Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beat 2523 Meeting Last Night (5-26-10)

Good morning, everyone. The Beat 2523 CAPS meeting is still popular. Lots of people attended, as usual.

The old issues that were talked about from last month's meeting was the one on Davlin, then there was one I brought up and there was one on Kenneth. The one on Kenneth had issues with dog fighting. Officer Flores said that the police have checked out all three of the issues.

New problems:

  • At the corner of George and Avers, as some of you know, there's been a lot of problems with gangs. There were four shootings within the last month there. They also sell drugs and loiter on the corners. We had a pretty long discussion about it, but it was well worth it, I think. This corner's been a thug corner for far too long. I don't remember too well of what all was said about it, but it was a really good discussion.
  • On Belmont, there's been problems with burglaries and lots of noises from cars.
  • At Diversey and Ridgeway, there's been two guys by the, now, closed bar (from what I'm told), flashing gang signs and stuff. This is common in the afternoons.
  • On Hamlin, there's a problem with drunks doing what they do (peeing on the ground, drinking, etc.) at an abandoned property.
Other observations:
> I am told by Officer Flores that the Mobile Strike Force unit WILL be patroling this area this summer, particulary the corner of George and Avers.
> Residents were asking the police about hot-spot corners. They were asking if possibly George and Avers could be one. The Sergeant on 2520 (Sgt. Weiglein had another Beat meeting tonight) said that our area will never get that lucky, to have one of those, because basically, we're better off then some of the other areas in our District. I'd just like to say, that's very true.
> Our area IS a gang conflict area. The boundaries are Belmont-Diversey-Pulaski-Ridgeway. That means that the patrols will increase in the area, but only a little bit.
> Alderman Reboyras (30th) was there, and he listened carefully (and I know he did, I sat next to him the entire time. Just saying for those who think otherwise) to the issues. He also participated a lot in the meeting, which impresses me. Thanks for coming out, Alderman!
> The most incidents took place in the 3000 block of North Milwaukee. The most crimes were, again, battery (19 reported incidents), theft (18 reported incidents) and motor vehicle theft (12 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Thursdays and Fridays. Most incidents took place on the street (39 reported incidents) and in residences (11 reported incidents). The most incidents took place in the 11am, 7pm and 9pm hours.

As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. We are making progress for sure, I think, but a lot of work still needs to be done. It's good to see all of the familiar faces and new faces. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! We need all of the help we can get.

Thank you,

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