Friday, November 25, 2011

Traffic Accident On Palmer

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:30am. It's the day after Thanksgiving, of course, and we all know what that means. It's the start of the holiday season and it's Black Friday. Black Friday is that one day of the year where people go crazy at the malls, trying to get all of the things on sale. So far, I haven't heard anything crazy happen just yet in the city in regards to the malls, but I'm listening. Anyway, I'm only listening to 25 from now until 9am, then I'm going to monitor other Zones until 10:15. After then, I'm taking the rest of the day off from both blogs. Here's crime for this short time period this morning.

8:38am - Traffic accident. 3900 W Palmer. Truck hit three parked cars.

8:40am - Anyone out there need a babysitter? My sister is willing to babysit kids between the ages of 5 and 12. She would like to be paid minimum wage ($8.25 an hour). Flexible hours. If anyone's interesting, send me a line at I will then get you in touch with her. Thank you!

9:00am - I'm gone for the day. May everyone have a great day and enjoy the holidays. I'll be back tomorrow evening after my dinner. See you all then.


  1. I think you should do a 24 hour all day scanner monitoring event. It would give readers a good view of crime from 12AM-11:59PM.

  2. I've been reading your blog for some time. FYI payed is misspelled. It's spelled paid! Stay in school my friend.

    Please don't do a 24 hour monitoring event. Leave that to the CPD.

  3. Anonymous 2:35, I've been thinking about doing that for the longest. I just have to figure out how I can stay awake the whole time, LOL, and try to cancel things I have to do. Who knows, maybe I might do it over the summer while I'm on break before college.

    Anonymous 2:29, sorry about that misspelled word. I'll correct it. But know that we all make mistakes from time to time, no need to get upset about it. And leave that to the CPD? How do we do that? They don't have time to be sitting at a radio all day and all night.

  4. Great Timmy. Maybe do that during the winter break. Drink coffee or Mountain Dew to stay awake.
