Thursday, May 27, 2010

Loiters On Pulaski

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:08pm. Today was a good day, I guess. I won an honor roll award at our awards assembly. And it's a nice afternoon on top of it. For the first time since Sunday, I'm actually not sweating. Anyway, I have a three day weekend coming up :). Memorial's day on Monday. This will be the last weekend of weird schedules until September. I'm making my preparations now for what's going to be a real busy blog. Here is crime for this afternoon.

3:18pm - Disturbance. 2550 N Pulaski. Loiters.

3:53pm - Battery. 1900 block of N Hamlin.

3:54pm - 1) Disturbance. 3058 N Lawndale. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2652 N Harding.

4:12pm - A cop responding to a call (not in this area) says "10-4. The Cubs won," and Dispatch asks if that's a team. Ughhhh ... I feel insulted, LOL. I'm a Cubs fan :).

4:37pm - Disturbance. 1920 N Hamlin. In front of Ames, there's people loitering.

About 4:55 to 6:11pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.

6:12pm - Some call. Now I can't remember it.

6:13 to 6:20pm - Fell asleep again.

6:21pm - Check the wel being. 3050 N Monticello. 8 year old child is with an unknown male.

6:54pm - Wanted for robbery from Monticello Park, 1814 Monticello, is a male White, 5'8, 150 lbs, green eyes, brown hair, white tanktop and blue jeans. He took school IDs and a wallet from the vitcims. This occurred at about 6:30.

6:58pm - Gang disturbance. 2700 N Monticello. They're loitering and throwing bricks. This call has been pending since before 5:30.

6:59pm - Open door. 2427 N Avers.

7:01pm - Person w/ a knife. 3923 W Altgeld. Female on her cell phone, walking back and forth in front with a knife.

7:06pm - 1) Disturbance. 29X9 N Avers. Squatters in a vacant building. 2) Disturbance. Belmont and Ridgeway. Two guys running up to cars. I'm thinking they're gangbangers because one has on a yellow, and given that location, that's Latin King area. 3) Sex offense. 2715 N Lawndale. Male peeing on the sidewalk. Came in as a municipal ordinance violation, for some odd reason.

7:09pm - Gang disturbance. Kostner and Schubert. They're on the corner, flashing.

7:16pm - Domestic disturbance. 2020 N Hamlin. Argument over drugs.

7:19pm - Backlog in 25 at 19:19 hours. No units availabale whatsoever.

7:38pm - Disturbance. 18X1 N Lawndale. Guys swearing in front.

8:01pm - Narcotics. 21X4 N Springfield. People smoking marijuana.

8:02pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).