Thursday, March 25, 2010

Burglar Alarm On Wrightwood

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 2:55pm. I'm home early today. That's because nearly all of the kids on my bus didn't go to school. I'm glad to be home, because it sure is cold outside. It's supposed to get into the 20s tonight. Anyway, I still have a toothache. Third day of it now. I'll be going to the dentist probably sometime next week. Also, tomorrow is my last day of school for a week. We've got Spring Break coming up, which I'm very excited for. Here's crime until 5:01pm (when I'll stop monitoring).

3:09pm - Burglar alarm. 3905 W Wrightwood.

3:37pm - Burglar alarm. 2X36 N Lawndale.

4:07pm - EMS run turned domestic disturbance. 4104 W Oakdale. CFD was on scene for a sick patient and they walked into a domestic on scene.

4:10pm - Domestic disturbance. 2922 N Avers. Boyfriend/girlfriend issues.

4:38pm - Traffic accident. Hamlin and Fullerton. In one of the alleys.

4:53pm - Parker. 2415 N Pulaski. During rush hour.

5:01pm - I'm gone for the night. Will be back tomorrow. Good night :).


  1. Hey Timmy-

    Your site got a plug on Chicago real estate blog "Cribchatter" yesterday--

    Thought you might be interested!

    Thanks as always for your great work.


  2. Thanks for the link, odc. It was interesting. But I hate to say it, the indivual is a little misguided, because I do actually cover LS and Avondale. I just cover the western end of the two neighborhoods. But they're right, I do cover a little west of LS/Avondale.

    Thanks for the comment.
