Friday, May 8, 2009

My observations on school

Hi, everyone , things were good this week.

May 4: On Monday, school was usual. Same old fooling around and stuff, though there was a girl yelling at and fighting with security about a suspension. They were also mentioning the possiblity of her being arrested.

May 5: On Tuesday, it was our opening ceremonies of Special Olympics, which is a marathon of sports which we compete with other Autisic kids/people. It was held at Soldier Field. It was real nice, especially when our school was acknowleged by the entire audience, speakers (at the welcoming speech) and the media. There was a TV crew there, though I'm not sure what station it was. There was rumor that it was NBC 5.

May 6: On Wednesday, it was our first day of Special Olympics. I didn't have anything scheduled for today, but I watched my fellow classmates run and cheered them on. I also cheered on some kids that I didn't even know. It was packed where we were but it seems to me everyone had a good time.

May 7: Thursday: Day 2 of Special Olympics. I got to participate today. I did the 100 meter run. I came in 5th place, but only because of two kids being faster than me and one of my shoes falling off while I ran, but I still kept on running. It was a bit funny to have my shoe fall off. It was great to be a part of Special Olympics today and I'm getting ready for the thrid and final day of it.

May 8: Friday: Day 3 (the final day) of Special Olympics. I did the long standing job. I came in 5th place again. Being at Special Olympics wasn't so great today. Lots of arguing and stuff. I'm also a little glad we're done because I got burned in the sun and my legs hurt a little.

- Thanks,
Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter

1 comment:

  1. congrats on your olympic performance! your marathon blogging continues to be appreciated as well.
