Thursday, December 1, 2011

Father Being Threatened On Harding

Good evening, everyone, it's 5:26pm. I'm really not in the best of moods at all. I won't really go into it, but my family's financial situation is worse than ever. I have to start working now. Don't know how we're going to deal with all of this. But I won't burden you all with my issue, and will provide this blog for this month with Christmas colors, so you all can enjoy the holiday season just a little more. Anyway, I won't be here tomorrow. I have an event at school that I'm helping out with and it's going to require me staying there until mid-evening. So yeah. I'll be back Saturday. Here's crime for this evening.

5:45pm - Assault in progress. 18XX N Harding. Caller's father is being threatened.

5:46pm - Battery in progress. Kelvyn Park. Gang fight.

6:30pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:48pm - I'm back.

6:57pm - Drag racing. Oakdale and Ridgeway. Black SUV and another black vehicle involved. Speeding north on Ridgeway towards Milwaukee Ave.

7:02pm - Gang disturbance. Central Park and Belmont.

7:11pm - Assault in progress. 29XX N Springfield. Something about the roommate and a stolen laptop.

7:29pm - Narcotics. On 2535's Beat.

8:30pm - I'm gone for the night. Don't feel like blogging anymore. See you all on Saturday. Good night, everyone.


  1. I've noticed that the beat (2523) is being over run with creepy white kids with tight pants and funny hats. Is this the new college trend?

  2. I've noticed that too, but I wouldn't really say they're creepy. Just a bit of a nusiance. But they've been here for a bit.

  3. At least they are not scumbag uneducated gangbangers criminals who can't read or write . Thank god for that. They are only white kids who don't eat much and dress weird. Harmless folk who are into odd music and art.
