Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dogs without leashes at Springfield and Cortland

Good afternoon, everyone. It's 3:51pm. School was filled with drama today, so I'm glad to be home. Anyway, here is crime for this afternoon/evening.

3:36pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Springfield and Cortland. Two dogs walking with their owners without leashes.

3:46pm - Disturbance. 3125 N Davlin. Two males loitering.

4:06pm - Burglary report. 3924 W Altgeld. Break-in.

4:32pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. 5500 block of W Corochan. Male Black, light complected, black hoodie, 5'5 with a light beard is running east from Beat car 1506.

4:33pm - Beat 1506 lost the offender.

4:35pm - Recover the stolen auto. 4100 W Fullerton. No further information.

5:00pm - Battery in progress. 2641 N Avers. People fighting.

5:01pm - Sounds like a slow down is being given on the 5pm job.

5:26pm - Domestic disturbance. 2019 N Avers. No further information.

5:42pm - Narcotics. 3633 W Shakespeare. No further information.

5:49pm - I'll be right back. Have to do a quick chore.

5:52pm - I'm back.

6:01pm - 1) Disturbance. 2949 N Ridgeway. 6 males loitering. 2) Parker. 2821 N Lawndale. Lincoln has been there for a while.

6:14pm - EMS run. 2700 N Harding. Male has a hurting tummy because he's drank too much. EMS wants an assist.

6:21pm - EMS run. 3143 N Milwaukee. At Taco Bell. 75-80 male is down.

6:27pm - Beat 2573 codes out the 6:14pm job as 9Ida.

6:54pm - I have to go eat now. I'll be back.

7:07pm - I'm back from eating.

7:08pm - Domestic/Battery in progress. Barry and Central Park (3600W). Sounds like a fight or a domestic on scene. The Battery in progress call also came over as Central (5600W), but an officer says he sees nothing over there, so it's most likely at Barry and Central Park.

7:17pm - Beat car 2534 needs an assist car at 3804 W Diversey. They've got a carload of gang members from a nearby high school looking to start some trouble.

7:18pm - A slow down is given at the 7:17pm thing.

7:25pm - Beat 2534 is heading in with a TBD from the 7:17pm thing. They thank all assisting units.

7:31pm - Disturbance. 2954 N Lawndale. Male causing problems in the backyard which include leaving food out.

7:34pm - Narcotics. 1815 or 2815 N Lawndale. No further information.

7:41pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Pulaski and Dickens. Green Grand Am. 2) Narcotics. Shakespeare and Lawndale. Two male Hispanics selling.

7:45pm - There is no gangbanger at Pulaski and Dickens. Job is going to be coded out.

7:46pm - Shots fired. 1918 N Ridgeway. Male Hispanic who lives in the basement came out of the house, fired 3 shots into the air and went back inside.

7:49pm - A slow down is given on the 7:46pm job.

7:58pm - I have to go now. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow morning.

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