Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Woman Crying On Ridgeway

Good morning, everyone, it's 5am. It's still cloudy and rainy out there. Today will continue to remain rainy and cloudy. Anyway, today, I'm monitoring from now until around 6:15, then from when I get home until 3:45pm, then again from 7:53 until around 9. Not much to say, so here's crime for today.

5:24am - Disturbance. 28XX N Ridgeway. Woman crying in the alley or by an apartment. Not sure if she needs help or is just upset.

5:39am - CPD is gone from Ridgeway. They say it was a drunk. It also could've been a man. Either way, sounded like the person needed help.

6:17am - I have to go. I'll be back later. Hope everyone has a great day.

3:25pm - I'm back for now. Good afternoon.

3:45pm - I'm gone for a few hours. I'll be back at 7:53.

7:53pm - I'm back.

8:20pm - Disturbance. 3720 W Armitage. Bunch of homeless people loitering in front and what not.


  1. Probably crying over spilled beer..

  2. Is anything going on with that case where the police shot an unarmed man in a vacant lot at Armitage and Lacrosse?
