Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day, 2012

Good morning, everyone, it's 11am. Happy Memorial Day to everyone out there. It's a pretty sunny morning with temps in the mid 80s. It's going to be another hot one, with temps around 90. Today, I'm monitoring 25, from now until 7pm. We'll see how it goes. Tomorrow, I'm going to monitor 17 from 9:20pm until midnight. This week, I will not be participating in any community-related or any other events, as I am taking my Senior finals at school, and all of my focus will be on that. This is my last official week of high school, and I couldn't be happier. My prom is on Friday night, and then next Friday is graduation. I will be taking about a week off from doing this blog starting next Tuesday, as I would like to just enjoy life and have some fun. So, here's crime for this morning and afternoon.

11:02am - Wanted from a robbery at 28XX N Avers is a male Hispanic, 6 feet tall, 170 lbs, on a bike. He has a stolen cell phone. Beat car 2525 is with the victim at their home.

11:14am - Beat 2520 is on a CR investigation at 20XX N Hamlin.

11:59am - Narcotics. 4100 block of W Fletcher. Male Hispanic, black cap, black jeans and blue shirt is doing drugs on the block.

12:05pm - Battery in progress. 1834 N Lawndale. At the YMCA. Female teens fighting in the building. One has on a red shirt.

12:10pm - A slow down is being given on the 12:05pm job.

1:01pm - EMS run. 31XX N Davlin. Female was just released from the hospital a couple of days ago and something's wrong wit her again.

2:04pm - Narcotics. 16XX N Hamlin. Male Hispanic, red shirt and blue jean shorts, is in the gangway, smoking marijuana.

2:40pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a follow-up investigation at 29XX N Hamlin per 2502, the 25th District Desk.

4:22pm - Report of an open hydrant at Fullerton and Harding.

4:43pm - Someone's getting locked up from Fullerton/Harding regarding that open hydrant.

5:01pm - Disturbance. 24XX N Harding. There's an open hydrant and a gold car is blocking off the alley so the kids can play in the water. People are spraying water on the passing vehicles.

5:16pm - 1) Parker. 44XX W Parker. Three cars in violation of permit parking #873. 2) Disturbance. 44XX W Parker. Five males in front drinking.

5:17pm - Beat 2505 is clearing from a traffic stop they had at 4400 W Wrightwood.

5:23pm - Disturbance. 36XX W Fullerton. Male in front, sitting on the ground, drinking.

5:34pm - Disturbance. 23XX N Monticello. Male was by the caller's house and in the alley. Not sure what he did wrong, but he may be a drunk. There is a problem with drunks in this area.

5:59pm - Assault in progress. 37XX W McLean. Caller's son is being threatened by the neighbor over some toys.

7:00pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back tomorrow night. Have a good night, everyone, and be safe.


  1. Who you going to prom with Timmy?

  2. With Memorial day its the start of all the goofs playing with fireworks. I can't feel sorry for those who burn their fingers with these destructive toys. Perhaps if the police did their job and arrested those with them (instead of stealing them for themselves) this nonsense would end.

  3. Members of the insane honky hood were spotted on 2800 blk of ridgeway causing trouble a little while ago. I called 911 and it rang about 30 times. Anyway, I don't know if the police ever came. We have to nip this gang in the butt before they multiply like gremlins. I think there the offspring of the Milwaukee ave bums. Any thoughts Timmy?

  4. Panos, at about what time was this? I live on the block and I didn't hear a thing going on outside. And I didn't hear any calls on it. How many were there and what were they doing? But yeah, I've been seeing a couple of new bums in the area.

    1. This was around 3pm. They were actually at the corner yelling I H H (insane honkey hood) at pedestrians and motorists. And they were no bums. All looked to be white or Hispanic in there mid to late teens. Speaking of the bums, we need to get a few cattle cars together and take these bums out to pasture.....once and for all!

  5. Im getting tired of people using autism as an excuse for their kids when the only real problem with them is that they are just crazy retarded goons. Timmy, im posting this because I take issue with what you said on an earlier thread regarding the cops that shot some goon with supposedly special needs.

    Parents need to realize that if your kid is a mongoloid then leave them chained in the basement at home and not have the public exxposed to them. The other day I went with my parents to Home Country Buffet, which is a real treat for me because I weigh 500 pounds and dont get to leave the trailor I live in as often as I would like, and my dinner was ruined. As I sat eating desert this one negro spazz wearing a bicycle helmet starting hitting me with a tray of fish sticks for no reason except he was retarded. It ruined my meal and now Im waiting to hear from my lawyer because I am sueing Old Country for 100 million dollars. If you ask me, the police should have a specialized team that executes retards and people with autism.

  6. No problem Timmy....they were at the corner of ridgeway and diversy. Have a blessed evening!

  7. insane honky hood? ive lived in the area for ten years and the gang problem is at its worst. the shooting on hamlin i heard from a guy at koz park was over turf and club gibons was the shooters. timmy do you know what race these gangs are or what colors they wear so i can watch out and call on them. i dont want my kid to be recruited by them like the cobras have tried many times before. thx timmy for all the info u provide our nice area, lets keep it nice.

  8. Hi Timmy,

    Why do you approve the negative, racist, disgusting comments that idiots write? I love your blog, it's wonderful, however, some of the comments that you approve make your blog seem less serious. I am sick of reading their stupid comments. Great job otherwise.

    1. Then don't read them if it offends you! You liberal puke!!!!

  9. This country has to rid itself of firearms. No other country allows its citizens to own such weapons of destruction. Perhaps that's why we have all these killings? Ban Guns, Now! That's the word for the 2012 election.

  10. Who are you going to take to prom? Whoever it is, he is one young man.

  11. Timmy i am new to the area and live on the 2900 central park and heard about this blog from a lady in my building and i have to say that u do a great job. when and where is the next caps meeting for us and are they safe to go to. i would always go to them when i lived in pilsen but some gang members would go to them also and harasse us. one time i even get beat up after a meeting by some of them because i was out spoken and would call on them.

  12. I'm sorry for writing what I did earlier on this posting. I drank way too much and was on the computer when I should not have been. Love to all and let's get our neighborhood clean!!

  13. Officer Putney is back!!! While I was riding on the back of my friend Raul's Vespa scoooter we saw her on Fullerton.

  14. Timmy don't forget the rubbers on prom night.

  15. Timmy, can you please post more info on this anti-violence march. I'm very interested and this could be a great thing for our neighborhood. Good luck with finals this week.

  16. Are you gonna make a Timmy jr on prom night?

  17. Timmy you haven't posted in a few days.....what gives? We're you out looking for a job? LOL!!!!! You lazy do nothing. Your a leach just like the rest of em, milking the tax payer. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  18. Timmy, I need the support of you and your readers. I have three NATO pieces that went viral, and anonymous commentors at a certain Chicago Police blog are waging war against my independent press operation. Can't name the blog here due to its x-rated name.

    see this new article:

    Those of you who support Timmy, I am asking if you would kindly come on over and help support me as well!

  19. There was a hostage situation at Milwaukee & California tonight... evacuation and all that..

    And I don't know if this was related but at about 12:30 I was driving north on Western at about Western & Madison, and we saw a HUGE number of police vehicles all driving south on Western -- THREE of those giant paddy wagons the size of buses as well as other police trucks and wagons of various sizes.

    Any idea if this was related?

  20. Shortwave is the town fool that should be called Shortbus instead. Stay off of Timmys blog with your liberal whistle blowing bullshit.
    I heard from the medic on scene that treated that troll that she was uninjured, so it doesnt really matter. Too bad she didnt die. From the looks of the comments on your own blog you arent very well liked. Now go back to fucking your mom and leave everyone else alone you fucking loser!

  21. This blog is really deteriorating when Timmy allows hateful, blistering, inappropriate comments to be posted here.

    Shortwave America comes over to ask for help from the community and gets treated like garbage by some poster calling himself Don Muraco who refuses to show his face and Timmy actually publishes that?

    "Don Muraco", just who the hell are you to bash someone running a legitimate operation? Haystacks Calhoun's comment is way outta line, as are the words of one Pat Conroy!

    Shame on all of you! People like Timmy and other Chicago area independent journalists including Shortwave America are not here for you to come over to bully hem! There are laws against what you are doing!! Timmy, use the law to your advantage and have some of these people arrested and convicted for cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking!

  22. Anonymous 1pm, I agree. The problem is indeed at its worst. As for the shooting on Hamlin, Club Gibbons was involved? But from what I know, they're the local bums in the area. I hope they weren't involved. If they were, that just means now we have bums and gangbangers fighting each other. That's all we need around here. As for their races, most of them are Hispanic, but I'm seeing more and more of the White kids in the area involved in gang activity, as well as a couple of African Americans. Most of them were either black, red, green and/or white shirts with either blue or black pants, especially jeans. But just keep your eye out on who your kid befriends and who they hang out with, and make sure to meet their parents if you can. I have no problem providing this information, I do it for all of the people in the neighborhood who want to make it better and safe.

    Hi anonymous 5:50, the only reason why I let so many of these idiots post is because I don't want people saying that I'm violating anyone's 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech by not posting what they have to say. Before when I tried not to post what they wrote, I had multiple people to get angry with me and accuse me of violating their rights. But at this point, I'm tired of it, so starting tomorrow (June 1st), I'm DONE with posting these kind of comments. Enough is enough. I know I keep saying this over and over, but I mean it this time. Far too many posts have been ruined by this minority of idiots on here. I'm in agreement with you, and thank you a lot for your honest feedback, I do appreciate it.

    Mary, I agree, and yes, she's back on the Beat. I heard her on the radio a couple of days ago and couldn't be happier. She's one of the best Beat officers this Beat's ever had.

  23. Anonymous 9:25, NO, not at all. Hell no. I'm taking a young lady thank you very much.

    Juan, thank you for your comment, and welcome! As for the CAPS Beat meeting, do you live on the west side of the street, or the east? Central Park's the dividing line for the 14th and 25th Districts. If you live on the west side, your next CAPS meeting is on July 25th at 6:30pm at the Copernicus Center (3160 N. Milwaukee Ave.). This is Beat 2523's meeting. I live on Beat 2523 as well. If you live on the east side of Central Park, you live on Beat 1412, and their next meeting is on Thursday, June 7th at 7pm at the church on the corner of Wellington and Kedzie. Both meetings are pretty safe to go to, but like at all CAPS meetings, it is safe to have your guard up too, for you never know who's attending these meetings.

    Haystacks, yeah, sure you are. I was real offended when I saw your post and did not even want to reply to it, but now I will. I think you and the rest of these trolling idiots on here are the real goons, not people with special needs. Have you ever worked with someone who has special needs? Or have even met someone with special needs? You and a lot of other people here have NO idea how difficult their lives are. I have special needs too, but I'm a lot better off than a lot of people with special needs, and for that reason, I really care about people with special needs and my heart goes out to them. People with special needs are some of the most courageous and positive people you'll ever meet, and what's funny about all of this is that people with disabilities are a LOT more respectful and nicer than some of these so-called "normal" people. As far as leaving these kind of people chained up in basements, let's leave YOU and the rest of these idiots here locked in a basement, and let's torture you. I won't stoop too low and say that you guys should be executed, like you said about people with special needs, but truth be told, you need to beaten for making a comment like that. That is just so low and disgusting, and is one of the most offending things I've ever heard in my life.

    Clancy, I wasn't planning on doing anything, but if I was, I wouldn't publicly announce it either. And no, there will be no juniors running around. I'm smarter than that.

    Panos, please contact me at for more information. I could use some help organizing it, actually. And thank you for wishing me luck, I made it through them just fine.

    Pat, you know what? Just read my damn posts and figure it out for yourself. I'm done talking to you.

    Anonymous 1:09, I actually did hear about the hostage situation over there, and I'll have a LATE (real late) post up about it sometime this weekend. Sorry guys, but I've been busy the last few days and will be busy through tomorrow. Also, anonymous, about those CPD vans, it could have very well been related to the whole thing.

  24. Shortwave, sorry to hear about all of this going on on your blog. Please just keep me aware of what's going on and let me know if you need anything. You have my support. Great video, too.

    Don, you may be a supporter of this blog and myself, but I have to say, your comment was not very nice at all. Shortwave has a right to comment here as much as you do.

    Anonymous 5:48, I must say that I do agree with your comment, but I also must address some points you made from my point of view. I do agree with you that this blog really gets awful when I do allow people to post these kind of comments (I'm addressing this in a second), and as the comment moderator here, some of these comments are downright disgusting. I agree with you, anonymous, that Shortwave should not have to come on here only to get bullied like that. But to address your concern about me publishing these kind of comments, I only publish them because I do not want anyone accusing me of violating their rights and then trying to sue me for that. They have freedom of speech, unfortunately. But, with having said that...

    HERE IS A WARNING FOR ALL OF YOU TROLLS AND "BULLIES" OUT THERE, AND I AM SAYING THIS ONCE AND ONLY: I have considered contacting the Chicago Police Department and having all of you arrested and convicted for cyber-stalking and cyber bullying. I can and will grab IP addresses, and will forward them to the CPD for an investigation, and if I have to, I will make sure that you are arrested and convicted. THAT IS A PROMISE. If you do not want to be arrest, sued and convicted, you need to stop once and all. I am not playing any more. This has gone on for long enough. You guys have had your rights long enough, now it's time for me to exercise MY rights.

  25. This comment page is now CLOSED. Please send any and all inquires directly to my email.
