Friday, March 26, 2010

Traffic Accident On Keystone

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 5:01pm. Happy Friday to all. I am so thankful to be off of school until April 5 starting today. I get one week away from there. It feels good. Anyway, I'm feeling much better today. The toothache has gone down a lot, but it still throbs from time to time. Also, tomorrow, I'm taking a break from the blog. I'd like to enjoy my first day off. Then on Sunday, I'll be listening to another Zone. I'll be back on Monday. Tonight, I'll be monitoring until midnight. Here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

5:51pm - Traffic accident. 2057 N Keystone.

5:58pm - Disturbance. 3025 N Pulaski. At Subway. Male Black, 49 yrs old, panhandling in front.

5:59pm - Hold up alarm. 3034 N Pulaski. At the laundromat.

6:12pm - Beat car 2525 has a male suffering from a seizure in his car at 1826 N Central Park. EMS is being requested.

6:46pm - Foot chase. Diversey and Avers. In Koz Park. Male Black wearing a black hoodie and pants is running towards Diversey. He cut through the park.

6:47pm - Offender is in custody. 2563Eddie had the chase.

6:52pm - EMS run. 3706 W Armitage. Male passed out on the floor inside.

7:29pm - EMS run. 2334 N Kedvale. Male laying in the garbage cans in the alley.

7:33pm - The 7:29pm job is coded. EMS isn't needed because ... well, it's a statue.

7:43pm - Robbery. 4058 W Armitage. Caller was jumped on and had their money taken.

9:57pm - Battery. 3086 N Milwaukee. A beating just occurred inside Bristol's.

10:05pm - Violation order of protection. 1813 N Lawndale.

10:07pm - Disturbance. 3101 N Milwaukee. Allegedly, the bar refuses to serve the caller because of their race (they're not White or Polish).

10:15pm - Wanted from the 10:05pm job is a Renee Perez who is a male Hispanic. He's 43-45 yrs old, short hair, wearing all black. He fled in a 2-door Toyota with a temporary plate of 684L549.

10:16pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 10:05pm job. It's HS227599 with the event number of 17767.

10:17pm - Battery. 3031 N Avers. Complainant, who's possibly drunk, said someone slapped them in the face.

10:28pm - (Domestic?) battery. Harding and George. Male was seen hitting a female, then he punched his car. There's a child on scene.

10:41pm - Suspicious vehicle. 2914 N Ridgeway. Five occupants in a black vehicle.

11:06pm - Shots Fired. 43X2 W Wrightwood. They're coming from a car that's ramming another car.

11:07pm - Couple of calls coming in on the 11:06pm job. Also coming in as Kildare and Wrightwood. This is from an accident. Smoke is coming from one car that hit a pole. Gangbangers are supposedly shooting.

11:08pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:06/11:07pm jobs.

11:22pm - Assault. 3801 W Belmont. At Dunkin Donuts. About five people, who allegedly know the caller, tried to jump in through the drive thru window to jump on them.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. Have a good weekend, everyone :). I'll be back on Monday.


  1. When this blog isn't depressing, it is totally hilarious and makes me smile. I love the entries about the supposed man laying in the garbage can. Can you imagine the EMS rushing over there to see it's a statue? FUNNY!!!!! Take care, we love your blog, hope your tooth is ok!! Erica

  2. Thanks for the comment, Erica. Yes, that whole statue thing was funny. I was cracking up at it. As for my tooth, it's fine now. Thanks for asking.
