Thursday, October 7, 2010

Call On Avers, Parker On Fletcher

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:39pm. School was decent, for the most part, except for two or so fights that broke out. But I'm home now. Anyway, it's a really nice day out, and I hear this beautiful weather will last through the weekend, which is excellent for me, as I've got a lot of events on Saturday to attend :). In addition to a block clean-up I'm involved in, I will be going to a football game, to cheer on the people from my school on the team as they have a game with another team. That should really be fun, and I hope Sullivan wins. Also, folks, I'm STILL dealing with harassment from this "Dan" guy. He really wants me shut down, arrested and convicted. I don't know what I've done to him personally for him to be doing this, but I will be figuring out what I need to do (legally, of course). Here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:50pm - 1) Some call at 2947 N Avers. 2) Parker. 4175 W Fletcher.

4:53pm - Person w/ a gun. Belmont and Monticello. Two gangbangers pointed a gun at the caller, who was driving by in their car.

5:19 to 5:48pm - Fell asleep. I'm sorry.

6:25pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:36pm - I'm back.

7:15pm - Some animal-related call over at 4430 W Deming.

7:28pm - Burglar report. 2513 N Lowell.

7:44pm - EMS run. 2908 N Hamlin. Drunk male needs to go to the hospital. Officers are advised to use universal caution while responding.

7:48pm - A unit is taking in a couple of people from Kostner and Schubert.

8:00pm - Some call at Fullerton and Kostner.

8:27pm - Criminal trespass. 3043 N Kenneth.

8:51pm - Narcotics. 2540 N Pulaski.

8:58pm - Just to let you all know, I will stop posting any calls that are domestic related (unless a weapon is involved), which will result in no more RD/event numbers for those calls. They are domestics, after all.

9:15pm - I need to quit blogging for tonight, so I can send out some quick emails and stuff to people before I have to go to bed. Good night, everyone, and see you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams!


  1. I would try to hack him its pretty easy to do if you know how to do it but if you dont it a be harder than anything lol. Im guessing hes a no life that spents all day in his mother's basement acting tougth to get his kicks because im betting in the real world he gets treated like s@&$. Dont let a loner put you down timmy

  2. Dan must sell scanners for a living and your killing his quota

    Scanner Dan says knock it off!

  3. Anonymous 7:49, I don't know how to hack. I wouldn't want to do that to him, though. But I agree with you on your statement.

    Anonymous 8:11, LOL.

  4. I live west of you and listen to the scanner a lot. Long story about why I started with the scanner, but, I had a neighbor who threatened me with all kinds of legal action because I would sit on my porch with an earbud listening to the scanner. The rest of the neighbors were ok and would even come over and ask if I knew what was going on when there were sirens in the area or if I had heard a call about something.

    Turns out the neighbor's daughter had some not so nice friends,and they had to move away to get away from the "friends".

    Don't let this guy get you down, you're doing a good thing for all of us, and there might be reasons why he doesn't want you doing this.
    Keep up the good work!!

  5. Dan is a bully, plain and simple. You are a journalist. Your rights are protected. You are a gift to this community.

  6. The police on 2523's car are going to start feeding the homeless on the first tuesday of each month.

  7. I second what Natalie said. Your rights are protected under the freedom of information act as a journalist. Dan is a bully and quite frankly a moron who chews out anyone who contradicts him.

    Someone on the Logan Square yahoo group made a great point that if he went after you legally the journalist associations in Chicago would be with you in a heart beat and would counter sue him for the violations and slander he's throwing out.

    Keep on keepin' on, Timmy!

  8. Dan is an angry old man with no outlet for his time and energy. It's so sad that he has decided to pick on you now.
    There are a lot of people who think what you're doing is a good thing and we're standing up for you.
    Keep on doing what you're doing and we'll try to stop him from being a bully.

  9. Dan is a loser. Nice job bullying a kid trying to keep us safe in the community. I live right around the corner from Timmy so his blog postings are VALUABLE to me. They help me keep a situational awareness that was not present pre-finding this blog.

    Timmy, you rock dude. Keep up the good work.

  10. Timmy, I want to help you with your problem.
    Please feel free to email me.

    Anonymous neither forgives nor forgets.
    We are many.
    We are legion.

