Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gangbangers hanging out on Monticello

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:53pm. Today, I did the 100 meter run. I finished in 5th place, but only because a couple of the kids were faster than me and losing a shoe while running (I got it back though). Also, due to the shots fired last night, I'm advising people who live in the boundries of Diversey-Hamlin-Miwaukee-Central Park to be extra careful tonight. With some idiots who live around here, shit might hit the fan again. Anyway, here is crime for this afternoon/evening.

3:49pm - Gang disturbance. 3129 N Monticello. They're loitering.

3:58pm - 1) Sex offense. Harding and Belmont. Two male Hispanics in a red car exposing theirselves. 2) Burglar report. 2441 N Ridgeway. No further information.

4:02pm - Beat car 2533 is doing a premise check at Armitage and Central Park.

4:05pm - Battery in progress. 3627 W Oakdale. Male Hispanic in his 20s with a white tanktop and blue jean shorts is beating a female. Caller also witnessed him dragging her by the hair down the stairs.

4:17pm - Suspicious person. Barry and Pulaski. Male White, old, bald with glasses in a '95 4 door Ford out of Prospect Heights with a plate of A817389 is following and attempting to pick up school girls.

4:18pm - The 4:17pm job is coded 19Paul.

4:45pm - Beat 2524 has an on view at 3522 W Fullerton.

5:04pm - Battery in progress. 3044 N Pulaski. Male Hispanic in a white t-shirt is beating a female in the Auto Zone parking lot.

5:10pm - Animal abuse. 3750 W Palmer. A brown and white pregnant female dog was being abused by a 4 yr old and needs medical attention.

5:11pm - Beat car 2525 has a bona fided burglary from 2441 N Ridgeway. Supervisor has been notified. They canvassed and ordered up the Evidence Technician.

5:24pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 4125 W Palmer. 18 yr old son is mentally ill. Fire en route.

5:31pm - 1) Traffic accident. Pulaski and Belden. Damage only. 2) Disturbance. 1814 N Monticello. At the playlot. No further information.

5:44pm - Reckless driver. Lawndale and Fullerton. Male in a car heading south on Lawndale keeps falling asleep at the wheel.

5:49pm - Beat 2523 gets a selling on the PDT.

6:11pm - Suspicious person. Central Park and Palmer. Male Hispanic in a red hat in a grey or black car with other gangbangers appears to be doing something.

6:22pm - Loud music disturbance. 2833 N Springfield. From the garden apartment.

6:23pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:38pm - I'm back from eating.

6:39pm - Narcotics. 4036 W Nelson. On the 2 and in the gangway.

6:45pm - Disturbance. 4400 W Fullerton. In the alley behind the grocery store, a group of males are being loud and rowdy. They may also being drugs.

6:50pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone.


  1. Congrats on the 5th place. That stinks about your shoe, though. You have a very interesting blog - keep up the good work. :)

  2. Where were the shots fired last night? Was it Lawndale & Wolfra, again?

  3. Anonymous 9:34, there were no shots fired last night, but there was on Wednesday night. I was just advising residents of the Lawndale and Wolfram to be extra careful last night because of the shots fired on Wednesday night.

    Anonymous 4:45, thanks for your comment! I was excepting to win 1st or 2nd place, but 5th is ok too. The funny thing is that even though that shoe fell off, I kept running. Again, thanks for the great comment.
