Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hound-Dog Barking on Davlin

Good morning, everyone, it's 11:49am. I'm going to monitor 25 until 4:40pm, then I'll turn it over to 17 until 11:10pm. Tomorrow, I'm monitoring 14. Anyway, today is not even going to get out of the 40s. That's cold for this time of year. Also, today is the Bank Of America marathon :). I heard it's fun. So, here is crime for today.

11:49am - Barking dog. 3104 N Davlin. Hound's been barking for a long time.

11:51am - Parker. On 2524's Beat.

1:05pm - Disturbance. 2024 N Karlov. Male on the roof throwing apples at people.

1:15pm - An outside unit has an unoccupied car at 3912 W McLean. It's suspicious.

1:18pm - Commerical alarm. 3900 W North. Midwest Supplies. Goggle maps shows this location as Magnum Insurance Agency.

1:34pm - Domestic Battery. 2534 N Lawndale. Babby daddy striking complainant.

1:45pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 1:34pm job. It's HR582487 with the event number of 08984.

2:45pm - Robbery. Somewhere on Springfield.

2:46pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Ridgeway. Motorcycle VS car.

2:47pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:47 hours.

2:51pm - I see a fire truck go by. It probably responded to the 2:46pm accident. But I live less than 1000 feet away from that intersection and don't see anything.

3:22pm - Parker. 2517 N Avers and 2500 N Hamlin.

3:32 to 4:32pm - I haven't been paying attention. Sorry.

4:40pm - I'm here with Zone 1 until 11:10pm.

4:55pm - Beat 1745 is on a follow-up at the Home Depot at Kimball and Addison.

5:06pm - Domestic disturbance. Roscoe and Lawndale. Husband won't let the complainant get their stuff from the car.

5:26pm - Beat car 1732 is getting a Parker on the PDT.

6:51pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:15pm - I'm back.

7:53pm - Burglar alarm. 3333 N Elston. There was a call here earlier (while I was eating), but it was coded.

8:00pm - Beat car 1733 is asking Dispatch to call the 7:53pm keyholder. There's three broken windows.

8:03pm - Dispatch got ahold of the alarm company but they refused to go down their list of companies.

8:08pm - The 7:53pm keyholder is coming in 30 minutes.

9:30pm - Burglar alarm. 3415 N Troy. Keyholder will be on scene by 10pm.

10:24pm - A unit is going in with one into 17 from 3330 N Lawndale. Council time is 22:24 hours.

11:10pm - I'm finished monitoring 17. I'll be back with it next month unless something real major happens. 14 will be mointored tomorrow.

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