Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day of Spring

Good evening, it's 6:06pm. Sorry I'm late, but I was doing other stuff and I took a nap. I'm glad it's the weekend. I'm also glad it's the First Day of Spring (which starts at 7:55pm tonight). That means school is starting to wind down and that it's finally going to be warmer. Anyway, here is crime for this evening.

6:20pm - Battery vitcim injured. 4050 W Armitage. The caller got into a fight and busted their nose.

6:22pm - Beat car 2523 gets a selling on 2525's beat and a parker on 2524's beat.

6:34pm - EMS run. 3121 N Milwaukee. Woman having a heart attack.

6:43pm - I have to go eat now. I'll be back soon.

7:05pm - I'm back from eating.

7:08pm - Person with a gun. Pulaski and Irving Park. An orange neon had males in it that flashed a gun. It is believed that this car is heading southbound, towards the 25th district.

7:47pm - 1) Criminal trespass in progress. 3124 N Lowell. Two female Whites and a male White are trespassing. 2) Beat 2524 gets a parker on the beat.

8:01pm - Sex offense. 2528 N Keeler. Two people having sex in a car.

8:30pm - Parker. 3127 N Lawndale. Grey car in the handicapped spot.

8:49pm - Domestic Battery. 2332 N Central Park. Caller was hit and has scratches all over their face. The offender is a female. She took off with her mother. Caller refused EMS.

9:44pm - Beats 2522 and 2573 are at Belmont and Milwaukee for a few minutes, talking to someone, I guess.

11:20pm - Gang disturbance. 3600 block of W McLean. Gangbangers loitering.

11:26pm - Loud music disturbance. 1700 block of N Springfield. No further information.

11:27pm - Vicious animal. McLean and Central Park. Vicious dog with a pink collar.

11:33pm - Something went down at North and Avers, but I didn't copy it.

11:58pm - Suspicious person. Wrightwood and Kildare. Dispatch will give out the narrative when the unit she assigned to it is ready to copy.

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