Monday, October 12, 2009

Accident Near Armitage and Damen

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:25am. Today, I'm monitoring 14 until 8:00pm when I have to go to bed. I'll finish the monitoring Friday night. Anyway, today is going to be another cold day with it not even getting out of the 40s. I personally think we may get some snow today. So, here's crime for today.

9:27am - Traffic accident. 2000 block of W Armitage. CFD is requesting assistance.

9:40am - Disturbance. 2946 W Lyndale. Tenant's not letting the complainant into the building.

9:52am - Disturbance (shouldn't this be Assault?). 2920 N Milwaukee. Complainant was trying to get the rent from one of their tenants. When they went up to get it, the tenant threatened to hit them in the head and slammed the door.

9:53am - The 9:40am job is coded 5Ocean.

9:54am - A unit is asking for an event number for a gang loitering mission at 1838 N Washtenaw. It's 04558.

10:01am - Someone's got a traffic stop at Mozart and Fullerton.

10:20am - Suspicious vehicle. 1924 N Spaulding. Maroon 4-door vehicle has been there for a while.

10:23am - Burglar alarm. 2436 N Maplewood.

10:24am - Disturbance. 2912 N Milwaukee. Homeless male refuses to leave the rear of the building. Also, Beat car 1412 asks for a violence reduction event number for the Beat. It's 04997. A premise check at the train station at Belmont and Kimball also had an event number but I didn't catch it.

10:27am - Beat car 1412 doesn't see anybody at 2912 Milwaukee. 1413 is given a disregard.

10:29am - Beat car 1413 has a handwaver at 3017 W Diversey. Dispatch asks if she's ok and there's no answer.

10:30am - Beat car 1421 is going to the basement of 1812 N Kedzie to locate a Domestic Battery offender. The incident occurred about two blocks to the south.

10:36am - The 3017 W Diversey handwaver is regarding a dog running loose.

10:38am - The 10:23am job is coded. Also, a female officer for a search is needed at 1822 N Kedzie. 1431 is going (she responded to the 10:23am job).

10:49am - Burglar alarm. 1442 W Willow.

10:56am - Battery in progress. Diversey and Kedzie. Couple of calls are coming in. Group of males beating on one by the dry cleaners.

10:58am - Beat 1410 tells Dispatch that it's a drunk boyfriend beating on his girl over there. They're fighting in the apartment building next door to the cleaners.

10:59am - A slow down is being given on the 10:56am job.

11:00am - Check the well being. 1640 N Albany. The boyfriend was supposed to move in with the caller to the state of Pennsylvania but no contact's been made.

11:02am - A disregard is being given on the 10:56am job.

11:06am - Parker. 3140 N Richmond. Cars parked on the sidewalk and blocking the caller's garage.

11:08am - There's so many units over on the 10:56am job that an outdoor roll call is being held.

11:19am - The 10:56am job is coded.

11:33am - The 10:20am job is finally coded.

11:38am - Assault in progress. 2101 N Damen. At the Dental place. The doctor is getting threatened by a male in the waiting room.

12:17pm - Battery in progress. 2645 N Milwaukee. Complainant is getting hit by a male.

12:25pm - Theft. 2744 N Califorina. At Walgreens. Male stole stuff. He'll be back at 2pm to pick up his medicine.

12:37pm - Check the well being. 1719 N Talman. Landlord says someone called them and said they smell a foul smell from one of the apartments.

12:49pm - Beat 5494 is trying to stop a vehicle at Western and Hubbard. Going southbound. White custom car.

12:51pm - 5494 says the car's getting on the 290 Expressway ... wait. The car crashed. Washington and Califorina. Update, 12:54 to 12:56pm - Police/Dispatch chatter.

12:53pm - The 12:37pm job is actually at 2817-19 N Talman.

12:59pm - EMS run. 1622 N Califorina. Male is on some sort of diet at the breakthrough. He passed out. This also happened on Friday. Also, there's a non-drivable two car accident at Ashland and Cortland.

1:12pm - Burglar alarm. 1620 N Artesian.

1:20pm - A female officer asks for a gang and drinking event number at 2547 W Fullerton. Event number is 079XX.

1:24pm - Beat 1401 asks for a POD mission event number for the camera at Bingham and Francis. Event number is 08013.

1:37pm - Gang disturbance. 3022 W Wabansia.

1:39pm - Threatening suicide. 2150 N Hoyne. Daughter's boyfriend is threatening to kill himself.

2:03pm - Theft. Webster and Ashland. Male Hispanic in a grey Sudan took something from the complainant's car.

2:04pm - Disturbance. 2028 W Homer. Three males out in front causing a ruckus.

2:08pm - A slow down is being given on the 2:04pm job.

2:12pm - The 2:04pm job is coded 19P.

2:18pm - The 1:37pm job is being coded.

2:21pm - Beat 1454 asks for a CTA "L" check at the Western Blue Line station. It's 08953.

2:35pm - Loud music disturbance. 3217 W Diversey.

2:36pm - Disturbance. 3415 W Diversey. At the laundry mat. Male yelling at the complainant's kids.

2:48pm - A unit asks for a gang violence mission at 2900 W Lyndale.

2:50pm - The 2:36pm job is coded.

3:10pm - An event number is pulled from 2410 W. Logan, at the Skateboard Park. It's 09828.

3:33pm - Suspicious vehicle. Talman and North. Female White, 50s, 5'6, blonde hair drops something off in a car that comes by everyday.

3:36pm - Walgreens is calling back on the 12:25pm job. The offender's back. They are going to try to stall him until police arrive.

3:40pm - Parker. 3434 W Belden. A car is blocking the driveway and the complaintant wants it ticketed and towed.

4:05pm - Narcotics. 1700 N Campbell. Male Hispanic, black hoodie, black mask over his face and red t-shirt is selling.

4:07pm - Beat 1432Henry is doing a premise check at 3557 W Palmer.

4:39pm - 1) Narcotics. 1815 N Albany. Two male Hispanics in the late 20s putting marijuana in their mouths using a spoon. 2) Burglar report. 1729 N Whipple.

4:49pm - A unit has a stop at Avondale and Wood.

5:21pm - Disturbance. 1659 N Milwaukee. Dispute with a man who put a boot on the complainant's car.

5:27pm - Disturbance. Belden and St Louis. Two males loitering on the corner.

5:31pm - Domestic disturbance. 1907 N Albany. Father refuses to give the children to the complainant.

5:39pm - Burglar alarm. 2044 W Cortland.

6:08pm - Burglar alarm. 2341 N Sawyer.

6:11pm - Beat 1412 has a traffic stop at Bernard and Wrightwood.

6:39pm - Disturbance. 2100 W Fullerton. Group of homeless males under the viaduct.

7:07pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:33pm - I'm back.

7:51pm - Burglary in progress. 2522 W Lyndale. Complainant hears someone in the apartment.

7:58pm - There is a job at Medill and Campbell.

8:05pm - Injured person report. 2923 N Allen. Four teens hit the mom in the head with a basketball. Mother refused EMS. Shouldn't this be a Battery?

8:07pm - A unit has a handwaver at 1743 N Califorina.

8:10pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone. I'll be back with 14 on Friday night (8:10pm to 12am) and 25 tomorrow (from 3:32-4:32pm).

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