Wednesday, December 19, 2012

911 Calls In 14, 17 And 25 For 12/19/12

Good morning, everyone, it's 7:04am. It's a cloudy morning with temps in the lower 30s, and today will get into the lower 40s with rain and maybe even a thunderstorm. This is getting us ready for that alleged snowstorm we're supposed to be getting tomorrow afternoon and evening. Anyway, I'm monitoring 14 this morning from now until 8am, then 17 from 8 until 10:05. At 10:05, I'll be leaving until 5:42pm, when I'll return with 25 until 8pm. Also, I don't know if all of you are aware, but a change has been made to Zone 3 (home to 14) and a couple of District boundaries. Rest assured, all borders in 14 are still the same for now. However, there is no longer a 13th District (for now; that's supposed to become the current 25th) and the old 13 has merged with the "current" 12th District, making a new 12th District. 12 is now here on Zone 3 with us in 14, so when I monitor this Zone, I'll be now hearing calls from as far south as Cermak. The new Beats in 12 are actually quite small, with the exception of the 30 sector. But yeah, we'll see how that all plays out here on Zone 3, and here's crime for today.

7:38am - Battery in progress. 2701 N Milwaukee Ave. At the McDonalds. Fight in the drive thru.

7:44am - A disregard is being given. Beat car 1421 is on scene and people are saying it's over now.

7:49am - Parker. 33XX W Wellington. Car that's registered to an address in Hometown is parked at this location, it's a permit violator I think.

7:53am - Parker. On 1413's Beat.

8:00am - Here I am with 17 now, until 10:05.

8:16am - Burglar alarm. 3340 N Kedzie.

9:24am - Parker. 3800 block of W Eddy. Permits.

10:05am - I'm going to go until 5:42. I'll see you all then. Have a great morning, everyone!

5:42pm - I'm back until 8. Good evening, everyone.

5:43pm - FYI to everyone out there: those two escapees from the Federal MCC Lockup unit on Van Buren (I initially said the Cook County Jail, but I was corrected and stand corrected) were just spotted in 25, at Armitage and Grand. They fled east on Armitage then south on Cicero on CTA bus #1086. For those of you that don't know, two men escaped from the facility yesterday (or perhaps Monday?) and they're said to be armed and dangerous. A $50,000 reward is out for these two men. Beat car 2533 is headed over to the call to investigate, as well as 2522 and Beat 2520.

5:44pm - Lots of confusion between Dispatch and 2533 regarding the wanted man.

5:45pm - Okay, sounds like they've got him in custody. Cicero and Shakespeare. 2533 has him, 2522 is with them. GREAT job guys!!

5:52pm - They're trying to confirm which offender is in custody. 2533 is saying they have the Banks guy in custody.

5:53pm - Beat 6502 wants 2533 to confirm via looking at Bank's chest for a birthmark that was mentioned in the alert. 2533 says he's got it.

5:54pm - Beat 2501, 25th District Desk, needs a call from 2533 ASAP.

5:57pm - 6502 is saying that this Bank guy has a birthmark on his chest, by the left nipple towards the center of his chest. 2533 is going to bring him into the station to look at him.

5:58pm - 2501 wants this guy to be brought into 25. They're bringing him now.

5:59pm - Beat 2550, and 2533, are en route to 25 at this time with Banks. 17:59 on the clock. Dispatch has to document all these times, so that's why 2550 told her at this time that they're bringing him in.

6:02pm - Now it's being said that these guys were initially spotted at Augusta and Cicero.

6:04pm - 2520 is saying that Beat car 2524 is staying on scene with the CTA bus until a CTA supervisor shows up. With that, I'm assuming that everything is okay now, so back to the regular neighborhood coverage only.

6:11pm - Holding the offender. 1627 N Pulaski Rd. At the Walgreen's. Shoplifter.

7:09pm - I'm not one to really post my personal details online anymore, but I thought all of you should know that I passed both of my first semester college classes (English 101 and Criminal Justice 102) and received an "A" in both classes. It wasn't easy to do, but I did it, and I'm proud of myself for that. Now I can definitely sit back and relax for the holidays.

7:18pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:28pm - I'm back. Good evening, everyone.

7:41pm - 1) Traffic accident. 4400 W Fullerton. 2) Prostitution. North and Avers.

 8:00pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back in the morning. Have a good night, everyone!


  1. Timmy, get your facts straight please. It's of no service to citizens to put out inaccurate reports. It was the Federal MCC lockup downtown the 2 escaped from. Not Cook County Jail.

  2. Congrats on Passing the classes with A's!

  3. No need to apologize Timmy, we are only humans, unlike Mr. Perfect there! lol

    I appreciate every minute you spend on your blog.

  4. I was walkiing down Lawndale with my shopping cart and a homeless man was urinating out the window of a vacant house at about 2950 or 52? Why can't the police so something about all thoase vacant biuldings on our (2523) beat?
