Thursday, July 15, 2010

No Good Men On Monticello

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. Yes, I'm still on my sister's computer. Will be until further notice, due to my laptop not having internet on it. Anyway, it's supposed to be another warm day. Sun, clouds and thunderstorms all mixed with a high around 90. Let's just hope the storms aren't too bad. Also, provided that it doesn't storm after 5pm, I will be attending the CAPS Beat 2524 meeting. I'm only visiting. I'm not becoming a regular member of those meetings, as I'm already a member of 2523's CAPS meetings. So, I'm going to quit stalling around and give you all crime for today.

8:37am - Suspicious person. 2200 block of N Monticello. Two male Hispanics, one in a black t-shirt and blue jean shorts (he's also balding) and one in a brown t-shirt and blue jean shorts look like they're up to no good.

9:26am - Burglar alarm. 3756 W Lyndale.

9:29am - Information for the police. Fullerton and Avers. Tow truck driving towards Central Park has a car that looks "unsafe" on it. 14 is notified of this.

9:47am - Hold up alarm. 3635 W Armitage.

9:51am - A slow down is being given on the 9:47am job.

10:27am to 10:35am - Went to store.

11:46am - Criminal trespass. 3030 N Kenneth. Large group in an abandoned house.

11:54am - EMS run. 3151 N Ridgeway. Male down in the alley.

12:18pm - Criminal damage. 1942 N Harding. Building was tagged. An officer said it's just one of the few buildings that were tagged on that block.

12:37pm - Assault. 2614 N Monticello. Dispute with the neighbor got heated when the neighbor threatened the caller with their dog.

1:26pm - Check the well being. 2237 N Hamlin. There was a caller yelling into the phone about wanting someone removed.

1:31pm - Beat car 2524 asks for a call back on the 1:26pm job.

2:26pm - Beat 5591, who was the detective from last night's shooting on Diversey, says there's a crime scene at 3914 W Diversey. Beat car 2525 is heading over to protect it.

3:02pm - Theft in progress. Belmont and Milwaukee. Two female Whites stealing bikes and putting them in a green Toyota SUV.

3:13pm - EMS run. 3601 W Cortland. One of the patients is freaking out.

3:23pm - A slow down is being given on the 3:13pm job.

3:46pm - Loud music disturbance. 1821 N Pulaski.

3:53pm - Check the well being. 2338 N Ridgeway. Husband's not answering the phone.

4:04pm - Public bath going on at Shakespeare and Springfield, per 2544.

4:05pm - Disturbance. 3974 W Barry. First came in as a suspicious person with a male in front trying to follow the caller's mom inside, then the second call had neighbors calling in for a guy bothering people. He's drunk.

4:38pm - Suspicious person. 2505 N Hamlin. Male teen in front, acting weird.

5:24pm - Vice complaint. On 2523's Beat. By the way, I've officially reached 100 followers. That's encouraging, I think.

5:29pm - EMS run. 2959 N Hamlin. Sounds like someone got hurt as a result of the open hydrant at the corner of Wellington and Hamlin.

5:54pm - Domestic disturbance. 2430 N Tripp.

6:12pm - I'm grabbing something to eat, then I'm going to the 2524 CAPS meeting. Will be back by 9:30.

9:43pm - I'm back. Sorry I'm late. I was actually back at 9:24, but then I turned down the radio at 9:27 until now.

10:03pm - Parker, somewhere in the coverage area.

10:18pm - Burglar report. 2500 N Lawndale.

10:28pm -A unit had a traffic stop at 3608 W Oakdale.

10:29pm - Suspicious person. 3110 N Harding. Male White in a green shirt is on the porch, and refusing to leave.

10:41pm - Person w/ a gun. 4100 W Armitage. Male who belongs to the Los Sentos gang (or something like that) is on the 2nd floor with a gun.

11:05pm - Person wanted. 3601 W Wolfram. Neighbors are holding down the caller's daughter, who's wanted for battery out of Will County.

11:16pm - Disturbance. 3620 W Palmer. People drinking and being loud.

11:28pm - Theft in progress. 210X N Lawndale. Males tampering with electric poles.

11:53pm - Holding the offender. Belmont and Central Park. Drunk male being held.

11:57pm - Battery in progress. 3851 W Schubert. People fighting in front with knives or bats.

11:58pm - The 11:57pm fight is near Koz Park.

12:02am - I'm going to go. I'll be back at 6:40am tomorrow morning with 14.


  1. Hi Timmy,

    We live in 2524 and usually go to the CAPS meeting but can't tonight. We are sorry we are going to miss you.
    If you are having computer problems there is a great little computer repair store called PC MAC the address is 4201 N. Elston. They might be able to help.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Sorry to hear you're going to miss me. Would have loved to meet another fan. Thanks for the suggestion about the computer repair store :).

  3. I think what you meant to say was Los Zetas, thats really really really scary knowing those guys are in Chicago. Its a Cartel in Mexico very very dangerous group, they do all kinds of stuff you name it just shooting a victim isnt enough for these guys, they burn them torture them kidnape family members, and when I went to Mexico last year I heard they are using acid to torture people. Crazy stuff and really scary to see that maybe there in our neighborhood.
