Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Person Calling For Help On Monticello

Good morning, everyone, it's 9am. It's a cold and cloudy morning out. It's in the 20s. It'll warm up into the mid 30s today. Anyway, I'm monitoring 25 from now until 12:57pm, then I will conclude my blogging for today. I'm also going to take tomorrow off, to prepare myself for Friday. If you don't already know, I'll be blogging from 12am to 12am on Friday, which obviously is an entire 24 hours. Hope you all will enjoy that crime report. Here's crime for this morning and early afternoon.

10:19am - Person calling for help. 25XX N Monticello.

11:06am - Support unit request. 40XX W Barry.

11:46am - Reckless driver. Central and Fullerton. Black vehicle with a plate of 6001683 is speeding east on Fullerton, recklessly. Just putting that out there in case the vehicle enters the western part of the coverage area.

12:57pm - I'm done blogging for today, and tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back on Friday. See you all then.


  1. Looking forward to the 24 hr straight crime report. If you get tired just drink some coffee or Mountain Dew. If you decide on college you should look into Journalism. You would be very good at it. Keep up the good work.

  2. whats the point of sometimes just putting up 3 or 4 calls might aswell not post anything

  3. Crime is down according to the police.

  4. Anonymous 12:59, thank you for your comment. I will be going to college, and if my intended major of Criminal Justice doesn't work out, then I will persue Journalism. Unfortunately, I don't have any Mountain Dew or coffee, and don't have money to buy any. But I'll try my very best with the resources I have.

    Chaz, that's according to stats. But we all know crime isn't really down.

    Anonymous 2:14, I still post the 3 or 4 calls I get because there are people who want to read the crime report everyday, no matter how many items I have. And, I don't want to be as seen as slacking off. I'm already not monitoring today, so I felt there needed to be a post for yesterday.

  5. Happy holidays. I just returned from a two week vacation in Floridia. I took the family to BuschGardens & SeaWorld. What a wonderful experience.
