Friday, January 6, 2012

People Doing Drugs In A Ford, Barking Dog On Point

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's a clear night, but warm as well, with temps in the mid to upper 40s right now. I think we might hit 50 or higher today, which would be nice, but at the same time, bad. The weather would be enjoyable, but that would probably send crime through the roof. Anyway, I'm finishing off my monitoring of 14 today. I'm monitoring 14 from now until the first call after midnight, then I'm done for the night until 8am, at which time I'll come back and blog until 8:30. At 8:30, I'll stop monitoring until 8:47, at which time I'll come back to blog until 11:25. At 11:25, I'll be taking a break until 11:38. At 11:38, I'm coming back until 1:15pm, at which time I'm going to be done blogging until after my dinner. Once 1:15 hits, I won't be blogging 14 for the rest of the month, unless something major happens, and I'll be coming back with 25 after my dinner. In that case, here's crime for portions of today.

12:13am - 1) Narcotics. Lyndale and Drake. Group in a gold Ford Taurus doing drugs. 2) Barking dog. 21XX N Point.

12:14am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.

8:00am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone.

8:06am - Beat 1495 has a traffic stop at Western and North Ave.

8:18am - Beat 1406Adam is doing a gang suppression mission on 1422's Beat. Event number is 03756.

8:30am - I'm going to go for a bit. I'll be back.

8:47am - And I'm back, until 11:25.

8:56am - Traffic accident. 2800 N Maplewood. Caller was in an accident and doesn't think they're drivable.

9:39am - Gang disturbance. Kimball and Wabansia. Three males running into traffic, throwing up gang signs.

9:46am - Information for the CPD. The call is coming from an address on the 1900 block of N Leavitt, but it states that someone emailed the caller to tell them a North Community bank is being robbed. There has been already two robberies (one in 14 and one in 13) to banks.

9:54am - Assist the citizen. 26XX W Altgeld. Caller is front, requesting that CPD helps them pick up a missing 17 year old cousin from this location.

10:01am - Beat car 1431 is coding out the 9:54am job. No one's in front.

10:03am - Traffic accident. North and Bosworth. Two cars, no injures.

10:12am - The 10:03am job occurred on the Kennedy Expressway, so lllinois State Police is going to handle it.

10:27am - Theft. 2838 W North Ave. At the Burger King. Male Hispanic, 40s, black jacket and brown hat stole something from the establishment.

11:20am - Theft. 24XX N Kedzie. Male Hispanic, gray hoodie and blue jeans stole the caller's red bike.

11:25am - I'm going on a 13-minute break. I'll be back at 11:38.

11:38am - I'm back.

11:49am - Some call on 1411's Beat.

11:51am - Disturbance. 24XX N Sawyer. Group of homeless people in the alley.

12:35pm to 12:45pm - There was probably a call or two.

12:55pm - Municipal ordinance violation. 2845 N Milwaukee. Something about an illegal vendor.

1:15pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back later. See you all then, and have a good afternoon.

7:26pm - I'm back. Good evening.

7:50pm - Criminal trespass. 39XX W Fullerton.

8:05pm - A unit is taking one in from 37XX W Shakespeare following a street stop.

8:32pm - Traffic accident. Central Park and Fullerton.

8:51pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Central Park. Hit and run.

9:38pm - Traffic accident. Pulaski and Oakdale.

10:37pm - Just so everyone knows, there's been a WILD foot chase occurring in 15 that ended up on the Eisenhower Expressway and the factories south of it. Three men were armed with assault rifles. Two are currently in custody, one is at large. Let's just say this foot chase was the most intense I've ever heard in my life. It's like something you'd see in one of those cop shows. For more coverage on the chase, please take a look at my other blog, "Timmy's Chicago Crime Blotter". Obviously, with all of this going on, NO calls have been dispatched. Instead, they're being sent to the computers. And, it might not be long until some officers from 25 are dispatched to help clear 15 out of the backlog.

10:47pm - Criminal trespass. Cortland and Springfield. People in a vacant building are trashing the place.

10:49pm - This chase is now over. I repeat, it is done. They've got the suspect in custody. What a great, great job to the officers in 15!!! This goes to ALL other personnel that help. You guys are excellent. THANK YOU for your very hard work tonight, guys.

10:55pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at 4100 W Fullerton.

10:58pm - Suspicious person. 39XX W Schubert. Male Hispanic, 6'2, white sweater, blue jeans was checking out the buildings and cars.

11:21pm - Suspicious vehicle. 36XX W Wabansia. Two males in a blue SUV have been sitting there for about an hour now.

11:32pm - Beat car 2524Robert is getting a parker, a loud music disturbance and a barking dog on the PDT.

11:48pm - Disturbance. 30XX N Avers. Male in the alley in a car causing some sort of problem.

11:57pm - Beat 2563Adam had a stop at 26XX N Kostner and is now taking one into 25 from there.


  1. Sounds like the typical nonsense calls. Barking dog? Guys doing drugs in a car? Is this is what folks call the cops for?Perhaps the mayor is right, the police dept. is over-staffed. To save the budget, cuts across the boards.

  2. Gang suppression mission at 8 in the morning? Man, gangbangers are all sleeping at that time. Just more cops doing nothing but hiding on bogus nonsense.

  3. Saw on a police blog they're gonna re-map the entire police district system. We're all moving to 13. But will we get 13's officers instead of the losers in 025?

  4. Chaz, while I agree that the barking dog calls are nonsense, I disagree with everything else ou said. Guys doing drugs in a car IS a crime, and no, the CPD is NOT over-staffed. They're under-staffed, if anything. I don't know what you're seeing, but we definitely don't have enough cops.

    Anonymous 8:43, I would say different if I looked at that 9:39am call at Wabansia and Kimball...

    Anonymous 12:15, do you have a link to this particular post that mentions us moving to 13? Or a map showing this? Where would 25 be at? I gotta be honest, some of those cops in 25 ARE losers, but most of them aren't. In fact, I like most of the cops in 25 A LOT better than most of the ones in 13. In my opinion, most of the coopers in 13 are almost as bad as the ones in 14.
