Saturday, July 10, 2010

Traffic Accident At Diversey and Ridgeway

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 12:59pm. I'm finally here. I participated in a community clean-up on Milwaukee this morning then had lunch with the attendees. It was nice, but I really wish more people would show up to these things. I really do. A lot of folks come to CAPS and complain, but can't do their part. That makes me sad and angry. Well, enough for me ranting. Time to display some crime for this afternoon and evening.

2:57pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Ridgeway. Two cars, no injuries. I'm looking out my window and I see it. Dispatch is correct.

3:45pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Monticello. Four drunks throwing bottles by the construction site.

3:59pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a park check at Ken-Well.

4:02pm - Domestic disturbance. Barry and Pulaski. Girlfriend pulled a gun out on the female caller. They're arguing.

4:05pm - Gang disturbance. Armitage and Karlov. Half a dozen are representating.

4:28pm - To readers who live on Ridgeway, particulary on the 2800 block: I would like if you emailed me your email address. I'd like to discuss something over email.

4:33pm - Disturbance. 3108 N Milwaukee. Intoxicated males laying on the sidewalk and drinking.

4:35pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Pulaski. Two cars, no injuries but property damage. Also, Beat car 2524 gets a parker on the Beat.

4:47pm - I'm looking at my poll results from the latest one. It was about gangs. From what I see, a majority of you think there's a problem at the corner of George and Avers, and at Koz and Kelyvn Parks. There's also a considerable number of voters for Wabansia and Harding, and Diversey and Albany. So, to the residents around the two parks, I encourage that you do a bit more about the activity, because I know the residents around the problems corners have been trying very hard (particulary the residents near George and Avers).

4:48pm - The 4:35pm job is coded 19Boy.

5:04pm - Now the 4:02pm call is coming in as 4155 W Barry.

5:37pm - Domestic disturbance. 4235 W Nelson.

6:03pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Keystone. People fighting in the street.

6:30pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 2537 N Lowell. 2) Vice complaint. On 2523's Beat. 3) Parker. On 2524's Beat.

6:41pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:56pm - I'm back.

7:04pm - 1) Battery in progress. 2047 N Avers. 1st floor people heard fighting. 2) Traffic accident. 2636 N Kildare.

About 7:25 to 8:18pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.

8:43pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2618 N Central Park. 2) Parker. 2200 block of N Karlov.

9:03pm - Person shot. Lawndale and Fullerton. Male shot in the leg. Sounds like he's in the building on the SW corner.

9:10pm - The 9:03pm job is bona fide. The victim is being uncooperative. Was shot in the butt and the leg.

9:11pm - A flash is given out from the shooting. Wanted is a male Hispanic, tall, slim build, about 20 yrs old, wearing a white t-shirt and blue pants. He has on a white hat. He fled in the north alley of Fullerton. Unknown right now what direction, though.

9:24pm - The victim is being taken to Illinois Masonic.

9:30pm - Gang disturbance. Kelvyn Park. By the tennis court. Large group having what seems to be a gang meeting.

9:33pm - An RD number has been pulled from the shooting. It's HS404425 with the event number of 17269.

9:34pm - 1) Battery. 2459 N Pulaski. Female hit the caller. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2151 N Keeler. In the backyard. 3) Burglar report. 2342 N Ridgeway.

9:50pm - Shots Fired. Diversey and Ridgeway. 3 shots heard.

9:56pm - Beat 6759 is coming to check the Ridgeway gunshots. Thanks, sir.

9:58pm - A total disregard is given on Ridgeway. Nothing seen or heard. Coded 19P. I have to say, I'm overall happy with police response. One marked unit sped down Diversey with it's lights/sirens, while 6759 came down the block. I'm not happy with the dispatcher, though. He didn't assign a unit. 6759 decided to come check out the call.

10:23pm - Some call at 4416 W Parker.

10:49pm - Beat car 2525Robert is getting disturbances on the 20 sector.

10:55pm - Shots Fired. Springfield and Dickens. Six fired under the viaduct.

10:59pm - 1) A total disregard is given on the 10:55pm job. Coded 19P. 2) Suspicious person. Shakespeare and Central Park. Male Hispanic, short hair, late 20s is acting suspicious.

11:00pm - Check the well being. 3078 N Davlin. Male laying in the street.

11:06pm - Information for the police. Belden and Ridgeway. Anthony Lopez, 22 yrs old, 5'6, 160 lbs, dark complected and short hair is on the street right now. He's an MLD from Fullerton and Pulaski. He was involved in the shooting at Fullerton and Lawndale.

11:13pm - Loud music disturbance. 1903 N Pulaski.

11:21pm - Some unit is on a warrant investigation(?) at 3105 N Lawndale. Also, Beat 2562Boy is taking one in from Wabansia and Harding.

11:26pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Avers.

11:32pm - Domestic battery in progress. 3639 W Dickens. Fight in one of the apartments.

11:33pm - Shots Fired. Schubert and Kostner. 10 shots heard.

11:34pm - A total disregard is being given on the 11:33pm job. Beat car 2525R says it's fireworks.

11:35pm - An RD number has been pulled from Wabansia and Harding. It's HS404586 with the event number of 20262.

11:36pm - Shots Fired. 4452 W Deming. 6 shots heard.

11:37pm - A total disregard is being given on the 11:36pm job. It's fireworks, per Beat 45Tom71David.

11:38pm - Criminal damage in progress. 2257 N Springfield. 4 to 5 teens throwing objects from a window.

12:01am - Ok, folks, I'm finished blogging for tonight. Good night. Will be back for another round of blogging tomorrow.


  1. At least half-a-dozen squad cars and tahoes just came flying down 3600 elston right past me a few mins ago with sounds of a lot more police sirens from elsewhere in the area something is going down .

  2. I really appreciate the hard work you put into this blog, but I feel like I should offer some advice. Please be a little more careful about revealing where you live. You've never given exact details of course, but sometimes you mention intersections or street names nearby. This worries me because you never know if the bad guys might be paying attention out there. Just a thought - stay safe and keep up the good work !

  3. Anonymous 10:16, hmmm ... I'm thinking something must have been happening possibly around Belmont and Kedzie-ish area. I think something was going down, too.

    Anonymous 11:06, thank you for being concerned for my safety and well being. However, like you said, I never give out my exact address or details. So, even though that I say that I live around Diversey and Ridgeway, I don't think that really gives the bad guys an idea of where I can live. After all, there are a bunch of apartment buildings where I live, and they're not small. Also, some of the bad guys already read the blog, I'm quite sure. Even though they don't comment, I'm sure they're following me. But, again, thank you for looking out for me. I really appriecate it! :)

  4. WOW Logan Square sure isnt a walk in the park. To me you could tell the difference between fireworks and gunshots and they just discard the calls. What they should still go check it out, I never lived in Logan Square and never will but sometimes I past it and you could tell its not a safe place to live at. Good thing I live somewhere else lol, but your doing a good job on your blog just started reading it today new reader, a friend of mine told me about it he told me its a action pack blog lol. Good work

  5. Anonymous 11:45, let me start off by saying thanks for coming by to read the blog. I'm glad your friend told you about it. Nope, Logan Square surely isn't a walk in the park. But it's not a war zone either, at least compared to other areas in Chicago. It is somewhat unsafe on the streets, but since I've been my whole life, I'm not too afraid anymore to walk the streets. I shouldn't have to be. I'm involved in my CAPS meetings, and we're fighting to take our part of the neighborhood back.

    About the police tonight, they didn't really blow off the calls much. They drove by, or so they say, most of the calls. The one for Diversey and Ridgeway, they came by for sure. Your friend is right, this is an action packed blog (most of the time anyway).

    Thanks for dropping by. I apprieacate it.
