Friday, October 8, 2010

Gang Argument On Diversey

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:28pm. School was good, but I'm happy to be back at home. It's REAL warm outside. Upper 70s, and for this time of the year. It's only supposed to be in the mid 60s. But I'm sort of enjoying the nice weather, and I hope you all enjoy it while you can. I know I am, and speaking of that, I'm going on a weird schedule for tomorrow and Sunday. Tomorrow, I'll be blogging from 9am to 12:15pm, then I have that clean-up until 2pm. Then, I'm going to clean up for a football game that I'm going to at Amundsen High School tomorrow. I'll be leaving here at about 3:15 and won't be back until 7 or 7:30. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:51pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Lawndale. Four males arguing with two others over drug sales on the SW corner. And they're gang members.

3:54pm - Going to the store. I'll be back in a few minutes.

4:04pm - I'm back. I saw that about four gang members were stopped and were being searched at Diversey and Lawndale.

4:18pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Pulaski.

4:54pm - 1) Disturbance. 1823 N Pulaski. 2) Some other call in the coverage.

5:46pm - Backlog in 25 at 17:42 hours. One assault, two disturbances and two accidents pending. Not sure if they are in the area or not. Thanks to ProdigalOne for listening to the archive while I was napping on this call.

6:04pm -
Burglary/Hazmat. 2733 N Monticello. Someone broke into the garage, and there's an unknown substance on the floor. CFD is rolling, and it's a possible Hazmat situation. Thanks to ProdigalOne for listening to the archive while I was napping on this call.

6:15pm -
Theft. Ridgeway and Fullerton. Male Hispanic in a brown shirt snatched the caller's chain. Thanks to ProdigalOne for listening to the archive while I was napping on this call.

6:49pm - Attention, folks: Units from the 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 23rd and 24th Districts are coming to 25 tonight to assist. They will be assigned special areas, but I think everyone will benefit from the extra units patrolling tonight in our district.

7:16pm - Parker. 3023 N Avers.

7:31pm - Criminal trespass. 2415 N Kostner.

8:18pm - Those units from the other districts are working from Palmer to North Ave., Keeler and Pulaski to Central Park in our coverage area.

8:21pm - Beat 2454 has a street stop at Palmer and Pulaski.

8:52pm - 1) Narcotics. Lawndale and Diversey. 2) Reckless driver. 4150 W Fletcher.

8:56pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Belmont. People taking "inappropriate" pictures of the school playground. The school's at Springfield and Milwaukee, on 17's side. Don't know how the call ended up being on 25's side.

9:19pm - Person calling for help. 3963 W Belmont. Male screaming that he's being chased.

9:20pm - 1) Battery in progress. Diversey and Kildare. Male beating a female. 2) Parkers. On 2525's Beat.

9:44pm - Parker. 3100 block of N Harding. Permits.

10:01pm - Disturbance. Wrightwood and Avers. Reports of a group loitering, and some calls say that it's a gang disturbance also.

10:17pm - Battery. 2112 N Lawndale. An argument resulted in someone getting pepper-sprayed.

11:10pm - Burglar report. 2501 N Avers.

11:36pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Yes we need all the help we need. Im pretty sure those are cops from the far northside were theres not a lot of crime like down here in our lovely hood. Its funny i was looking at a Uptown crime blog and they were acting like its a war zone there like its the worst hood in all of chicago im like man they dont know how bad we and people in the westside have it and parts of the southside.

  2. Yes, those are cops from the far northside. About that Uptown blog, I know which one you're talking about, and it honestly seems like to me that sometimes, they may exaggerate it, but Uptown is actually a little worse than it is in some parts of the neighborhood. But the west side is way worser than Uptown will ever be.

  3. I heard the wagon guy with the gray mustache is gone on a rehab stint. Unfortunately, he developed a nasty cough syrup drinking habit while he was stationed over seas in the navy.

    I talked to some of his police friends that have visited him at home and they say he's doing fine. He spends most of the day watching old Warner Brothers cartoons and laughing his ass off. Good thing he has a Venezuelan wife that is twenty years younger then him.

    Get well soon Big Daddy Boots Johnson!!!!! We miss you on the beat!!!!

    Keep up the good work Timmy. You should read the Choir Boys by Joseph Wambaugh. It's a fictional book about police but the author is an ex-LAPD officer and he hits the nail on the head about capturing the horror and comedy that involves being a police officer.

  4. Naw, those cops are not here to help the area. They only come to get numbers. So take heed if you wander the street, you'll get swept up in some kind of operation gangslayer or something. They won't do jobs, only sweep the area for numbers.

  5. The building at 2415 N. Kostner is a "Club Gibbons" hangout.

  6. Anonymous 8:27, are you serious? Glub Gibbons is going that far west now?

    Zaccardo, how long is he supposed to be gone? He's working today, and he worked yesterday. He doesn't sound really like himself, though, especially today. That is unfortunate that he developed that habit, and I hope he gets the help he needs. And, I'm going to look for that book and read it.

  7. Yeah, I saw him today and asked how he was. He said he was fine but I think he came back to work too soon.

    I hope you do check out the book. It's from the seventies but has been reprinted the last two years. It's pretty raunchy and violent but it's one of the most realistic books on police out there.
