Friday, July 9, 2010

Suspicious Men On Melrose

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. Today, I'm monitoring 17 for our residents North of Belmont. No offense, but I can only wonder how boring it'll be. LOL. Anyway, today is supposed to be sunny with temps in the mid 80s. Here's crime for today.

9:37am - Suspicious person. 2700 W Melrose. Two males lurking around.

10:30am - Beat car 1732 asks for a Community Concern event number for the 3200 block of N Drake. The event number is 05804.

11:53am - Traffic accident. Addison and Kedzie. In the Target parking lot. But Target is at Sacramento and Addison.

11:54am - Not sure if this is related, but Dispatch is getting a call of an EMS run at the Target also. For an elderly female down.

11:57am - Beat 1743 asks for a call back on the 11:53am job. Caller's not flagging him down.

11:58am - The 11:53am job is coded. 1743 says she's not coming out.

12:03pm - The caller from the 11:53am job was found. And, the call is related to the 11:54am job. But she's refusing EMS service. Just wants a police report for the accident.

12:15pm - An RD number has been pulled from the accident. It's HS401901 with the event number of 07289.

1:16pm - Does anyone know about two explosions that occurred at Milwaukee and Central Park this morning around 5am? A commenter tells me that they were so loud that they broke their windows. Any information would be appreciated.

1:44pm - Burglar alarm. 3419 W Melrose.

2:19pm - Person down. Addison and Springfield. Intoxicated female down.

2:50pm - Traffic accident. 3200 W Belmont.

3:21pm - Battery. Roscoe and Ridgeway. Son got hit by some males. Per the call taker, it sounds like the caller's trying to follow the offenders. Arguing could be heard.

3:26pm - Person w/ a knife. 3351 N Hamlin. 15 yr old son and the caller were beaten up, and the offender, who is a male Hispanic, 15 yrs old, red basketball shirt threatened them with a pocket knife. Gosh, this sounds AWFULLY related to the Roscoe and Ridgeway call. After all, they're just one street apart. I think they're one in the same.

3:32pm - The 3:21 and 3:26pm calls are related.

3:36pm - The offenders from this whole battery thing may be at Monticello and School.

4:04 to 4:24pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.

4:33pm - Assault. 3968 W Belmont. Male Black, blue shirt and pants, threatened customers and employees in the BP gas station with a bottle.

4:50pm - Traffic accident. 3327 N California.

6:36pm - Gang disturbance. 32X5 N Monticello.

6:41pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:52pm - I'm back.

8:55pm - Burglar alarm. 3221 N Sacramento. At Linne school. Kitchen motion.

9:01pm - Shots Fired. Addison and Kimball. Two male Blacks on the corner, shooting.

9:09pm - The 9:01pm job is coded 19P. Only one call on it, no further information. Hopefully it happened north of Addison.

9:17pm - Disturbance. Hamlin and School. Group of teens loitering on the SE corner, harassing people.

9:28pm - Wires down. 2837 W Roscoe. In the alley.

10:02pm - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Belmont.

10:20pm - Municipal ordinance violation somewhere on Beat 1732, I think.

10:45pm - Suspicious person. 3323 N Drake. An older male with his dog was talking to someone. When they stopped having their conversation, two male Hispanics were hiding in the bushes. They started following the guy. One of them is 5'9, has braids. Everyone's walking towards Avondale Park.

10:59pm - Sorry I'm late on this, but to all the cops who read this blog: I'm truly sorry for your loss, regarding the murder of Officer Thor Soderburg. From what I have read about him, he sounds like he was one of the best officers this city could ever ask for. Soderburg really loved his job. It's very tragic for this to have happened. I'm very sure you guys are abouslety sad about it, and I can't even begin to blame you for being in that state. So, you guys, thank you for ALL of your hard work that you've done for the citizens of Chicago. Personally speaking, I will say that I keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers every day. I pray that you make it home to your loved ones every day and/or night, and I pray that God will keep you safe on your tour of duty. So, my word of advice for all of you is to do the best that work you possibly can, because I know that Thor will smile down on you. I know that he is in a better place now. So, in conclusion, I'm very sorry for your loss.

11:10pm - 1) Disturbance. 3135 W Addison. Male bothering customers inside Little Ceaser's. 2) Fireworks. Belmont and California.

11:23pm - Person w/ a gun. Albany and Elston. Heading towards Roscoe is a blue vehicle with males in it that have guns.

11:30pm - Injuried person report. 3218 N Whipple. Some kind of one of those lift things on the ground from the city hit the caller in the face and caused them to get injuried.

11:50pm - The 10:45pm vitcim is now calling. One male was 5'4, spiky hair and the other one had dredlocks and freckles.

12:00am - I'm done with 17 until the overnight hours of next Thursday. I'll be back with 25 in the morning. Good night, everyone.


  1. 17 is strange. Most of it is pretty nice, but Albany Park is thuggish, and parts of the southwest of the district are tough. Could be interesting.

    You should do the 16th. THAT would be boring.

  2. I heard two big explosions this morning 5am. So loud it ended up shattering our window. Milwaukee Ave and central park. Any news on that?

  3. Anonymous 11:28, I can ask around and search for any news online.

    Anonymous 10:53, I agree. Albany Park is thuggish. The cops in 17 seem to spend most of their time in that neighborhood. Yeah, there's also tough parts on the SW end of 17 (the area around Kilbourn Park). As for 16, it's on the same frequency as 17. So I can hear all of the calls in 16 also. You're right that it's boring. Very boring, actually.

  4. Timmy, most of the 17th area are boring with the exception of Albany Park and some parts of Irving Park. I really want to get a scanner so I can listen at what happens around the Albany Park area :)

  5. Agreed, anonymous 12:49. I would say the north half of the Irving Park neighborhood is where the action starts.

    I encourage you to get a scanner, if you can. I think everyone should have one.

  6. I live in 16, so boring is good.

  7. Lame ass blog lol jk just today its so boring lol i bet you could go out for hours and nothing still happens lol but i like your blog when you do logan dizzle lol

  8. LMAO, anonymous 4:43. Yeah, it's boring as hell, lol. Even I have to admit it. But it's a good thing because it shows that the area I'm covering is quiet. Yeah, I could go out for hours and probably nothing would still happen in the area I'm monitoring. I promise that tomorrow will be a more active blog. I won't be monitoring this area again until the overnight hours sometime next week.

  9. Anonymous 11:28, I can ask around and search for any news online.

    Thanks!! Just kinda of curious

  10. Its always nice to come back to our wonderful hood we like to call Logan Square. I was walking back home from a friends house, and I stumbled by a group of shady guys on western ave they offered me the usual crack cocaine and heroin. Always nice huh lol and then I took a shortcut thru a alley to get to my aparment faster and had the best view of a guy giving a girl oral sex just amazing lol they didnt even see that I was passing by I guess the girl was having one hell of a nigth lmao. But other than that I love Logan Square and your blog keep it up Timmy ooh yeah and Im not one of those transplant kids over here lol I been living here for 8 years the neighborhood isnt the best but its all I got and love make the best of It.

  11. Hey Chris. You're right that it's always nice to come back to our neighborhood from other ones. I'm not surprised about the guys on Western. But, where on Western did this happened?

    About the dude and the girl having oral sex, WOW. Where they in the alley doing it, or where they in an apartment with their shades open to the world? I know I would be sick to my stomach if I saw that. I mean, it's ok to do it, but that's a PRIVATE moment. No one wants to see that! Well, except for some pervert, LMAO. Yeah, I think the girl was having a thrill, too.

    I agree on your last couple of sentences. While Logan Square's not what it should be, you have to make the best of it.

    Thanks for dropping by, Chris.

  12. Hey Timmy the guys banging on Western is everyday by North ave. I dont want to say where exctaly people that live there know where. The horny couple was in the alley a trash can was covering but you could see it when your walking in the alley, yeah I feel you on the ok part shit I do it all the time but on my house time lmao, not in a alley where little kids could see. It was funny to because they were like 17 yrs old come on go do that somewhere else I dont want to see what moves you got. I also got angry because sometimes theres little kids playing basketball there I was going to say something but I knew they guy was a Cobra so I just let him be, and to because If I told him get the f outta here he would of seen where I lived. But seeing all this negative stuff I love it here its alive. PEACE
