Saturday, February 6, 2010

Commerical Alarm On Avers

Good morning, everyone, it's 10am. I'll be monitoring 25 all day today. I will not be monitoring tomorrow, though. I'm monitoring a different Zone for personal reasons. Anyway, today is supposed to be cloudy with highs in the 20s. There's nothing else to say, so here's crime for today.

10:43am - Commerical alarm. 2550 N Avers.

11:10am - Traffic accident. Wrightwood and Monticello. Caller's car was hit overnight.

12:03pm - Domestic disturbance. 2533 N Lowell. Boyfriend needs to be removed.

12:26pm - Disturbance. 3658 W Wrightwood. Problem with the laundromat attendant.

12:33pm - The 12:26pm job is coded 5Frank. Caller got upset because the washing machine stopped working. The officer who responded to this said if the caller calls back, Dispatch needs to send him back.

1:00pm - Disturbance. 3067 N Milwaukee. Problem with someone who refuses to leave.

1:33pm - Car alarm. 3730 W Palmer.

2:40pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

3:12pm - Alarm. 2422 N Kildare. Garage motion.

4:07pm - EMS run. 3033 N Avers. Caller woke up to find his roommate dead. That's the only information they gave to the call taker.

4:28pm - Nobody's dead from the 4:07pm job. But, someone's going to the ER.

5:42pm - They're calling back on the 4:07pm job. The caller and the roommate are having a domestic. Officer says there's really nothing they can do but they'll go back.

5:43pm - Criminal Damage in progress. 1800 N Springfield. Three to four guys tagging the business. They've got black hoodies.

5:49pm - Domestic disturbance. 3753 W Fullerton. Problem with the ex.

6:06pm - The 4:07/5:42pm jobs are coded. The guys are drunk. There's nothing more the police can do, so it'll be coded 19P for the rest of the night.

6:10pm - Disturbance. 3121 N Milwaukee. Problem with a drunk at Red Apple. Can anybody guess who called this in?

6:11pm - Domestic disturbance. 4138 W Armitage. Caller is arguing with mom. They just want to get their belongings.

6:23pm - Domestic disturbance. 3810 W Armitage. The daughter's packing her belongings.

6:52pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3136 N Central Park. 13 yr old son can't be controled. 2) Suspicious person. 2119 N Avers. Male White, 20-30 yrs old, white coat going door to door, asking questions like "how many people live here?", "what are your ages?", etc. Um ... did it occurr to the caller that this guy may be a Census 2010 worker?? Nope.

6:54pm - Parker. 1800 block of N Harding. Premits.

6:55pm - Beat car 2524 comes down my street slowly with lights and sirens. I see a car ahead of them. They've got their flashlights on. It's a traffic stop.

6:57pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:15pm - I'm back.

7:32pm - Beat 6750 needs a unit to meet him at Armitage and Central Park. 2533 is going over.

7:50pm - Search warrant being executed at 3743 W Armitage. Council time is 19:49 and the event number is 14250.

8:06pm - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Lawndale. Something about a car being all over the road.

8:21pm - Suspicious person. 4021 W Belmont. At St. Joesph's nursing home. A male keeps walking in and out, saying he's looking for someone but won't say who.

8:48pm - Domestic disturbance. 2705 N Monticello. Problem with the boyfriend.

8:57pm - Beat car 2523 is getting a "Suspicious vehicle" on the PDT.

9:30pm - Assault in progress. 4319 W Schubert. Caller is getting threats via telephone and can see people around the building.

9:34pm - Parker. 2600 block of N Lawndale. Premits.

10:21pm - The 9:30pm caller is calling again.

10:31pm - Disturbance. Armitage and Hamlin. At Old Captian, there's seven guys in the back being too loud. Just a personal observation, but officers seem to be interested in this job. Two squads and a sarge going on this one.

11:30pm - Assault in progress. 2835 N Kilbourn. Teens in front threatening to break out the window.

11:34pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:30pm job.

12:00am - I'm gone until Monday. Good night, everyone.

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