Friday, February 5, 2010

Male Doesn't Pay Cab Fire On Monticello

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:05am. TGIF! The weekend's coming. Good. Well, even though the schedule at school is nearly similar to the one yesterday, I'm still going to school. I just need to make it through the 8 hours, then I'll be done 'til Monday. Anyway, I'm monitoring this evening for only a little while (from 4:47pm to about 7pm). At 7, I'm going to take a little nap then at 8, I'm going to monitor another Zone for personal reasons through the overnight hours. So, here's crime before I leave and for this afternoon/early evening.

6:14am - Theft. 1726 N Monticello. Male Asian took off without paying the cab fare.

6:40am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later.

4:47pm - Good afternoon, folks. Here I am.

4:51pm - Criminal damage in progress. 1953 N Monticello. Five to seven male Hispanic teens in black hoodies with baseball bats just threw firecrackers at the window.

5:03pm - Beat car 2534 needs a couple of more cars at the 4:51pm job. They've got four of seven teens on the hood. Their location is 1928 N Monticello.

5:37pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

5:39pm - EMS run. 3121 N Milwaukee. Drunk guy has a medical emergency.

6:08pm - 1) Assault. 2986 N Milwaukee. Caller got threatened at Virigina and Joe's bar. 2) Hold-up alarm. 3756 W Lyndale. At Lyndale Foods. Key chain motion.

6:12pm - Lyndale Foods was a bona fide robbery. Beat car 2525 is on scene. Trying to some information. A Spanish speaker is needed.

6:15pm - Wanted from the robbery at Lyndale Foods is a male Hispanic, 40s, black hoodie. He had a dark colored revolver, he took $60-70 and he fled in an unknown direction.

6:20pm - Some more information has came out on the Lyndale robbery. The guy had facial hair and a beard which was short and grey colored. He also had a small black plastic bag in which he put the money in.

6:23pm - Nothing was touched in the store and there's no working cameras.

6:30pm - The 2986 Milwaukee job is coded. The guy's a little goofy. Also, the bar has an up-to-date license.

6:45pm - Vandalism. 1921 N Springfield. A car parked in front has gang signs on it.

6:46pm - Gang disturbance. 3800 W North. Gang members in the building causing problems.

7:05 to 7:23pm - I wasn't paying attention. Sorry.

7:24pm - Burglar report. 2635 N Harding.

7:37pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 7:24pm job. It's HS152986 with the event number of 13888.

7:50pm - Domestic disturbance. 3752 W Shakespeare.

7:51pm - Domestic disturbance. Armitage and Lawndale. The boyfriend stole the purse.

7:59pm - Battery in progress. 3713 W Belmont. Male fighting a female in front. Couple of calls coming in.

8:00pm - I'm going to go for the night. See you all tomorrow.

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