Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hold-Up Alarm On Armitage

Good morning, everyone, it's 5:52am. Today is going to be quiet warm, with highs in the mid 30s. It's a good thing mostly but there's some bad news with that. Considering how active it's been, especially in the 4pm hour, for the last two days, who knows what today holds. I'll be keeping an eye on things. So, here's crime before I leave this morning and for this afternoon/evening.

5:51am - Hold up alarm. 3940 W Armitage. At 6:01am, the job is coded.

6:05am - Domestic Battery. 2053 N Keeler. Intoxicated husband beat up the caller. Caller is outside with no coat.

6:14am - Alarm. 3615 W Diversey.

6:17am - An RD number has been pulled from the 6:05am job. It's HS117668 with the event number of 02171.

6:35am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later.

3:13pm - I'm back. Good afternoon.

3:15pm - Beat 2573 is doing a premise check at the Red Apple, 3121 N Milwaukee. They'll disperse any homeless guys they see.

3:43 to 4:31pm - I didn't pay attention. Sorry.

4:42pm - They're calling back on the 6:14am job. Dispatch says it's been called in all morning.

5:02pm - Burglar alarm. 2815 N Ridgeway. Again? This is becoming ridicious.

5:10pm - Burglar alarm. 4110 W Wrightwood. DOC motion. Also, the cops over here on Ridgeway are leaving. It's unfounded.

5:20pm - I see an unmarked unit speed west on Diversey at a very fast rate, with sirens. I wonder where they're going?

5:21pm - Gang disturbance. 3649 W Belmont. Per the POD camera watcher, there's three of them flashing gang signs and blocking traffic.

5:27pm - Gang disturbance. 2400 block of N Kildare. Six of 'em representing.

5:52pm - There was some kind of job over at 4310 W Parker regarding a vacant building.

7:13pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:30pm - I'm back.

7:43pm - Gang disturbance. Harding and Diversey. They're throwing bottles at passing cars.

8:03pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everybody.


  1. Hello, just found this blog today, I wanted to say thanks for the work you are doing; it's great to see a citizen taking an active role in documenting what's going on in our neighborhood (crime-wise). Keep up the good work!

  2. Not a problem, anonymous. I enjoy having an informed community.
