Saturday, March 21, 2009

Person robbed at gunpoint on Harding

Good morning, everyone, it's 12:19am. Today is the first full day of Spring. Today is also going to be a little warmer than yesterday, so crime may increase. Here is crime for today.

12:16am - Robbery. 2714 N Harding. Neighbor was just robbed by three male Blacks who took off in a red vehicle, heading west on Diversey.

12:28am - Loud music disturbance. 3640 W McLean. Loud music.

12:37am - Loud music disturbance. 2518 N Lawndale. Loud music.

1:00am - Stripping the auto in progress. Springfield and Cortland. A male is stripping a vehicle under a viaduct. This is the last call I'm covering for a few hours while I sleep, so good night, everyone, and I'll be back in the morning.

12:26pm - I've been back for about 4 hours, but I was doing other stuff, but now I'm done with that stuff and I'm here. Anyway, there is a disturbance at 3628 W Shakespeare. It came out over an hour ago. People are supposed to be arguing.

12:27pm - Beat car 2520 codes out the 12:26pm job as 5Boy.

12:28pm - EMS run. 3062 N Central Park. No further information.

12:57pm - Assault in progress. 3105 N Haussen. Group of males that were fighting earlier are still on the street, refusing to leave.

1:13pm - Beats 2521/2525 code out the 12:57pm job as 5Boy.

1:15pm - Beat cars 2523 and 2525 get parkers.

1:27pm - Beat 2552 does a premise check at 1747 N Springfield.

1:38pm - Beat car 2552 is doing something at 1800 N Springfield.

1:49pm - 1) Beat 2525 codes out her parker as 5Paul. 2) Beat car 2523 asks for an SOB Burglary mission.

1:54pm - Parker. 2400 N Central Park. Premits on the east side of the street.

2:09pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Central Park. No further information.

2:14pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Monticello. 15 gang members throwing bottles.

2:15pm - Beat 2523 says that it's just kids playing ball on the 2:14pm job.

2:57pm - Something's going down at Wrightwood and Pulaski but dispatch didn't say what.

3:04pm - Battery in progress. 3107 N Haussen. People fighting I guess.

3:18pm - Narcotics. 2525's beat. Nothing further.

3:38pm - Beat car 2505 asks to be held down at Mozart Park. Unknown why.

3:54pm - Beat car 2505 is clear from Mozart Park with a 19Paul.

4:01pm - 1) Assault in progress. 3743 W Shakespeare. No further information. 2) Traffic accident. Harding and Fullerton. Two cars. No injures.

4:44pm - Parker. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. No further information.

4:52pm - Reckless driver. North and Springfield. A red and a black car are speeding through the neighborhood.

5:03pm - They're calling again from the 4:52pm job. This time at North and Avers. Now it's a black and a white car racing each other.

5:12pm - Beat 2524 is doing a check at Koz Park.

5:19pm - Dang. OC discharge. 2342 N Springfield. Beat car 2566David needs a wagon for a combative person and they've sprayed mace at the subject.

5:20pm - A slow down is given at the 5:19pm thing.

5:22pm - Disturbance. Avers and Dickens. In Mozart Park. A white caddy has the caller blocked in.

5:28pm - Beat 2566D is heading into 25 regarding the 5:19pm incident. The wagon is transporting the subject.

5:42pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 5:19pm incident. It's HR228066 with the event number of 14118.

5:43pm - Beat car 2505 codes out the 5:22pm job. It's been taken care of. 5Paul.

6:09pm - Parker. 3610 W Wolfram. Grey car blocking enterance.

6:10pm - Beat 2523 gets a parker on 2525's beat.

6:17pm - Person with a gun. Mozart Park. 2036 N Avers. Two male Hispanics, one in a wheelchair and another one who is 16 yrs old and has on a a black shirt that has blue lettering on it has a gun. He's also wearing a blue hoodie, black jeans and shoes. They're near the baseball diamond. Note: Dispatch and a responding officer have a bit of a dispute.

6:23pm - A slow down is given on the 6:17pm job.

6:25pm - Beat car 2505 tells any other units responding to the 6:17pm job to disregard. Also, they want to know who called the job in. Anoymous did.

6:38pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 1644 N Central Park. They're trying to cancel but the police have to ride over there first. 2) Reckless driver. North and Avers. The black and white car are racing again.

6:39pm - Traffic accident. Lawndale and Palmer. Hit and run. A car hit the caller's car and fled.

6:44pm - Beat 2505 asks for the event number from the 6:17pm job. It's 15374.

6:55pm - I have to go eat now. I'll be back soon.

7:07pm - I'm back from eating and Beat car 2505 has coded out the 6:17pm job as 19Paul.

7:28pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Chicago and Pine. Subject running east.

7:30pm - Sounds like Beat car 6758George lost the subject from the foot chase.

7:42pm - Loud music disturbance. 4300 block of W Parker. Loud party.

7:44pm - Disturbance. 3118 N Milwaukee. At the deil. Male laying on the floor and refusing to leave.

7:56pm - Burglary report. 2818 N Lowell. No further information.

8:06pm - Theft. 3638 W Wrightwood. Two costumers left without paying.

8:20pm - Beat car 2525 gets a disturbance after their lunch.

8:25pm - Person with a knife. 3021 N Avers. Male walking with a knife in the alley.

8:32pm - Battery in progress. 3601 W Armitage. People fighting over a baby.

8:46pm - A slow down is given on the 8:25pm job.

8:50pm - Person down. Belmont and Milwaukee. Man down.

8:51pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Hamlin. People fighting in the street.

8:54pm - Battery in progress. 2911 N Springfield. Group of intoxicated males fighting.

8:56pm - A slow down is given at the 8:51pm job.

8:59pm - The 8:25 and 8:54pm jobs are coded out 19Paul.

9:01pm - The 8:51pm job is coded out 19Paul. Also, 2524 tells dispatch if there are any calls of a person down at 2990 N Milwaukee, they already handled it.

9:02pm - Gang disturbance. 3920 W Diversey. At least 10 gang members loitering in front of the store.

9:05pm - It sounds like the 8:50pm job is being coded out.

9:07pm - Another car is needed at Koz Park per 2524. Beat 2566David is right there.

9:12pm - Beat 2524 needs a wagon at Koz Park to transport three.

9:24pm - A unit is on a traffic stop at 2115 N Tripp.

9:26pm - Beat car 2524 is going in with three from Koz Park and 2573 is transporting. 21:26 is the correct council time.

9:34pm - I spot a unit speeding down Diversey from Ridgeway out of my bedroom window. It's probably a citywide unit responding to something in the 14th district.

9:54pm - Loud music disturbance. 4301 W Parker. Neighbors playing loud music.

10:08pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Chicago and Lotus. Male Black with a black jacket has a gun and he's running.

10:11pm - The unit in the foot chase lost their perp.

10:15pm - 1) Parker. 2446 N Keeler. Premits. 2) Barking dog. Somewhere on Hamlin.

10:30pm - Battery in progress. 3049 N Monticello. Fight on the 1st floor. Might be domestic related.

10:45pm - Disturbance. 2048 N Hamlin. Street fight, argument or party. Whatever.

10:47pm - Person with a gun. Fullerton and Central Park. A male pulled a gun out on the caller. There are 40 to 50 males gathered. The male who pulled the gun out has on a black coat with a tear drop on the right side of his face.

10:48 to 10:49pm - There is lots of confusement on the 10:47pm job. Dispatch says that 14 sent this over to Zone 12 even though this is supposed to be occurring at Fullerton and Sacramento.

10:54pm - It sounds like the 10:47pm job is coded out 19Paul. For "future reference", dispatch will inform 14 to keep their stuff on their side.

10:58pm - Domestic disturbance. 1942 N Harding. On the 1. Boyfriend/girlfriend intoxication issues.

11:05pm - Beat 2548 has been flagged down on the 2100 block of N Hamlin for a domestic disturbance.

11:06pm - A backlog has been put into 25.

11:07pm - Domestic Battery. Cortland and Central Park. Male VS female.

11:29pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 3627 W Dickens. Anoymous caller. 2) Beat car 2525 gets some parkers on the beat.

11:31pm - Beat 2548 has a traffic stop at Drake and Schubert.

11:34pm - Beat car 2548 ran a plate and it comes back clear.

11:35pm - Beat 2525 has a traffic accident at Fullerton and Central Park.

11:36pm - Beat car 2548 is clear from the traffic stop and now is on an open door at 2712 N Central Park.

11:38pm - They're calling back on the 10:58pm job.

11:41pm - Criminal damage in progress. Kildare and Fullerton. Seven gangbangers are tagging a truck in the rear of the restrauant parking lot.

11:51pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 11:35pm thing. It's HR228555 with the event number of 21732.

12:00am - Alright, I'm going to give my mom the radio now. Good night, everyone. I'll be monitoring 14 tomorrow, making up for the time period I didn't get to cover last weekend when I was monitoring 14.

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