun violence that I'm hearing about that occurred on Monday evening. Here's crime for this morning before I leave (no live police-scanning this afternoon, because I'll be getting ready for the CAPS meeting).

5:16am - Battery in progress. Fullerton and Pulaski. Male and female fighting in the Shell gas station.

6:38am - I'm gone. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.

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