Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! (2012)

Good morning, everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving to all! It's 11:50am. Ah, the Holiday season is finally here among us. I hope all of you are having a very enjoyable Thanksgiving with your loved ones and friends. I know I am. Sorry for no blogging over the last couple of days, but I am preparing myself for finals in school. My English final is on Monday and my Criminal Justice final is about a week and a half away, so I've been busy preparing myself for those. I'll be glad when I'm done with school for a while, though. This semester's been exhausting. Anyway, I'm doing very limited monitoring today, as I will also be spending time with my family on this holiday. I'm monitoring 14 from now until 12pm, then I'll switch over to 25 until 12:10, and then 17 from 12:20 to 12:30. I will most likely return this evening with some more monitoring, but we'll see. I'm also going to be monitoring on a very limited basis tomorrow also. With that, here's crime, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

11:59am - Beat car 1422 is doing a CTA premise check at the Western Blue Line station.

12:00pm - Here I am with 25.

12:10pm - Okay, I'm gone with 25. Will be back with 17 in ten minutes.

12:20pm - I'm back, with 17 now.

12:36pm - Ok, and I'm gone for a few hours or so. I'll see you all later. Have a great Thanksgiving dinner!

8:36pm - I'm back with 17 for a few minutes. Good evening, everyone. Hope everyone's had a good Thanksgiving so far. Now we have to get ready for Black Friday.

8:40pm - And just like that, I'm gone with 17. I'll be back with 25 and 14 soon.

9:40pm - I'm back, with 25. We've got a call of the permit parking violators on the 1800 block of N Harding.

9:50pm - And again, I'm gone. I'll be back with 14 in a little bit. Oh, and I just remembered. Tomorrow is the 4th year anniversary of this blog. Wow. Four years sure went by fast, but I'm thankful to all of my readers for everything they've done for the community, and me also. Thank you for reading, contributing to the community's safety, helping me, etc. I honestly couldn't have done it without you guys. Love you all!

10:00pm - I'm back with 14.

10:01pm - Disturbance. 2135 N Milwaukee Ave. At the Congress Theater. People in front loitering. Well, from what I know about that, there's a young adult party going on there tonight. College students, young professionals, etc. out partying the night away. I'm thinking this is going to be a problem all night.

10:10pm - Ok, folks, I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow. I hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday and will continue to enjoy the start of the holiday season. Good night, everyone!

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