Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Recovery Being Done On Barry, Foot Patrol On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:43am. It's a sunny morning with temps in the mid 70s. Today's going to get to around 100, with sunshine going away and being replaced by rain and storms. Monitoring 25 again today, and then tomorrow, I'll be monitoring 25 from 6am to 6pm with a midday break at around noon or so. This is because I'm going to bed after 6pm, so I can monitor (or attempt to) 17 on Friday for 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. Anyway, the CAPS Beat meeting for 2523 is this evening. We're meeting at St. Joesph's at 6:30pm. Please be there if you live on this Beat, especially if you live on the Ridgeway blocks and on the 3600 block of Oakdale. With that, here's crime for today.

9:54am - Beat car 2523 is doing a recovery at 36XX W Barry.

10:01am - Beat 2582Foot is doing foot patrol on Milwaukee from Belmont to Central Park. Event number is 05520.

10:22am - Beat 2544 is doing foot patrol on the 3600 and 3700 blocks of W Armitage. This is to target the drinkers that are down that way.

10:29am - And 2544 has an arrest on Armitage, for drinking on the public way.

10:44am - Commercial alarm. 3030 N Milwaukee. At the restaurant.

11:16am - Prostitution. Armitage and Hamlin. Female Black with a blonde wig and in a black/white dress is working the east alley, looking for customers.

11:26am - Criminal damage. 29XX N Ridgeway. Three males just tagged a garage. Retaliation from last night's roll call, I bet. Great....

11:27am - EMS run. 29XX N Ridgeway. Male fell and hit his head, he's bleeding. Possibly drunk.

12:35pm - Gang disturbance. 29XX N Ridgeway. Group of them loitering in front.

12:56pm - Person w/ a gun. 29XX N Ridgeway. Male running south towards George has a gun.

1:01pm - A slow down is being given on Ridgeway.

2:15pm - Suspicious vehicle. Hamlin and Milwaukee.

2:18pm - 1) Disturbance. Fullerton and Central Park. Two guys loitering in an alley over there, need to leave. 2) Parker. 4008 W Armitage.

2:21pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:21 hours.

3:47pm - Suspicious vehicle. 25XX N Harding. Brown car with two people has been sitting in front for several hours now.

4:34pm - Burglar alarm. 24XX N Hamlin.

5:06pm - Just a reminder for all of you who live on Beat 2523, but our CAPS Beat meeting is in less than two hours. Begins at 6:30 at St. Joesph's on Belmont.

5:50pm - Gang disturbance. 2900 N Ridgeway.

5:56pm - Beat car 2524 has an ANOV from 3923 W Diversey. Event number is 15543.

6:16pm - Beat 2520 is heading to 2523's CAPS Beat meeting at St. Joesph's. He wants 2523 to be there. They're at the 5:50pm job and they'll be heading over in a few minutes.

6:20pm - Parker. On 2525's Beat.

6:26pm - Beat 2561Adam is going to 2523's CAPS meeting as well.

6:49pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Kilbourn and Parker.

6:51pm - Beat 2561Charlie is doing a post-shooting mission on the 2900 block of N Ridgeway. Event number is 16287.

7:10pm - Beat 2561Charlie needs an ambulance at 40XX W Palmer. A guy ran his bike into a car and hit his hand pretty hard.

7:15pm - Beat 2500 is reporting that Dispatch's location for 2520 and 2523 is incorrect. She has them at 2021, not 4021. She corrected it now.

7:26pm - Person down. 30XX N Lawndale.

7:36pm - 2520 just left the meeting. He's clear

7:50pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

8:04pm - I'm back. Good evening, everyone.

8:35pm - Disturbance. 3633 W Fullerton. Guys drinking.

8:41pm - Disturbance. On 2524's Beat. Problem with a neighbor.

9:20pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

9:51pm - Shots Fired. 36XX W Oakdale. One shot heard.

9:56pm - Shots Fired. 29XX N Ridgeway.

9:58pm - Beat 2554 is giving a slow down on the 9:51/9:56pm jobs. They talked to some people on the street who said they were firecrackers. Well, that's a relief, I guess...

10:05pm - First Watch backlog in 25 at 22:05 hours.

10:14pm - Person w/ a gun. North and Avers. Male Black with a blonde mohawk, no shirt and blue jean shorts has a gun and he's standing with three other guys.

10:16pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:14pm job.

10:18pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. Hamlin and George. 2) Loud music disturbance. 24XX N Kostner.

10:47pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back at 6am tomorrow morning. I'll have a post up tomorrow about 2523's CAPS meeting this evening.


  1. There were bricks thrown threw the windows of 29XX N. Ridgeway, which is the residence of the parents of the victim from the Friday night shooting. Happened before 5:00 am this morning. Also the beige transport minivan had it's windows broken out and that vehicle belongs to one of the Deuces who lives just north of Oakdale on Ridgeway.

  2. Do we know if the victim was a gangbanger or not? But I'm not surprised about the broken car windows. The 2900 block of Ridgeway is a hellhole right now, and I feel so sorry for the people who live there.

  3. What is the reason for a "slow down"? Is it because there are already plenty of officers on the scene? Oh and 2900 is not a hell hole. It just has a few problem houses that need to be dealt with. Calling it a hellhole will attract unnecessary negative attention and cause more problems. Let's just continue working towards a solution, rather than name calling.

  4. The slow down was called because there were already officers on scene and those that were still responding didn't need to rush in with lights/sirens.

    As far as the name calling, as you say, I apologize. I just said what I felt, though. I'm just frustrated with the amount of violence and gang activity that block's been attacked with the last couple of weeks. What frustrates me more is that we needed the media over there last night. It should never get to that point, because our neighborhood has never had been that bad or had that kind of reputation. I don't live on the block, but it still frustrates me because it's in the community. I agree that we need to continue to work towards a solution, though, and I will do my part to ensure that happens. Hope to see everyone at the CAPS meeting in a couple of hours.

  5. The 2900 blk of Ridgeway is not a hellhole, it is experiencing a surge of violence because of a few people who have move in to the neighborhood. They are renters not owner and these issues can be handled and dealt with! To the person who called it a "hellhole", be careful because when we kick them out of here, they may just become your neighbors!

  6. Like I said earlier, I apologize. Sorry. I'm just frustrated. And actually, I've had neighbors like that already and I'm not gonna deal with that again. But technically these people are my neighbors too since I live a block away, on the same street.

    As far as this being dealt with, I know it's going to be dealt with. That CAPS meeting we had this evening proved exactly that.

  7. Not sure if this is within your district or not, but I called 311 today at 11:30am to report an elderly man washing a lot of blood out of a van in an alley parallel to Talman Ave and Lyndale. Wasn't sure how that played out but am curious if you happen to hear of anything.

  8. Timmy you have to start monitoring the hours of midnight til about 5am. Thats when all of the recent action seems to be happening.

  9. Anonymous 11:20, hmmm ... sounds interesting. I'll ask around. This happened in the 14th District (which is still Logan Square, which is one of the neighborhoods I cover extensively), which I do monitor, just not as much as I do 25.

    Anonymous 3:50, I've actually been thinking about all of this and those hours do seem like when everything's happening. But I've also heard plenty of activity during the day when I do my regular monitoring. Either way, I'm going to look into monitoring those hours for a few days starting Friday. I'll see what I can do. But I do start college in three and a half weeks and I need to make sure I'm on a schedule so I'm ready to wake up at the time I need to be up at for class. I will most definitely consider blogging overnight for the next week or so, though.
