Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hit And Run On Kedzie

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. I'm monitoring 17 until 5am (or least trying to) a day earlier. Just a little change in plans. Anyway, I'm on my sister's computer, because the internet on mine isn't working for some stupid reason, so I may not blog and what not as fast and as often as I usually do. I'm sorry if you email or comment, and that I can't reply fast enough. Also, I still am planning on attending the CAPS meeting for Beat 2524 tomorrow, provided the weather holds up. Here's crime in 17 for overnight, and in 25 for today.

12:20am - Hit and run. 3400 N Kedzie. Someone got hit by a car. The car fled towards Cornelia on Kedzie.

12:23am - Person down. 3316 N Springfield.

2:57am - Just heard two gunshots in the north alley of Diversey between Lawndale and Ridgeway. Definitely gunshots this time.

3:06am - Beat car 2521Robert, who was assigned the call, just drove through. It'll probably be a code.

3:37am - Domestic disturbance. 3441 N Ridgeway. Two daughters arguing.4:46am - Going to bed. See you all later.

6:15pm - Yes, I'm finally back. Good evening. Sorry for not coming back sooner. I've been dealing with my computer all day. I'm still on my sister's though. The internet on mine's is dead. I'll be on my sister's or mom's computers until further notice, so updates might not come in as often. I apologize for any inconvenience.

6:44pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:06pm - Person w/ a gun. 2856 N Avers. One guy in a red t-shirt flashed a gun, but took off in a teal vehicle that went towards Wellington on Avers. There are 10 more gangbangers on the corner, flashing signs.

7:10pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:06pm job. Beat 2566David is touring the area.

7:13pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Avers. Male in a wheelchair passed out.

7:45pm - 1) Theft. Milwaukee and Belmont. 2) Disturbance. 3116 N Milwaukee. Homeless males laying on the sidewalk.

8:02pm - Assist the citizen. 2814 N Lawndale.

8:11pm - Shots Fired. Springfield and Diversey. Multiple calls for gunshots, by Parkside Liquors.

8:13pm - Someone may be shot in Parkside Liquors, 3920 W Diversey.

8:15pm - Police Heilcopter #1 is flying over the area. They see two males walking in the north alley of Diversey, towards Avers. One's got on a blue t-shirt, another one has on a black t-shirt.

8:16pm - Witnesses are telling Beat 2561 that someone was indeed shot in the liquor store, but he fled. Went towards Pulaski.

8:17pm - Wanted from the shooting is two male Whites. One's in a blue t, the other in a black t. They both have shorts on. Meanwhile, the victim possibly jumped in a vehicle.

8:19pm - A small red vehicle with a black top may be involved in the shooting. It went towards George on Pulaski.

8:20pm - There's a victim who's calling from the 2800 block of N Harding. Said he was shot at.

8:21pm - PH 1 may have the vehicle at Belmont and Monticello. Heading towards Central Park.

8:22pm - Now passing Drake, still going east on Belmont.

8:23pm - Beat 2561David is at Kimball and Belmont, with the car. It's not the vehicle involved.

8:25pm - Beat 2561Charlie says that a male White, blue shirt and jeans, shot from behind the firehouse on Pulaski.

8:29pm - Some crazy stuff happened from this shooting. I'm getting word via the scanner that the red car pinned one of the shoots up against the back wall of the fire station.

8:39pm - An offender may be in custody from the shooting, on the 2800 block of N Harding.

8:42pm - Foot chase. From the shooting. Beat 2561C spotted a guy fitting the description going east on Diversey from Harding. The offender's on a bike.

8:43pm - A slow down is being given for now. It may or may not be the offender.

8:44pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2422 N Kildare. Adult son, who's a mental, is drunk.

8:51pm - 1) Disturbance. 37XX W Diversey. 2) Theft report. 2150 N Pulaski. 3) Disturbance. Milwaukee and Avers. Drunks causing a scene.

9:07pm - Disturbance. 3073 N Avers. Drunks causing a ruckus.

9:19pm - Gang disturbance. Dickens and Lawndale. NE corner.

9:22pm - One offender is indeed in custody from the shooting.

9:41pm - Information for the police. Kelvyn Park. Kids hanging by a known drug spot. Caller wants CPD to search the kid's bags for drugs. Right away, Beat car 2523Robert, who's assigned to the job, codes it out. He's not searching the kid's bags.

9:50pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 3756 W Lyndale. 2) Assault in progress. 3754 W North Ave. Male verbally assaulting a female on the street.

10:07pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Monticello. Two guys beating a woman on the street.

10:11pm - The 10:11pm job is a robbery. The female got robbed.

10:48pm - Domestic disturbance. Pulaski and Wellington. A gun might be involved.

10:53pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:48pm job.

11:14pm - 1) DUI driver. 2400 block of N Central Park. 2) Gang disturbance. 23X9 N Springfield. Eight of them running around.

11:26pm - Shots Fired. Belden and Springfield. Five heard. Beat car 2524R is on scene for the gang disturbance call at 11:14. They didn't hear or see anything, so a slow down is being given.

11:51pm - Some call in the coverage area.

11:58pm - Information for the police. 23X1 N Kedvale. There's video of a guy trying to break into a vehicle.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. Will be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
(Scene of the shooting. Diversey and Harding)


  1. Glad to hear they got one of the pieces of shit!
    I say bring back police brutality for gangbangers.
    Nobody likes an ass beating, that's why these losers carry guns.

  2. Yes I agree Anonymous! Those MFers Need to be taught a lesson.

  3. Btw Timmy my mom would love to talk to you. Can we exchange info via email? Or if you show up at the CAPS meeting I guess we can talk about that stuff. Let me know what you look like/what you will be wearing at the meeting if you are able to come.

  4. Hey Timmy I know you're not covering 1732 (?) tonight but if ya happen to hear anything, there's 2 squads with what look like bangers on the hood. Heard mention of bullets as i walked by with my dog. Roscoe and Troy in the alley. I hope "pee wee city (MLD) isn't coming alive again...........

  5. Hi Violet. Yes, we can exchange info over email. We could also talk at the CAPS meeting tomorrow, if I do indeed show up. As far as I look like, I'll tell you that over email. Because there are probably some bad guys reading this blog too, and the last thing I need is for them confronting me on the streets before/after the meeting.

    Anonymous 9:53, thank you for the information. I'll listen and look out for anything in that area for the duration of the night that I'm awake. But as far as Pee Wee City coming back alive, maybe it is, unfortunately.

  6. The person they have in custody for the shooting at harding and diversey is my neighbor, hes the one who called the police as a victim at 8:20. He told us before the police came that he got into an argument at the liquor store and the guy started shooting at him. They came and talked to him and then hand cuffed him and took him away. They came back later to look around the block for a gun and told us that people were identifying him as the shooter. He isn't a gang banger, hes a construction worker in his late 30's. He comes home from work, walks his dogs and then stays in watching tv most nights. Hes always been very nice and knows everyone on the block. None of us neighbors knows exactly what happened but its just so hard for us to believe that he is capable of something like this. Hes lived in the place here for 5 years. But like I said we don't know all the facts but I guess anything is possible. I just hope they don't have the wrong person based on hear say.

  7. Lo, wow. So, basically, at 8:20, he called in as a victim, but then what happened? The cops found out he was an offender or something? This sounds really intense. But I'm glad to hear he's not a gang member. If there's more information that you get, could you let me know of it? Thanks.

  8. The police were saying that eye witnesses were saying a white male with a blue shirt and a tattoo on his arm was the shooter. And my neighbor was wearing a blue shirt and has a tattoo on his arm. Hes lived here 5 years, he was the first person to come greet me when I moved here. I just don't see him going to the liquor store and shooting at people less than a block from his home. But the police made it seem to us was that all the pieces saying it was him fit so I don't know. He kept saying to the officers "If it was me why would I call the police and give them my address to come talk to me, I was the victim, I was shot at." The whole block is stunned. I guess anything is possible but I still just can't imagine it. Hopefully it all gets straightened out. I will continue to check with other neighbors and keep an eye out and I'll surely let you know of any news Timmy. Also, I really appreciate you taking the time to write this blog. Its nice to know whats going on in your neighborhood and you make that very easy for us, thank you.

  9. is my email.
    I understand about giving descriptions of yourself of your page publicly. Which is why I have no pictures of myself that is over my account. Never can be too sure. Can ya.

  10. Can somebody please just lock up these stupid assholes? Im willing to look the other way if I see a cop beating the shit out of a gangbanger. Heck Ill cheer him on. Its time that these losers get the idea that they are not welcome or respected around here.

  11. Believe me gangs will never disappear and the cops wont get rid off them I seen cops work with gangs in this neighborhood to. Just today I was by Diversey in between by Lawndale and Ridgeway was there for less than a hour, and it was scary was crossing the street when some car passed by and said "Cobra love nigga" then I a gang tag in Ridgeway and Diversey a Cobra one then I keep seeing these bangers up and down the block just sad to see these gangs take over a neighborhood and I think Logan will always have these problems because these gangs have been here since the 60s and keep getting stronger.

  12. Lo, yeah, that's the description I got. I'd be stunned, too, if I knew him. And, no problem.

    Violet, will email you in the morning and will give you a description. But, also, for your FYI, if they go around introducing theirselves at the CAPS meeting, I'll introduce myself. Or, if they ask me who I am, I'll tell them.

    Anonymous, I agree, but this particular shooting looks like it wasn't gang related.

  13. Can we change the law so that landlords can have a 24 hour police enforced eviction of gangbangers. Having these losers sleep under the expressway bridge would sure make them look stupid to potential recruits. If the gangbanger is a juvenile, evict the family. Ill bet a few parents will start behaving like parents after that.

  14. Peewee city is indeed alive and growing once again. I was monitoring 17 on the scanner last night and a call was made for drug dealers in the 3200 block on Albany. It has become apparent in the last few weeks that once again, units have been rented to gang bangers on this block and its very obvious we're back to square 1 here until the neighbors put the pressure on. Incidentally, I never saw a car answer that call, and that house is right across the street. That doesn't help. Get back to the CAPS meetings, neighbors, or they'll own our street once again.

  15. Anonymous 12:02, sounds like to me you've seen what I have seen countless times. I live in the area, and I'll be first to tell you it's scary. That's why I go to the store (my local store's on Diversey over there) and walk briskly back home. When I run errands, I try to find different ways of coming home from the east. As a last resort, I'll go down Diversey. The Cobras over there have shouted at me a lot. I lost count of how many times it's happened, so that's a lot. They've flashed their signs at me, too. I've been called that nasty "n" word, too. I understand that means "my brotha" or something like that, but even if it does, I hate being called that. I hate that word being used altogether. There's been a couple of times I used it in elementary school, and oddly enough, I'M the one who got my ass kicked. I've also seen those gang tags up there, especially on that former bar. I think Logan will always have gang problems, too, unless we stand up and fight for our neighborhood. That's what I've been doing. I want my neighborhood back.

    Anonymous 12:08, if only. I really wish we could change the law to do that, but they probably wouldn't change that. I agree with your statement, though.

    Pro, that doesn't sound good. Not at all. I agree with you that the neighbors need to put pressure on and go back to CAPS meetings.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. For you guys talking about the Pee Wee City area, I'd just like to tell you when I was posting a flyer up at Belmont and Richmond, I saw two gangbangers walking towards where I had just finished putting three up, at the corner of Belmont/California/Elston. So they are in the area over there, and they might've seen my flyers, too.

  18. Timmy I came upon your youtube videos including the ones taken from your front window and of yourself. Thats making it too easy for the bangers to recognize you. You should really pull those off the net.

  19. Anonymous 8:52, can I ask you this: how'd you come across them? And, I'll think about making them private. Shouldn't have to, though. I live in this neighborhood and I don't think I should have to hide just because they want to be stupid.
