Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beat 2523 CAPS Meeting This Evening (10-27-10)

Good evening, everyone. The meeting this month had a pretty good-sized turn-out. Not as big as some of the pervious meetings, but still, it was a good turn-out. So, moving on to the old issues from September:

Old problems:
* 2933 N. Avers - Drunk trespassers. Building secured with VTS metal (whatever you call those things that board up doors and windows)
* Building on the corner of George and Ridgeway - People constantly loitering, gang and drug activity included. CAPS Sergeant Tim Weiglein says that Beat car 2523 is doing special attention to this building this building.
* RE: The Belmont problem from last month - Sgt. Weiglein says that there have been zero calls for service over there.

Before I move on to the new problems, I'd like to let you all know of a vicious burglary that I recieved word about. It occurred on the 3700 block of W. Diversey, sometime earlier in the month. Two male Blacks, 18-20 yrs old, green vests, were posing as workers, right? Well, they knocked on an elderly woman's door. She answered, where her apartment was reshacked, and she was battered somewhat.

Also, regarding the changes in the CAPS program, this is the following information I was given: Sgt. Weiglein and the 25th District are attempting to make the meetings happen every two months, instead of the quarterly intially planned. Beat 2523's meetings will start at 6:30pm instead of 7pm starting next year. Our first meeting of the new year will be on February 16th. We will be having a December meeting, also. That will be the last meeting for 2010. We're still meeting at 7pm, at Copernicus, but instead of meeting on the 4th Wednesday like we usually do, we'll be meeting on the 8th of December, which is the 2nd Wednesday.

And now to the new problems:
* On Kenneth, there have been a rash of burglaries
* On Monticello, there were gangbangers in a car smoking pot.

Other observations:
> There was quite a discussion about the problem I reported on the corner of George and Ridgeway, and there was also a discussion of police patrols on this Beat. Some residents, especially those on the west end of the Beat, think there is not enough patrols in the area. One resident voiced their concern, and let's just say a discussion broke out between them and the Serg ;).
> The most incidents took place in the 3100 block of N Pulaski. The most crimes were criminal damage, battery (21 reported incidents), criminal damage (16 reported incidents), and burglary (14 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. We are making progress for sure, I think, but work still needs to be done. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! It only takes ONE hour of your time, and we need all of the help we can get.

Thank you,

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