Monday, December 26, 2011

Disturbance Call On Monticello

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 12:57pm. It's a sunny afternoon with temps around 40. Sorry I'm late today, but I'm just now waking up. I had a long night. I'm going to monitor 25 today, and monitor 17 tomorrow. Then, on Thursday, I'll cover 25. I don't have much to say, so here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

1:05pm - Some disturbance on Monticello.

2:36pm - 1) EMS run. 29XX N Ridgeway. Male overdosed on drugs. 2) Criminal trespass. 2031 N Keeler. Male entered the window of the vacant building.

3:14pm - A unit is pulling an RD number for a "2825" from 4300 W Fullerton. It's HT647XXX with the event number of 10083.

3:22pm - The Ridgeway call is a bona fide D.O.A. Man died of overdose.

3:55pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 36XX W Wrightwood.

4:01pm - A car is needed to head over to Ridgeway to protect the scene as the detectives investigate. 2525 will head over. FYI, 2523 is at OLR with the body.

6:14pm - Disturbance. 3045 N Pulaski. Problem with a customer inside the pizza place.

6:48pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:05pm - I'm back.

7:41pm - Battery in progress. 2100 block of N Avers. Three males having a fist fight.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good night, everyone.


  1. I hope everyone here had a great Christmas holiday! As I wish you my best, I was wondering if I may ask for a little assistance from you? Is anyone out here in possession of the radio frequency for Kelvyn Park HS?

    After looking at the FCC information for CPS, they are simply assigned a batch of frequencies to use for specific purposes, but it seems each school is on a different frequency.

    Thanks for any information!

  2. Bah humbug! Christmas is just a holideay made up by the stores and card companies.

  3. Mary, you misspelled holiday. Just thought I should let you know. Otherwise, I have no response for you.

    Anonymous 9:48, thank you! I, and hopefully everyone else here, hope you had a great Christmas as well. Mine was pretty good. But getting to your question, I don't have a radio frequency for KPHS. Maybe someone here does, and if they do, I trust that they will reply. About the information you saw, is there anyway you could please provide me with a link? I'd like to take a look at it myself.

    Have a great day!
