Thursday, January 14, 2010

Group Jumps One On Milwaukee

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:47pm. Today at school was actually pretty fun. Well, today's warm outside. It's 40 degress right now. Anyway, those Reily kids were acting up again. They were fighting in the 3200 block of N Central Park, and a group of three attempted to throw snowballs at our bus at School and Central Park. They didn't do it but they did begin walk up to our bus in a threatening matter. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:47pm - Battery. Milwaukee and Belmont. Group of male Hispanics jumped on one. A few calls came in. The offenders fled east on Belmont in a sliver van with a plate of 8445428. EMS is refused.

3:58pm - Battery in progress. Monticello and Belmont. Gangbangers fighting over a chick.

4:31pm - Both jobs are coded 5Boy. No vitcims found.

4:35pm - They're calling back on the 3:58pm job. The chick was jumped by a male Hispanic, 15, black hoodie with the street name of Dwayne. He's a Latin King. He also jumped the caller's son, brother and husband along with some other Latin Kings. The chick is about 14 yrs old. Bunch of drama if you ask me.

4:54pm - The 3:58/4:35pm vitcims were found. I'm not giving out the location due to the fact this involves gangbangers.

5:24 to 6:09pm - I wasn't paying too much attention. Sorry.

6:26pm - Domestic disturbance. 1806 N Monticello. Problem with the husband.

6:44pm - Domestic disturbance. 3143 N Tripp. Problem with the girlfriend. Called in by a female caller.

7:01pm - The thugs are out. Belmont and Monticello.

7:05pm - Parker. 3601 W Diversey.

7:27pm - I have to go eat. But I'm not coming back tonight. Good night, everyone.

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