Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alarm at Blockbuster on Fullerton going off

Good morning, everyone, it's 5:45am. Today, we're going on a field trip to the Jane Addams Hull House. Hope it's fun. Anyway, here is crime for this morning before I go and for this afternoon/evening.

5:37am - Burglar alarm. 3634 W Fullerton. At Blockbuster. General motion.

6:37am - I have to go now. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later.

3:49pm - I'm back and Battery in progress at Fullerton and Lawndale. 5 to 6 gangbangers throwing up signs and shoving each other.

4:11pm - Disturbance. 3963 W Belmont. Problem with a male.

4:13pm - Traffic accident. Pulaski and Diversey. Disturbance on the scene. No injures.

4:18pm - Domestic disturbance. 3710 W McLean. 4th floor. Problem with husband.

4:26pm - Beat car 2525 needs an ambulance at the 4:18pm job for a 1 yr old who's possibly a vitcim of child abuse.

4:49pm - Beat 2525 notifies 2520 that the 4:26pm job is in fact a child abuse case. Relocating to Norwegian with the kid. By the way, .

4:52pm - Fire. 2545 N Avers. House in flames.

4:53pm - Suspicious vehicle. 3600 W Wolfram. Black Mercury been there 3 or more months with plates on it changing.

4:54pm - Beat car 2543 is assigned to the DOC tonight. Event number went on PDT.

5:01pm - Parker. 3600 W Fullerton. No further information.

5:05pm - Beat 2546 says he'll handle the 4:52pm job.

5:16pm - Beat car 2546 says that Fire informed him that the 4:52pm job is an Arson..

5:21pm - 1) Parker. 2530 N Hamlin. No further information. 2) Disturbance. 4238 W Fullerton. Problem with intoxicated male.

5:26pm - Beat 2546 says nobody's injured by the fire. Crime scene tape is needed, however, for the scene.

5:27pm - Disturbance. Barry and Lawndale. 10 to 15 teens on the cornering, loitering.

5:28pm - Beat car 2544 says there are no displacements from the Arson right now.

5:34pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Central Park. East of Central Park.

5:37pm - Beat 2593Tom says he'll respond to the 5:34pm job, but dispatch needs to let 14 know.

6:01pm - Wanted for Arson from the 4:52pm job is a Scott Georgeo (or however you spell it). He is a male Black in his 30s with a leather coat, last seen fleeing southbound on Avers with two bags, a suitcase and a coat over his arm.

6:02pm - Beat car 2523 is on a traffic stop at Hamlin and Altgeld.

6:03pm - Person calling for help. The cell phone tower is hitting off to the 2500 block of N Keeler. Woman crying and screaming for help. Sounded like she was being attacked.

6:13pm - Battery. 4418 W Fullerton. At the Spin Cycle. Unknown female pushed the caller.

6:15pm - Person calling for help. Fullerton and Pulaski. Female screaming hystercially on the phone.

6:17pm - Beat 2593T needs an ambulance at Fullerton and Keystone for a person that's having some kind of attack.

6:18pm - 1) The 6:03pm job is coded out as 19Paul and the 6:13pm job is coded out 5Eddie. 2) Beat car 2593T's person says they're having an anixety attack.

6:22pm - Gang disturbance. Central Park and Armitage. 4 of them loitering in the street.

6:29pm - Beat 2593T dupes out the person with the attack to Ambulance 48.

6:32pm - Battery in progress. North and Avers. Few calls on it. Males fighting in the street.

About 6:40 to 7:o2pm - I fell asleep, so I didn't pay attention. Sorry.

7:04pm - I'm going to go eat now. I'll be back in a little bit.

7:21pm - I'm back from eating.

7:24pm - 1) Disturbance. 3944 W Cortland. Some kind of wielding going on and caller thinks it's dangerous. 2) Disturbance. Wellington and Kostner. Problem with a male who speaks no English, has no money and is refusing to get out of the cab.

7:51pm - There was a domestic disturbance at 20XX N Keystone and a gang disturbance at Armitage and Pulaski.

7:59pm - I have to go now. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow. Be safe.

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