Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Squatters In Building On Diversey

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:17am. It's looking like it's going to be another sunny day, but it's pretty chilly right now, with temps only in the upper 40s. Today's going to get into the mid to upper 50s, with sunshine. I'm monitoring 25 from now until 9:30am this morning, and then I'm gone until Friday. On Friday, I plan to monitor 14 all day, for 24 hours. Let's see if I can make it through that. Here's crime for this morning.

7:41am - Criminal trespass. 39XX W Diversey. Three squatters on the 2nd floor of the building, arguing with the building manager.

8:05am - EMS run. 3953 W Diversey. At the Golden Nugget. Male passed out.

8:42am - Parker. On 2535's Beat.

9:23am - Disturbance. Fullerton and Avers. Aggressive panhandler.

9:30am - I'm gone for the day. I'll be back on Friday. Have a great day today as well as tomorrow, everyone!


  1. I saw church people inside the funeral home on George. Is it true the church wants to buy that property? Perhaps to turn it into a homeless shelter for our area destitutes? I'll donate a dollar or two.

  2. Chicago police step in it again!

  3. Let's just let the county take over patrolling our streets. Disband the Chicago Police Dept.

  4. All of this recent excessive police bashing on this site is getting annoying. I feel like it's one person using different names to try and make it seem like everyone wants to shut down the Chicago Police Department. Let's start looking up IP Adresses to prove this is a single person and make sure reasonable and educated people have their say. The real problem in this city is not the police. The real problem is a lack of responsibility, laziness and in the low income areas, the gang members and criminals. Let's make that 100% clear. This police bashing needs to stop. If you have a true issue with the police, take it up with your alderman and/or the Chicago Tribune.

  5. Jim, I have no idea about that place. All I know is that it needs to be shut down and stay that way.

    Anonymous 2:53, I read the article and was quite frankly a bit angered by it. That cop's an idiot. Definitely a bad representation of the Police Department. Hope he gets some disciplinary action for that. Looks like he should go back to law school, too.

    Anonymous 7:55, I most definitely agree with you. As the author of this blog, I'm definitely annoyed with it and I'm tired of it, but I have to publish their comments because I don't want it thrown back at me again how I'm violating their First Amendment rights. But believe me, I'm tired of the bashing. I feel the CPD works really hard, with no help from us "citizens", day in and day out just to make sure we're safe and get the services we need. Sure, there are bad apples in the CPD (we ALL know that), but they don't represent the entire CPD in my opinion. I've met quite a few cops in the CPD who only want to do their job and want to do it well. I agree that the real problem in Chicago is the lack of responsibility, laziness, gangbangers and criminals. I agree that if people truly have a problem with the CPD, talk to your alderman about it. And I'm going to figure out a way how to begin looking up IP addresses. Thank you for your great comment, I appreciate it.

  6. Anonymous 9:23, the County? Ewww. County's way worse compared to CPD if you ask me.
