Thursday, May 24, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Possible Gunshots At Diversey/Kimball/Milwaukee

I just got this email within the last five minutes from EveryBlock from a neighbor who lives near the Diversey/Kimball/Milwaukee Ave. intersection:

"Just heard what sounded like a handful of gun shots around Milwaukee and Diversey. Did anyone else hear this?"

If anyone heard anything, please put it in the comments section, the FB page, or my email.



  1. I heard a handful of gunshots last night at around midnight and I live near that intersection, wonder if the two are connected?

  2. Timmy, perhaps instead of attending so many CAP meetings, this summer you can look for a JOB. If you put as much energy into job seeking as you do crime fighting then you would be working. I have several class 4 felonies & even I found a job.

  3. Its just the start of the summer's fireworks, nothing more. You'll hear it all the time. Folks go across into Indiana and waste money on these explosive rockets and firecrackers to just make noise. They all should be banned. Hell' even Americans can't even make them. All come from China.

  4. This blog is still up and running? I mean who needs to read about this after the fact. Anybody with a smart phone can get a free scanner app. This blog is pathetic. Whoever the blog operator is should go take a long walk of a short pier......absolute garbage this blog is!

  5. Dear Timmy,

    I think you need to do a ride along with Sgt. halprin. I think you need to see what the real police due. He's the baddest mother out thereon the mean streets of Chicago. He could teach you something!

    Your pal,
    Ken barnes

  6. Anonymous 1:56, I wouldn't think there is because of the time differences, but you never know.

    Anonymous 10:56, don't know what you're talking about. I've only been to one CAPS meeting this month and one community meeting. I've been too focused on getting ready for my finals at school and graduation to really be attending meetings. FYI, I've applied ALL OVER THE PLACE for a job. No one has called me back or anything, though. Believe me, I've been looking. You try being an 18 year old with no high school diploma yet. It ain't so easy.

    Dan, not everyone has a smart phone. We all can't afford it. Not everyone has money like that. Some people don't even have internet on their phones so they rely on their computers and this blog. And yeah, this blog is still running. It will remain to do so, too, until I move out of the neighborhood or life begins to really kick in for me.

    Ken, I've wanted to do a ride along for so long with the police. But I've seen what the "real" police can do. Sometimes it ends up in the cops overstepping their power and abusing it.

    1. Hey Timmy, do you support the police or not? You use this stupid blog to bash them all the time. Seems to me there's a lot going on in your neighboorhood. I don't ever see you out there responding to theses calls of 'shots fired' 'man with a gun' etc....etc. The police, especially the ones in the district I live in 025, are the bravest and most honorable in the city! Did you happen to catch any of the NATO protesters hell bent on destroying our city? Oh yeah it never happened because our police kicked ass when they had too. I didn't see the police abusing there powers against the anarchists. I think we have the best police department in the USA and they do a thankless job. Make up your mind Timmy. Your either a police supporter or a police hater. By the way,I'm not a cop. Just a gratefull law abiding citizen that appreciates our brave men and women of the CPD.

  7. Heh, Heh..... You could get drunk or act the fool and get a free ride-along in the wagon to the hospital. Those old fart wagon guys always love to transport ride alongs,,,

  8. 5:54AM, As a former drug addict I've seen what the "real" poleece do also.

  9. Timmy - Ignore the trolls (if this i what they do online, I can only image how pathetic their real lives are), keep up the great work!

  10. Dan, thanks but no thanks. Don't have time to be sitting at a hospital for no reason.

  11. LOL, Bill. Wow. For the record, I support the Department and the general effort CPD does to make our neighborhood/city a better place. It's exactly why I go to CAPS meetings, to work with them to make things better, as well as try to get the community more involved.

    Having said that, there are a few cops who I do NOT support, and there's reasons behind that. There's certain cops I know of that overstep their power and abuse it. There's cops who don't ride on calls that they're supposed to, or code the calls out as soon as they become aware of them. Then you got the cops who beat people for no reason. But these cops are a MINORITY in the Department, and as a wise Sergeant once told me, do NOT reflect the Department. The bad apples make it bad for everyone.

    But yes, I do support the Department and most of the cops. In fact, when was the last time you saw me bash a cop? If you have some proof from this blog, by all means make me aware of it. I do admit that I've said a couple of things about a cop here and there, but that's a rare occasion. A few of the cops who work this area can be very rude and ignorant, and these are the ones I refer to when I mention them. Notice they're always the same cops. But, as I said, I like a lot of the cops and I support them. In fact, I openly support them on this blog. I think I've said a lot more good things about the cops than I've said bad about them. Don't know if you read sometimes when there's a speed or foot chase going on, but if the cops make a great effort and/or arrest the offender(s), I'll be the first one to say they did a great job.

    I was actually one of the first people to support the CPD for their NATO efforts. They did excellent, and couldn't have done any better in my eyes. They were top notch at those protests, even when things got ugly. Personally, I was sitting at the TV cheering them on and applauding them when they were striking the protesters back during the scuffles. You're right that they kicked ass. Absolutely. If anything, the protesters were provoking THEM, not the other way around.

    For the record, I love the 25th District police officers, too. Well, most of them. A lot of them go above and beyond to do their job, and I'm sure to thank them when they do. When I go to my CAPS meeting, I often thank them in person for what they do. You're right, it is a thankless job, and from what I've said, despite the fact there's ungrateful citizens in these parts, a lot of them still do their job excellently.

    As for responding to calls, I've been considering doing that for sometime now. But I don't want to interfere with the police officers at the scene of a call and I rather let them do their job.

  12. Yeah Timmy, do yourself and the chicago police a favor and stay home and play with your scanner like a dork. Especially if you are afraid to see them abuse their power. Real cops break the law Timmy. Thats a fact of life and gets results. To the former drug addict whom posted he has seen police abuse their power: How many negro cocks have you sucked for cocaine?

  13. What do you mean you can't find a job Timmy? I've been working since I was 14 and I'm now 39 yrs young. Frankly your excuses about not finding a job are just that excuses. I was able to handle a job, 3 sports and high school when I was your age. Get off your lazy ass and apply yourself you turd. I would like for you to site examples of this alleged police abuse that you have witnessed. If someone gets there ass kicked by the police, I'm sure they deserved it. To the former....LOL! Former drug user my ass. We all know you still get high, Mr. Reuben couldn't have put it more eloquently. By the way, I'm no cop. Like Mr . Lumbergh, just another law abiding citizen. Keep kicking ass CPD!!!

  14. True story: Years ago I was stopped on the West Side buying narcotics. I admit I was wrong. I had everything in my pockets placed on hood. The poleece gave me back my wallet, phone but no keys!! I had to walk home near Roosevelt & Independence. Yes, the police abuse their power. Especially those TAC guys.

  15. Lies, there's no gunshots, only fireworks. Guns are illegal in Chicago.

  16. Harvey, I ain't afraid to see them abuse their power. Doesn't mean they should do it, though. And no, real cops don't break the law. Real cops are professional and do their job effectively and in a great way. Cops who abuse their powers are corrupt. I think real cops would agree with me, too, on that.

    Pat, what I mean is, I CAN'T FIND A JOB. Can you not read, or are you stupid? Damn. Learn how to read already. I just said I can't find one. You don't even know how hard I've been looking, either. So shut your ass. And you know what? I don't give a damn how long you've been working. Times were easier back in your day. It's 2012, dude, not 1985. Do you live my life? So yeah, then shut up, because you don't know how many jobs I've been looking for. Ain't no excuses over here, just the damn truth. Also, you don't know how far I go for school. My school is literally a mile south of Evanston. I have to wake up at 4:30 just to go there. I have a 10-hour school day, and then I have homework and have to bed in bed by 9:30 on most nights. I can't have a little of a life after a long day of school? And what do you mean apply yourself? What does that even mean? Of course I've applied myself, stupid. You can't apply for someone else. Finally, yeah, I do have an example. What about that bar incident a couple of years back when a group of cops beat up the bartender for no reason? Or what about the incident in Calumet City with cops shooting a 15 year old autistic boy? (yeah, I know that ain't in Chicago, but pretty damn close). So think before you speak, okay? Really...

    1. Hey numbskull, if your talking about the Jefferson tap incident it was a group of off duty cops who were provoked into a fight by a bunch of coked up traders. They didn't beat up a bartender. I don't know any of the facts of this autistic fella being shot. But if the police shot him as you say I'm sure he had it coming. How do you know how easy it was in my day? I'll work circles around your jerky ass. I don't know why your getting so upset. All I did was point out how inadequate you are. Happy memorial day.

  17. Hey look, it's supertroll Pat Conroy! I'm sure like the rest of you, I'm excited to take in his shallow, self-righteous comments. Because if you're mad with the world, what better place to channel it than comments on a blog on the internet run by a young upstanding citizen trying to empower others and make his community better! Shine on you crazy diamond!

    1. That's one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs.

  18. Pat, I don't know what you heard, but yeah, those cops did beat up a bartender. Re: the autistic kid, as a person with autism, I find that truly offending. Okay, the kid was having an episode, BUT, cops are supposed to have training to deal with people with special needs, especially if they're informed of a special needs person being at a call. Autistic people don't have the normal mindset of a "regular" person, and we never know what could've been going through that young man's head. Re: it being easier in your day, I never said it was easy, I said it was EASIER. Again, do you not know how to read? But yeah, times are much more harder now. And go ahead, work circles around me. As I said before, I have a disability, so I can't do a lot of things like a "regular" person can do. So like I said before, learn some facts before you spew hatred.

    Anonymous 9:27, LOL. Thank you.

    On that note, I'm closing this post to anymore comments. Can't have anymore trolls here.
