Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gang member breaks bottle on Ridgeway

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:31pm. Around 3:59pm this afternoon, I witnessed three gang members all in black fur coats yelling gang slogans when one grabbed a beer bottle and chucked it towards the bar at the corner of Diversey and Ridgeway. I know who exactly who threw that beer bottle. His name is Micheal Camarena. I know him from Monroe school last year. With an incident like this happening, I now know for sure something is going to happen. I don't know where and when, but I can feel it. I will be mointoring the situation very closely. Here is crime for this afternoon/evening.

4:00pm - Gang disturbance. 2450 N Ridgeway. 7 to 8 males throwing up gang signs.

4:02pm - Holding the offender. 1920 N Hamlin. At the Ames school. A student is being held for possesion of drugs. Note: This call has time on it.

4:37pm - The 4:02pm job has finally been assigned.

4:41pm - Disturbance. Wolfram and Lawndale. Several kids playing on the fence.

4:49pm - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at 2740 N Lawndale. Running a plate.

4:51pm - Beat 2523's plate comes back clear.

5:02pm - Person down. 2990 N Milwaukee. A male is down. EMS enroute.

5:05pm - Burglar alarm. 3742 W McLean. No further information.

5:24pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2968 N Lawndale. A male is trespassing.

5:26pm - At 17:45 (5:45pm) hours, an outdoor roll call is being held at 3100 N Monticello.

5:36pm - Beat car 2523 is going to code out the 5:24pm job because of what sounded like no call back.

5:44pm - Holding the offender. 3940 W Fullerton. Someone is being held.

5:51pm - Beat 2555 is doing a seat belt mission at Central Park and Barry.

5:58pm - 1) Disturbance. 3636 W Wolfram. Five males are playing in the church parking lot. 2) Disturbance. George and Avers. A male in a black hoodie has been standing on the corner for 30 minutes.

6:14pm - Suspicious person. 2968 N Lawndale. Male in a orange hoodie is going into the bricked building that has an abandoned 4th floor. He does this everyday.

6:21pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 3804 W Dickens. 15 to 20 gang members loitering. 2) Gang disturbance. 2417 N Ridgeway. 6 males loitering in front.

6:22pm - Domestic disturbance. 1627 N Lawndale. Sounds like the father stole the son's bike.

6:23pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Central and Congress. Male is running.

6:24pm - The male is in custody.

6:34pm - Child left alone. Fullerton and Central Park. Near the enterance of Tony's. In a white car with the brake lights on, two children are left alone.

6:36pm - I have to go eat now. I'll be back soon.

6:49pm - I'm back from eating.

6:54pm - Person calling for help. 4014 W Armitage. First call on it had a male screaming for help or something. The second call stated that it was a robbery. A male Hispanic and a male Black robbed the bakery.

6:59pm - Wanted for Armed Robbery from the 6:54pm job are a male Black, about 22 yrs old, 5'9, about 160 pounds and wearing a white shirt and a male Hispanic, about 23 yrs old, 5'10 and red shirt. Both offenders are believed to be slim bulid. The offenders ran west at about the time of the call.

7:03pm - Battery in progress/Shots fired. Wrightwood and Kilbourn. Males fighting, bottles breaking and several shots fired.

7:06pm - 1) A slow down is given at the 7:03pm job. 2) An RD number is pulled form the 6:54pm job. It's HR200263 with the event number of 11735.

7:07pm - The males fighting from the 7:03pm job headed south on Killbourn. They may have a weapon.

7:09pm - Some of the males from the 7:03pm job have white on while the others have on black.

7:14pm - Beat car 2561Adam has an on view disturbance at 1827 N Pulaski. Lots of hollering heard in the background.

7:25 to 7:48pm - I wasn't paying attention. Sorry :-).

8:02pm - I have to go now. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow afternoon.


  1. What do you think is going to happen? Are you concerned about gang problems in the neighborhood escalating?

  2. What I think is going to happen, ECB, is that there's going to an incident and it's going to be bad. I've already seen gang members outside looking rather mad and a fight (this was on the way home from school)involving two male teens, so something may escalate soon. I'm keeping an eye out though.

  3. Here is information on an early morning incident that happened on the 2800 block of N Ridgeway.

    RD number: HR200383
    Date/Time: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 05:50:00
    Address: 2800 N RIDGEWAY AVE Crime: SIMPLE ASSAULT
    Arrest: N
    Location: SIDEWALK
    Domestic related: Y
    Beat: 2523
    Ward: 30
