Sunday, May 6, 2012

Female Goes Into Bag With White Rocks In It

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:23am. It's a pretty cloudy morning with temps in the mid 60s. Today will remain cloudy, and it will actually storm, with temps getting to around 80. Today, I'm monitoring 25 from now until 10:50am, then again from 8:45pm until 10:38. Here's crime for this morning and early evening.

9:49am - Vice complaint. Fullerton and Pulaski. Female White with blonde hair and black jacket keeps going into a bag she has and there appears to be white rocks in it.

10:16am - Parker. On 2525's Beat.


  1. bobbo, do you feel it's right to rip off a consumer? A drug addict has worked all day panhandling, scrapping copper/aluminum, washing windows ect... only to be ripped off by the dealer?? We need to legalize cocaine/heroin
    Most CPD officers who work Narcotics will agree.

  2. Worst blog ever!

  3. He's right Timmy your blog blows big time

  4. It's great when it's there, disappointing when it isn't. He does it for free. To anyone who bitches, shutup. This isn't a pornsite you pay $19.99 a month for that doesn't deliver. Smh.

    1. Like I said, worst blog ever!!!! Thanks for your support Chaz. Nobody cares what you think nw side reader. It's time to get back on my foot post.

  5. I think Timmy is wonderful and we no need this down talk by people who are in early high school or in gang. I believe that is what these people are who are being negative on blog.

  6. Timmy, most of your negative comments are from one individual with nothing better to do. I told my son to get a job but he doesn't.

  7. Actually, based on the pageviews data this blog is doing great. Throw some advertising up and you can probably make a small profit. Keep up the great work!

    (Also, trolling in comments is a great indicator of success. Detractors mean you have a large audience)

  8. Haters gonna hate, Timmy! Don't listen to them!

  9. Keep it strong my brother! Timmy you rule! Love this blog. Read it all the time and it gets me thru the hard times when gunshots are ringing down my street. Thank you my brother!

  10. Hello ,
    Long time follower... Don't let nobody get ur spirit down. You are always gonna have people who have something smart to say. You do a great job, & dont let ANYONE tell you different.

  11. Timmy, please keep you head high and know that the majority of us here respect and honor you among the best bloggers in this city. you do our neighborhood and city a great favor. Thank you and please keep up the great great work! Do not let 1 or 2 people out of the many thousands that read keep you down. There are only a few who are jealous and hate on your blog. They probably don't have much going for themselves anyway. You however have great skills and will get a great job after college. Please keep up all the hard work! Thank you.

  12. Great blog! I support you.

  13. If the writer of this publication so wished, he could easily only give certain information for free and ask for a paid membership to give paying subscribers / members those things that the free readers don;t get!

    Writing is a legitimate career, even if the writer is an independent author or freelancer. Those who complain about Timmy need to remember that he has done more here than most of you! What he does is damned hard work!

    For Timmy to understand the communications he hears did not come to him overnight. It takes YEARS to truly KNOW what you're hearing beyond just the calls going out and the units responding to the dispatcher.
