Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Crime blotter for March 4, 2009

Good morning, everyone, it's 10:25am. I'm in computer class at school right now, so I'll start monitoring crime when I get home. Have a great day, everyone, and here is crime for this afternoon/evening.

3:17pm - Alright, I'm back. EMS run. Palmer and Kedvale. On Palmer between Kedvale and Keeler, a male is on the ground or something.

3:27pm - Check the well being. North and Pulaski. Male walking eastbound stumbled into a car mirror and now the car mirror is on the ground, so the guy is probably bleeding now.

3:28pm - Assault in progress. 3607 W Fullerton. At Tony's. Female is threatening to hurt people.

3:43pm - The male from the 3:27pm job might be missing from the nursing home at 2450 N Central.

3:44pm - Beat car 2543 is taking the 3:27pm male back to the nursing home at 2450 N Central.

3:49pm - EMERGENCY on Zone 12. Beat 1511 has a 15 yr old male Black with dark pants and grey sweater is running east through the yards between Parkside and Central on Madison.

3:50 to 3:54pm - Police/dispatch chatter regarding the 3:49pm foot chase.

3:56 to 3:58pm - More chatter regarding the 3:49pm chase.

4:21pm - Ride w/ fire. 4436 W Deming. The kitchen is on fire.

4:38pm - Battery in progress. Fullerton and Konster. Gangbangers beating up a man.

4:39pm - Beat car 2523 has the vitcim from the 4:38pm job. Their car was stolen and according to a witness, it's in a nearby alley.

4:41pm - The vitcim was stuck in traffic when they were pulled of their car by a bunch of teens. One offender is a male Hispanic. The offender has on a black hoodie and possibly blue jeans. He has curly hair.

4:42 to 4:43pm - Police/dispatch chatter on the 4:38pm job.

4:44pm - Info for the police. Konster and Diversey. Male Hispanic, 15 yrs old, black shirt with a tattoo which is a teardrop, black hoodie and blue jeans is walking southbound on Kildare. Police think this is related.

4:45 to 4:47pm - More chatter regarding the 4:38/4:44pm jobs.

4:49pm - Person with a gun. 3054 N Avers. Male with a gun is pulling on a female. They just went into the buliding.

5:16pm - Beat car 2535 has a parker on the PDT on the beat.

5:35pm - Sounds like there's a gang disturbance somewhere on Monticello. Didn't catch exactly where. Sorry.

5:40pm - EMS run. 1827 N Pulaski. Male slumped over the wheel in a brown Honda.

6:05 to 6:13pm - I fell asleep. Sorry :-).

6:37pm - Per Beat 2550, an outdoor roll call will be held at 3700 W Palmer at 19:15 hours (7:15pm). All late rapid responses are to come. All are other units that are available are invited to attend.

6:44pm - Gang disturbance. 3640 W Shakespeare. Seven male gangbangers loitering infront.

6:50pm - I have to go eat now. Will be back soon.

7:16pm - I'm back from dinner.

7:41pm - Gang disturbance. 4451 W Altgeld. Two male gangbangers are running through the gang way. The caller is afraid and they're by theirself.

7:54pm - Disturbance. 2236 N Central Park. Neighbor just came to the caller's door, posing as the building's owner and attempting to collect money.

8:05pm - I have to go now. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, there was yet another shooting in Avondale.

    RD number: HR199071
    Date/Time: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 19:40:00
    Address: 2800 N TROY ST
    Arrest: N
    Location: STREET
    Domestic related: N
    Beat: 1411
    Ward: 35
