Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Traffic Accident @ Walgreens On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 11am. It's a cold morning out there, and a bit cloudy, but sunny too. It's in the 20s. Anyway, today, I'm monitoring 25 from now until 4:45pm, then I'm taking a break until 5:15. I'll come back at 5:15, until 5:54, then I'm taking another break. At 8:54, I'm back until midnight. So here's crime for today.

1:13pm - Traffic accident. 3222 N Milwaukee. In front of the Walgreens.

2:15pm - A unit was checking out the abandoned building at 2955 N Avers. Not sure why.

4:45pm - I'm going to go for a bit. I'll see you all at 5:15.

5:15pm - I'm back.

5:54pm - And I'm gone again. I'll be back at 8:53. See you all later.

8:53pm - Again, I'm back.

8:54pm - Shots Fired. 44XX W Altgeld. Three heard.

8:59pm - Panic alarm. 3924 W Fullerton.

9:05pm - Beat 2582 is reporting an open door at the 8:59pm job.

9:08pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Central Park. Group of males beating on an older male. They're trying to, also, run him over in a car. The car has a plate of K804006.

9:11pm - 2582 is giving thanks to Beat car 2521, as well as 2540 and Police Heilcopter #1 for helping him out with the 8:59pm job.

9:12pm - Open door. 2300 N Keystone. To the vacant building.

9:14pm - Beat car 2525 is confirming that the 9:12pm door is open. PH #1 is also flying over the scene.

9:21pm - The 9:08pm job is being coded out a 5Boy.

9:30pm - I have to do something important, so I'll be back a little later. See you all in a bit.

10:50pm - I'm back.

11:13pm - EMS run. 3167 N Milwaukee. At the Taco Bell. There's a man there who is saying that his girlfriend had been sick and now she's not responding to him after a few knocks to the bathroom door.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.


  1. Why did the police have to do those Pit Bulls like that? Shot them down & they were just starting to turn their lives around.

  2. I thought the city of Chicago banned people from owning pit bulls?

  3. I heard the PitBulls were going back to school and attending church. It's a shame what the poleeces did to them.

  4. No Mary LaNett. You again has been fed wrong information. Please verify all facts.

  5. Dogs are just mean animals. It's just like those people who want to own spiders, lizards, snakes, or any other gooofy pet. Animals and reptiles belong in the wooods or zoo, not in the city.

  6. Mary - tell that to the rats in our alleys.
